5//The Deal

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Chapter 5//

      "I'm a fucking walking paradox; no I'm not threesomes with a fucking triceratops."

       I parked in front of my house and took the keys out of the ignition. It was already 6:34 and I was ready to hit the hay. Getting out of the car, I made my way to the house along with the groceries in my hands.

      "I'm back, Donavan; I got groceries!"

      I expected to feel the ground shake violently, but to my surprise, the ground stayed still. Hm... I wonder where Donovan is?

      "Donovan!" I shouted his name, setting down the grocery on the kitchen floor. He would've been down here in a quicke once he heard I got groceries. I wonder if he's just messing around...

       "Donovan, you flabby son of a biscuit; get down here!"

        To my surprise, the house stayed silent and completely still. Now this was actually freaking me out.

     "Donovan... Where'd you go?"

        Getting my phone out of my purse, I dialed Donovan's number and hit the call button.

       "I'm sorry but the person you're calling has a voicemail box but--"

     "Oh, forget it." I hung up in an instant and signed. That's weird. It went straight to voicemail.

         Walking out of the kitchen, I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Whirling around, I was met with nothing but air.

       "Donovan..." I growled. I was not in the mood for playtime. He needs to pop up pronto, because if he doesn't, I'm literally going to have a B.F.

       I called Donovan several more times, but it still went right to voicemail. Whatever. He probably went to his home place 'Chick-Fil-A'. But as the time went by, I started to doubt it.

        8:50 the clock read. Damn, is Chick-Fil-A selling their shit for free? There was still no sign of Donovan. I felt like an over-protective girlfriend calling him about twenty times. What happened to not giving a fuck?

     In all the years I lived, this was the first time I was worried. Why? I don't know. I never cared for the faggot nor gave him attention before. The new feeling actually frightened me. Deciding to just kill some time, I was scrolling through vines.

     "Sweet Pwussy Satday... I'm mad wit dis pwussy today... This pwussy been---"

   In the comments, I put an emoji that had a mask on its face and I put multiple skeleton emojis as well.

       "Stacy has got to see this one..." I tagged her name and saw her reply.


      I giggled and watched more vines. As I was watching a vine, the vine suddenly freezed.

      "What the---"

        "You remind me of my bimmer..." My ringtone blared throughout the quiet house.

     I looked at the caller I.D. on my phone and widened my eyes. Answering immediately, I didn't even say a 'hello.'

     "Where the hell have you been! It's 9:32 and you're still not back here yet! What are you up to? If you got some food, I hope you got me something, because a girl be starving!" I blurted out.

       There was a moment of silence and I had to see if he was still on the phone. "Donovan. Tell me where you---"

         The phone started beeping and I looked at my screen.
      "Son of a---"

       The door slammed open and I jumped up. As I heard the door close, heavy footsteps made their way in the living room.

      "Finally you're back! I was beginning to get worried and---"

       As I turned around to look up at Donovan, my eyebrows knotted in confusion.

       "Is it raining outside?"

      Donovan only stared back at me, almost as if he was in some trance.

     "Hello? Earth to Donovan? Did you-"

     "No." Was all he said and he began to make his way in the kitchen.

      "Oh no you don't! You're going to tell me exactly where you were!"

         I followed him into the kitchen and put my hands on my hips. "Tell me. Where you. Were."

         He turned away from the refrigerator and looked down at me. His defiant stare took me off guard.

       "You know damn well to not get an attitude with me! I run things around here so you better speak up!"

        He breathed out his nose, frustratingly.

       "I went to go workout." He said in a robotic tone.

        "I hear complete bullshit! When do you ever workout?"

       "I decided now was the best time."

        I smiled. "I don't know why you're wasting your time. You won't lose one pound."

        I slightly stood back at the intensity of his stare. I don't like when people stand up to me. I'm not used to that. People should cowered in fear once they see my face. Shifting my weight uncomfortably, I asked, "So is that why you're wet?"

         He narrowed his eyes at me. "Yes."

        "Oh." Was all I said. "I'm going to go to bed now."

         I was about to walk out when his words stopped me. "You don't think I can get in shape?"

        I winced, not liking this conversation at all. "I guess. I mean, you'll probably pass out, because... y'know..."

        "Hm... lets make a bet. If I can get muscular in about a month, you owe me an award of my choice..."

        I scoffed." Okay. What's my reward if you can't do that?"

        "Anything you want from me."

      I shrugged. "Fine, I guess. But don't cry when you lose."

         We shook on it and then I left to go to bed. Oh Donovan, you're going to have so much fun cleaning up my room for a whole year...

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