- Chapter 21 -

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"I'm here to see the Boyfriend"

"The Boyfriend is off with a friend, it seems you won't be seeing anyone"

"Where is he"

"Downtown apartment building, they took the bus it seems"

"Thanks" *runs off*

"Hmmm, seems she's in a mood"

"Why'd you tell her where he went, I thought it was a secret"

"Guess he's just very... famous"

Boyfriend's POV (It's still Keith but hush)

"This is the game room, this is the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, that's Darnell" he explained showing me around the house "He told me his name on the way here" I mentioned "Oh, then I guess there's nothing else to show you, except that weird ass cat I picked up off the street" he said pointing at the mildly twitchy black cat in the corner scratching themselves "What does it do that's weird" "Scratch into the floorboards in the kitchen, eat a bunch of hair that lies down on the ground, I should probably clean that up, and scratched the hell out of my leg once when I tried to feed him" "It's a he?" "Yea, looked at him and he had a dick, his name's Keith by the way" he said "Oh, that's a nice name" I mentioned "Kinda reminded me of you almost, I thought it was a nice name too so.." he said opening up the blinds for the porch window. He dragged me to the window, letting me see the nice view from the porch. "This is the porch, it's a nice view out so let's go ahead and stand out there for a bit, catch some breeze before it goes away" he pointed out. I nodded as I went out with him. The view was nice, I could see and hear the cars in front of me as Pico leaned on the railing, taking a closer look. "Man... it's been way too long since I looked out here like this, I'm sure whatever was going back at the Dearest house you never have had something like this either huh" he wondered "Not really, I don't think they would let me go up to their porch if they did have one" I said "True, I bet they did they just didn't care, knowing how crazy rich they are they can take this whole city if they wanted to" "It makes me feel like they already did... just a feeling" "Hey, I don't mean interrupt your little reunion but, Pico she's here" Darnell interrupted "Oh... uh I'll be out there in just a sec" he responded "Who is" I asked him "Just stay out here for a minute, I'll be right back" he said kissing me on the forehead heading back inside.

I just stood for the remainder of the day. It took so long for him to come back out I started getting curious. So I went and put my ear to the ongoing conversation inside, wanting to know what was going on. "I'm sorry... I didn't think it through I just..." I heard Pico say "It's fine now, I'm back right? You can be with me again, like old times" a voice responded to Pico "Nene... I'm sorry but... I found someone, again..." "I heard about it, your ex right? You two are already getting back together?" she had responded to him as my eyes widened. Apparently this Nene who's friends with Pico already knows about our relationship. Weird how it works but... something maybe wanna hear more, so I did. "Where's he right now" she asked "Out in the porch, but wait don't bother him yet, he's- Nene wait" he said as I shocked my body to the porch railing. There I waited and heard both the blinds and door open and close hearing footsteps behind me approach me. "Are you Keith?" she asked me with a gruff voice "Yes?" I said turning around. The girl had white eyes dared down at me, along with crossed arms and a faded aura of frustration around herself. "Uh... nice to meet you?" I said holding my hand "Uh, no I'm good, I just came to meet you since you're dating one of my friends, I'm Nene by the way" she said with chills. It felt like she was afraid to remotely talk to me. Was I really that uncomfortable to talk to? For her at least? "Hey Nene, let's head out, we have that therapist appointment at 8 and it's like 6 right now" Darnell mentioned "Yea right comin'" Nene said heading back inside. It looked like everyone was taking therapy sessions, jeez what even happened to them growing up. I went inside as I heard Nene and Darnell put on their shoes and say bye to Pico. "Bye man, take care" Darnell said "Don't go doing stupid shit, like breaking my neck again" Nene out right pointed out as Pico chuckles to himself closing and locking the door behind them. I thought everyone had just started leaving so, I kinda just went with it as I went to put on my shoes. "Wait Wait Wait" Pico said hugging me "Don't leave yet, just stay here with me" he said holding me "Oh, alright then that's fine" I responded "I've missed you... ever since I asked you about the marriage I wanted it to be clear that I really meant it, I really did" he kept saying, holding my hands together "Yea, I mean it's only been a few days since you asked me, but I was kinda scared ever since you left after that, I guess it's nice to catch up again, like this at least" I responded to him as he kissed me on the cheek warmly "D-Don't Pico.." "Just a nudge Keith, I only want me and you to last, last forever" he rubbing his nose against my cheek. He felt mentally attached to me. He got really close to me putting his body onto mine as he kept holding my hands. Reminder we were still at the front door, and the front door was still unlocked after they left. I took the time to take off my shoes and lock the door for him as I nearly fell from his grasping. "Oh, my bad I... oooh" he said as I struggled trying to stand up straight. I felt hands caress me as I denied him again locking the door. "Oh, my bad hehe... it was nice view though" he said "Glad you enjoyed it, at least the doors locked now CCH" I said pinch the bump in my index made by the doorknob. When I fell trying to lock the door, one of the bumps in my index finger had fell on the door lock, which hurts like hell. Fucking sucks to even experience that. It's kinda like stepping on a lego except it's on your finger. "Are you okay?!" Pico asked me looking at me finger "Oh my god you're fucking bleeding, hold on I have bandaids" he said dragging me to his room. The same finger I bumped on the lock had been skinned and now a pink muscle is show, causing me to bleed only a little bit. Yet he treated it like an emergency problem. I've been through worse, I could call it a exaggeration but my mind's saying he's acting out of impulse. He dragged me to his bed and got out his drawer his medkit as I was afraid to pull back the front of my finger since it hurt so much. "Here, just hold still" he said as I did. He placed the bandaid on my finger gently. I could feel the shaking in his fingers placing the bandaid on me. It was done as I felt the pain kinda go away after the bandaid had been placed. The thing I was more focused on was, Pico treated my scratch like it needed medical attention. It was a heavy exaggeration as he held my hand, pressing on the bandaid. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that.." he said "It's just a scratch Pico, accidents happen" I said to him "Are you tired? I can go ahead and give you some time to get settled" he said standing up "Where are you going" I asked him "Don't worry I'll be in the kitchen, you can just... sleep it off for today, you're probably tired" "A tad bit but, are you sure you don't want me to be with you some more?" "No you're fine, I just need to do something in the kitchen real quick" he said going out the room. Something was off, what had he done through those few days.

After a lot of thinking I decided to lay down like he told me to. I took a side of the bed, laying my head and closing my eyes, just thoughts ran through me at that point. Nothing more...


"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now