- Prologue -

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Keith's POV

It was around 6 in the morning when it happened. I got up and got my clothes to take a shower like any normal person. After I got out the shower, I brushed my teeth and put on clothes as I see the sun rise from the outside. I went down to the front door and went out the house as I saw Cherry on the speakers down the street. That's when I saw my friend who held his gun like an army man. But something this time was wrong with him. He had this unsettling aura around him that I didn't like as he stared dead at me.

"You okay Pico? The songs about to start and you look kinda off" I mentioned "I just got up different.. anyway let's go". The song played as we both went at it. Though time grew short after awhile we managed to get to the last song as we went on the go. But when we did Pico was getting sidetracked all of sudden, not even saying a single word as he started to twitch a little. "Pico? Come on where are you" I called "Are you okay? You've been off since you got here" Cherry exemplified "I was just waking up the wrong way... I'm fine trust me" "You aren't Pico, just go back home" "I've done enough sleeping, play the song" "Well okay then" Cherry responded.

The song started to play as they back to going at it. Before they had hit the last note on the last song, Pico froze again as this time I had enough of it as I went up to him. "Pico" I yelled "What.." "Are you okay? You've acted weird ever since you came" "He was just standing here by himself" Cherry mentioned "He what?" "I was waiting for you to come.. it was only a matter of time" "At 3:30 in the morning?" "Pico Jesus Christ" I implied "Okay, maybe it was early but I'm here right?". A bunch of voices were heard from down the street as it dragged Pico's attention completely. "Pico" I called "what about those that look so special Pico?" Cherry jumped in "They were talking... about us... I could hear it" Pico stated "From here? Those kids are fine you just need to sleep" I implied "Fine.. I'll be back" "Pico.. you've been alright right? I get things happened at the school the shooting and stuff but you've been acting weird literally this whole time... get some rest okay?" I suggested "Yea I will, fucking kids..." Pico said walking off.

It worried me, and Cherry. It wasn't like him to act like a completely different person especially when he can take more than he can handle. Thing is we didn't even finish the song, he didn't even say bye or at least a Goodnight as Cherry patted my shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be fine, he's gone through worse right this is no different" Cherry said "I know, but he's keep saying he's alright when he knows he isn't.. I swear he has mental problems in that big head" I argued "Don't we all? He'll come back better than what he was now and I'm sure he'll do the same tomorrow too" "I guess you're right.. hey how long has that been playing?" "I forgot to turn it off, but let's chill for a bit before we head back home huh?" Cherry suggested "Yea, you're right, hey you think the coffee shop is open down the street" I mentioned "I think so, but that's like down the street and I'm kinda short on money" "I can always pay for us, they sell the best iced coffee and you are fully in love with it" "Shh, don't let that secret go out" "Hehe sorry"

We spent the after noon talking as I got phone notification in the midst of talking with Cherry. It was sudden so I needed to check who it was before I could jump conclusions, turns out it was the same person that left a bit ago as Cherry looked as well. "You should go check on him Keith, he might actually need your help" Cherry suggested "Well... I guess you're right.. I'll be back though" I promised as I got up from the speakers "I know you will, tell Pico I said hi" "I will" I said hugging her before I go off to find Pico. I read the message from Pico as he said to meet him in the alleyway downtown. It was a long walk but then I realized downtown was where Pico lived as I made it to the alleyway he so desired me to go to... I regretted it for the rest of my life. "Pico? "I... I killed them Keith.." "What the fuck Pico?! What the hell is wrong with you" I spoke out "They kept talking... they said horrible things that started to piss me off... they were talking about you.. I swear they were talking about you I heard them" Pico implied "So what?! Why couldn't you just leave them alone". Pico started to sputter as he bent down to one of the kids ripping their hearts out. I was disgusted by him at this point, but scared on top of everything. I didn't know what to do until one of the officers had appeared at alleyway getting his gun out.

He aimed it at both of us as I complied putting my hands up. "Pico what the fuck did you get me into" "None of you move, you in the green shirt, put the gun down or I will shoot" the officer demanded "Pico put the gun down". He said nothing, absolutely nothing as he crushed the heart in his hand. I turned around only once to see those eyes glow red as the officer tackled me pinning me to the ground. In this situation I would struggle but knowing what's going on right now I can feel his panic and fear that sprayed all over the alleyway. The officer called for back up as Pico aimed his gun at the officers head as the officer blanked out in fear. "Get off of him... now" Pico demanded "Pico what the fuck?!" I questioned "Okay, I'm complying just... don't shoot.. don't shoo-" Pico shot anyway, right through his head.. I felt the blood splatter all over my face as I looked at Pico in fear. I didn't know what to do at this point. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" "What the hell is wrong with you Pico?! Why did you do that" I said as I got up "He hurt you, could you not understand?" Pico implied "Look at this fucking mess, what you done to them was raw and wrong in so many places..." "They kept talking, I thought I said that before.. they were trying to take you away from me" "They probably were just looking at us Pico, they didn't mean any harm" I stated "You'd never know, I sure as hell wouldn't" "AND YOU KILL THEM?!" "Oh well, they shouldn't have gotten out of place, they deserved it" Pico stated "No, no I'm done I'm leaving-" before I could though a bunch of police officers came up to the alleyway as they aimed their weapons at us. I got on my knees as so did Pico as he dropped his gun on the ground which was also covered in blood.

By the time we were arrested and we went to the police station, we and I mean WE were subjected to murder during the court. Even though I wasn't able to get my word out, Cherry always had my back when it came to it, along with her parents, Skid and Pump, hell even the Lemon Demon and Senpai. Even Pico was crazy enough to eat himself out like that knowing the charges, while I said nothing during that whole case.

After the case we were both under probation for a goddamn 2 months, both of us, and I didn't do anything. There was about one place I was able to go to since Cherry's mom and dad were skeptical about me yet Cherry was the complete opposite, I thank god for such a beautiful soul. So I ended up with fucking Pico who has so far ruined my life because of his little fucking stunt. Fucking great ass friend...

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now