- Chapter 15 -

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Pico's POV

"Go to the school" "Find him" "He will bring you your memories back". The voices came back in my sleep as I held my head trying to muffle their voices. "No... I don't want to remember... just leave me alone" I said to myself getting from the bed. "Why are you resisting... you killed us" "No it was an accident... I didn't mean to" I said to myself "Don't you remember...? You're friends...? Family...? Even you're precious girlfriend.." "SHUT UP" I shouted punching the corner of the door. "Pico...?" "Go back to sleep Keith" I demanded "What's going on with you" he asked "I SAID GO BACK TO BED- S-SHUT UP" "Pico?". My mind was all over the place and brain felt like mush. I didn't even realize who I was yelling at as I felt Keith behind me. "Pico, what's wrong?" "GET BACK" I said swiping his hand back. I looked behind me as I saw Keith look at me worried and all. "I'm sorry" I said running out the room "Pico wait" he said as I ran down the stairs.

I went out the door leaving Keith behind as it got worse each minute. I ran down the sidewalk holding my hand as I felt dangerous, and stupid. I didn't where I was going, all I heard when I kept running was "Go to the school". It kept running in my head as I heard running from behind me. "PICO STOP" I heard Keith running at me. When I hit a sharp corner I hid behind the alley in hoping to avoid him, I was already to unstable to be with him as I saw him run past me. I started to make a break for it until someone's hand grabbed my arm stopping in place. "I don't think so" Keith implied "What are you doing, let go of me" I demanded "No, tell me what's going on right now" "It's nothing-" I said as I was pushed to the brick wall "I'm not letting go of you, not again and not ever, I want to know what's happening Pico, can you please just cooperate with me" he demanded. It was first time I saw him like this, demanding and incredibly frustrated with me. I hated this look though, I didn't want him to look at me that way, I didn't like it not one bit as I decided to tell him. "Th-Th-The voices... th-they keep talking... and.." "Voices?" "Yea... I'm scared... I'm scared they'll keep talking forever... if I don't go then they'll just..". He silenced me putting his finger on my mouth. "Then we can go, let's start finding the school together, and get rid of those voices that keep hurting you, and this time let's do it together" he said holding my hand. My tears fell down my face as Keith wiped them away for me. I loved him so much, he was there by my side even if he feared me. "Let's go home, then we'll find out what's wrong with you later" he assured as he dragged me back home.

We walked together as Pico gripped my wrist tightly. I could tell he was mad at me as he kept pulling on my arm. Even mad he was still cute as I tried to keep up with him. "Are you mad at me?" I said "Pissed" Keith responded "I'm sorry Keith... I didn't want to hurt you" "Shut up" he said completely done with me "Nah I think I won't" I responded as he dragged me into alleyway and slammed to the brick wall. Yep I pissed him off. "You're such a fucking asshole" he said to me "Aren't you to me?" I responded "This is serious Pico, you could've died" "Like I'll let myself die Keith" "That's not even funny...". I started to stop joking around as he started to cry in front of me. Past experiences with him dates I was a psycho with mental problems. Still have them actually as he started talking again. "You don't remember... but you were a danger before, to yourself, and ever since then you did some stupid shit, completely different from the times now..." he said squeezing on my shirt "You scare me... the reason you do is because you act so stupid... you would go out on your own trying to figure out your own problems when you know the risk is dangerous... why?" "Because I don't want to hurt you" "You said that how many times..." he said as I didn't respond. It was true on what he said, everything I've done thus far was by myself, and I kept hurting myself in the process, whilst hurting him as well. I hugged him in trying to make things better as I felt him hug me back. "Don't scare me like that... please" he pleaded "Promise" I responded as we let go going out of the alleyway. It was rough night but I think I had enough fun for one day as we saw Cherry run in front of us. "Hey guys what're you two doing here" she asked "Nothing, just a stroll" Keith responded for us "Well I heard yelling in the other room, is everything really okay?" "Yep hehe, let's go home now, Pico?" he said dragging me home.

We walked all the way back as Keith hadn't said another word to me on the way into the house. We went upstairs as Cherry went to her room telling us Goodnight on the way. We went inside Keith's room as he sat down on his bed. I saw him cross his arms as I sat with him trying to ease the situation. "Hey Keith?" I said "What" he responded "I'm sorry, I know you're still mad at me but..." "Shh.. sh, I'm tired, it's been a full month... I don't want to think right now" "Well what do you want to do now" "Sleep" he said laying down. I laid down with him as he sighed into my hair. I could hear his heart beating slowly yet surely as he kept squeezing my head. I ended up falling asleep closing my eyes as my head went numb. The hands across my head were gone as I woke to an empty abyss.

Darkness shroud the place I had been in before as a few things came back to me. Something that happened before I ever met Keith. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry" I could hear the voices wrap around the place as I stared at myself, covered in blood and chunks of guts I had witnessed through my past life. I was scared at the moment, looking at a perfect reflection of myself. I was lost, scared, confused, as the school came back to me. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" it repeated over and over again as I covered my head in it's pressurizing voice. Everything went black, my vision became blurry, I was losing myself as blood crawled out of my eyes to substitute for my tears. It was painful, it was agony, it was fear... yet I liked it, I liked every single bit of it. The trail down my face controlled the feelings inside as I burst out laughing. Make it stop, please stop... I don't want this anymore... leave me alone... LEAVE ME ALONE.

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now