- Chapter 20 -

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Keith's POV

It's been a whole night, I woke up to the noise of television static as I was already drooling from where I was sitting at. The TV was off last night if I could remember, the blinds were even closed behind me. Some jackass prank it felt like, probably that Demon trying to scare me or something. But it was kinda comfortable almost having the dark room, I nearly fell back asleep from it. Until the static stopped and the TV showed Senpai, sitting on the bench and having a cup of coffee. "Hi again" I said "Mornin' finally found something I can make edible witch just coding, but it still feels like a video game..." he ironically mentioned "Hm, yea I guess it's ironic to drink coded coffee in a video game, sucks huh" I briefed as I heard him scoff at me "Shut up, maybe if you'd let me take over your body that one time I won't be in this problem, whore" he mocked me as I flipped him off yawning "Where's everyone right now" "Out on their little expedition, ever since you and Cherry had been just... ex's or friends or whatever the hell, Mearest and Dearest went ahead and searched for another boy toy to use and play with, unlike you of course" "Damn seriously? I mean Cherry and I are still close, I still live with her anyway" I explained "Well they wanted an actual boyfriend, not an ex, hopefully I can steal their body and be flesh and bones for once" he went on as I started getting side tracked.

His rambling went on for hours, pretty boy was just at this point talking about himself as I stared off into space. I heard knocks from the door as The Lemon Demon opened the door before I could even get up. It was one of Pico's friends who so happened to find his way here in the dearest house hold. "Hey" I said "Yo, you free?" he asked me "Well I just got home so I don't think I have anything else to do" I responded "Sweet, your man Pico wanted me to come get you, you wanna go ahead and hop with me" "Sure, I could use a little walk" "Oh we're taking bus, Pico's like really far from here so maybe you should pack a few things before we start moving" he said as my eyes widened "Seriously? I thought he'd just be around here, did he find a place to stay?" I asked kinda worried "Yea, the guy found an apartment just downtown, he wanted me to pick you up and let you have a look around the new place he got" "How did he get the apartment room" "He managed to get in touch with his bank account after years of not knowing the password" "How did he keep his house.." I asked kinda confused almost. I got off topic and went upstairs to get my things. What I grabbed was just a backpack and some clothes, considering the last time I brought my shit to his residents it was confiscated as evidence. I couldn't even get my old clothes for about month after that. But now since that whole incident blew over and I got my shit back. I decided to leave it here and only pack the things I need.

After that I went back downstairs and met up with Pico's friend, catching him snooping around the fridge. "Beans, greens, steak and rice, at least y'all aren't white white" he said "Head out the fridge it ain't yours" I demanded "My manners, yikes.." he said getting out the fridge. Heading to the door I fixed my bag as I looked at the TV, seeing Senpai wave calmly at me. I waved back, heading out the door with guy.

It was a long walk to the bus station, the sun was still up so we had all the time we needed to get to wherever this apartment is. "Hey, do you know where it is?" I asked "Yea, I just got out of there really, oh and by the way, the name's Darnell" he introduced himself to me "Keith, usually I'd be called Boyfriend because of the initiations shit that happened with the Dearest family, but apparently they're finding a newer target I guess" I explained "The Dearest family... I've heard about them pop stars and that chick with the red dress, she was like your girlfriend before all the other stuff happened" he said as we stopped at the bus station "Yea, I don't think Pico told you but, I was in house arrest with him once, by then we started close... then closer..." "Cute, wish that could happen to me, but I haven't been caught red handed yet so.." "You kill?" I asked him "Kinda my goatee, other than Pico being the schizophrenic one, I've always stuck with him along the ride with Nene" "Oh... Nene, I heard about her-" "Oh don't worry about her she's fine" he said as my expression blanked out all of a sudden "I'm sorry?" I asked gently as the bus came.

We both got in as I started getting curious taking our seats. "She's alive?" I asked him "Yea, if I can count how many times it's been, it's her 7th death to date" he explained as I couldn't believe it. I wanted to call out bullshit but with hell I somehow broke through and experiencing more of what Pico went through growing up I started to believe the bullshit. Pretty soon I'll believe anything at this point. Even ghosts if I think hard enough. The bus stopped as Darnell lead the way off the bus. We were greeted with a tall building, the size of it reminded me of a business building almost. Where nobody's grew up in, kinda started to miss the dearest already but I already too far gone. I just wanted to see my Pico again, that's all my mind was set on from the first place.

Darnell opened the apartment doors with the key as we headed inside the building and next to Pico's registered room. I was still wondering how he got a place even after the two days of being gone. It's all really hazy though, I felt like he planned this from the get go, starting with the house and then here. We went through the elevator to get to the floor he was on. It felt like the elevator I went to in the hospital. Except it's not a creep factor, it's a train wreck, and you're one of the victims at the crash site. I did say I wasn't afraid of Pico anymore, all of that is behind me. Officially. I guess it was just the stress on what's about to come next, with him. I was ready though, having to deal whatever shit came next it was time to get used to it. We made it out the elevator to his room door which was almost right next to the elevator. "You ready to see hubby?" he joked, I could tell from the tone of his voice "Yea, yea I guess I am" I responded opening the door.

The room started off quiet. It was just the sound of the TV in the living room as I walked further into the apartment building. Walking even more further I heard the door lock behind me. Darnell locked it, making me feel a bit unsafe all of a sudden. That was when I was tackled to the floor, pinned by a stiff body and darted down with a murderous glare. "Pico, it's your boyfriend" Darnell pointed out as I recognized that same stare "Keith?" he said to me "Pico, how've you been" I asked him still pinned to the floor. He picked me up grabbing my hand as his smile showed. First time to ever see him smile like that, ever actually. "I've doing okay, finally got a place like this one, you should see the bedroom" he hasted as Darnell went to the living room "Imma crash for a bit, I'll leave tonight though" he said sitting down "Yea man, crash all you want it's fine. But anyway you wanna follow me Keith" Pico asked me "Yea sure" I responded dropping my backpack.

He was really hyper all of a sudden. I guess something about the shooting had spiked his overall emotion, or maybe he finally had gotten therapy. We made it to his room, we went inside and I saw probably the same room from his old house. Only thing that really changed was the painting in it. I took a look around the room, taking in a lot of nostalgia. The house arrest really got to me. I can still remember the day when Pico had emotional breakdown, it makes me wonder if he's still doing okay. Before I actually thought through it I heard the door close as Pico came up to me wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you lots Keith, it's been about a few days since I got my ass together finally so everything should be okay now" he explained to me "I hope everything is, you kinda love to worry people" I mentioned not trying to be rude or anything "Sorry, I was gone for a bit, did Cherry say anything?" "No she was gone the moment I came back, I had no actual idea where she went but.. she didn't say anything about you" I mentioned "Sweet, hopefully she's still fine with me existing hehe... considering what happened last time I probably scared the piss out of her... egh" he anguished as I looked at his nightstand. There were numerous pill bottles and inhalers, making me wonder what's in the draws. "But enough about that, I want a reunion, just you and me" he said picking me up.

He brought me to the bed as I felt him breath slim down my chest and stomach. "You want me to... take your pants off slowly or... I can just strip in front of you" he asked me "I don't know..." I said not in the mood "You're really not in the mood right now? Now?" "I don't know I just... like not feel it yet" "Yet?" "Yea... I don't know maybe not yet, sorry" I said as he sighed getting up from the bed "Well, the least I can do is give you the apartment tour, I have a lot of things to show you" he said as I got up from the bed as well "Yea, I wanna know anyway" I responded.

*knock knock knock*
Cliffhanging from a tree branch lol lmao xd

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now