27//Too Late

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Chapter 27//


I gasped, snapping my head up from my sleeping position I had. I searched around to see that I was still at Stacy's apartment. I'm so dead...

Giving up, I decided to just tell him what happened. He has to believe me! He has to know about all of this...

Besides me was a sleeping Stacy with her head all the way back. And I thought Stacy was going to figure out a way to get us out of this predicament...

I wonder what time it is... What is Donovan doing? Is he trying to find me, or is he just staying idle?
I groaned as I felt a knot at the back of my neck.

I couldn't accept the fact that this was all true! Not just the William and Scarlett part, but there were also other victims! And we're the third ones! If only there was some way to put the ghosts to rest... And that demon... Then I could prevent that demon to stop haunting couples.

"Stacy! Stacy!" I shouted at her. She jolted right up and looked around frantically. Once she encountered me, she sighed.

"Stacy! I thought you were going to get us out of here?!" I exclaimed.

"Bitch I am. I'm not even tied up anymore." To my surprise, Stacy held up her hands and moved her legs freely.

"While you were sleep and being the lazy cunt you always are," she joked, "I fiddled with the ropes and got myself out. I was going to tell you, but I didn't want to wake you. That's when I fell asleep."

"Well, hurry up and get me out!" I demanded. "I have to see Donovan and tell him what happened!"

"Okay, okay." She got up and came over behind my chair. While she was messing with my ropes tied around my wrists, I looked around.

"Didn't the demon say he was checking back on us? I wonder where he is..."

"Well, just be glad he's not here, because we got to get you back to your man, girl!"

"It's too late."

Stacy and I both gasped and turned our head towards the kitchen entranceway. There he was, staring at us.

"It's already morning." He smirked. "Your time is up. Donovan will be giving you your punishment. He's waiting for you to return..."

The man let out a hard chuckle, smiling at us. "And I believe he's found a key to a specific door..." Wait, what?!

"You fucking didn't!" I cried. "What is the matter with you?!"

He laughed. "Oh, I can't wait to see how this turns out."

With tears in my eyes, I said, "I'm telling him everything that happened. He has to believe me."

"Oh sweetie, he knows the mysterious things hidden in that house. But you can't get through to a man who's in a moment of heat. He'll take you without you explaining yourself."

"You just watch. He'll listen to me." I protested, quite dubiously. Would he really? I knew too well he couldn't control himself when he was angry. But how angry would he get about this?

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