- Chapter 3 -

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Keith's POV

I woke up bright and early, as it was another day in probation as it felt like it lasted a year. A bit impatient even for me as I got up to use the bathroom. As I did I saw Pico come out of his room as I asked if I could use his bathroom. He said yes as I grabbed my clothes and went into his bathroom which was in his room. I got in having to be tired all the way there as I took my clothes off and started the shower. I felt eyes looking at me as I turned around to see no one was there. I got in feeling skeptical almost as I saw a few things I could use to wash my body with. "Which do you want me to use?" I called out to Pico "Use any of them, I don't really care" Pico responded. I decided to go by his word as I did use any of them for my body. "Is there a rag?" "There's a sponge on the counter, don't worry it's clean" Pico reassured "Uh okay" I responded.

After I was done I went out the shower and put on my clothes. It was just a basic blue hoodie and ripped jeans as I went to brush my teeth. As I did I noticed the hole in the sleeve rim where I usually put thumb in is kinda ripped as I got done brushing my teeth. I grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush and walked out the door as I saw Pico filing through something. "Pico?" I called out "Y-Yea?" he stuttered "What's that" "Pictures I took... nothing else" "Uh, okay? I'm gonna be in the living room okay? Let me know if you need me" "I will". I went out into the living room hearing the garbage truck pulled to the other houses. It was garbage I guess as I felt like socializing with Senpai who wasn't there in the game system. I wondered where he went as I looked around the room trying to hear for his voice. I even checked outside as there was a boundary I needed to heed, but something about that trash bag seemed off as the garbage truck was about to pull up. I then heard a voice from one of them as I went to go but hesitated. There was a line I wasn't trying to cross but Senpai could be in there. I risked my chances and went after the trash bag I rummaged through it seeing a game cartridge. I took it back in as quickly as possible as I ran back into the house. I put it in the game console as it turned on with Senpai breathing heavily. "Hey are you okay?" I asked worriedly "I don't even know what happened... when I was woke up I was just in the trash not that long until we fell asleep..." "Pico must've done this.. what is his deal" I questioned angrily "He might've gotten jealous, you wanna talk to him" Senpai suggested "If it means getting through his big head then sure" I said getting up.

I heard whistling in the other room as I stormed in angered but Pico's actions. "Did you throw Senpai in the trash?" I asked "No..." Pico uttered "Then why are WE the only people in this house, you are the most prone into doing stuff like this what the fuck is wrong with you" "Well... I thought he would hurt you again" "HE'S CHILL PICO, YOU'VE BEEN WITH HIM ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THAT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "I'm sorry okay? I got a bit..." "Got a bit what? Jealous?" I stated "I got protective okay? It's been around me for my whole life now" "But we're friends... what made you do that, what made you kill those people in the alleyway" "BECAUSE I HATE LOSING FRIENDS AGAIN... OKAY?!" Pico screamed. I was shocked by his sudden tone as he started to cry in his mental pain. It was obvious, something was really going in his head as he puts his hands on his head. "Every time I've had someone understand me I would lose them... they would die in some ditch or get shot up by someone... by me... and I would have no control over what I did thanks to that fucker... and I would transition... ripping their hearts out until i they pleaded for my mercy... I just kill to kill... I deny letting the same thing that happened to my friends... I WON'T LET IT FUCKING HAPPEN... HE WON'T GET IN MY HEAD AGAIN, I'LL MAKE THAT FUCKER PAY-". Pico stopped yelling as I peacefully touched his hands. I was scared as is but I just felt even more guilty by feeling that way about him. I've felt like a jerk to him, even though he did technically get me in this situation it doesn't change the fact I never defended him in court, when he tried to defend me. "Hey it's okay, I'm here right? That's all that matters" I reasoned "You hate me... I know you hate me... I kept on getting jealous when it came to you and it's my fault those kids are dead... everyone hates me now... I should've just ended my suffering yesterday" Pico implied "Shut up Pico, I'm just glad you're trying to fight it.. you are fighting it right?" "I've been letting go.. I'm slowly losing faith and the only person who can help me... is you... I can't control myself anymore... like how I used to anyway..." Pico sighed. I held his hand in trying to figure out something as he held mine looking at me. He didn't show it but he was lost, he gripped my hand looking away as I tried to up the mood. "Hey, you got any games we can play, maybe something to get your mind off it or..." "Oh, I have a puzzle I never actually completed, it's all broken since I got mad at it once and never touched it again" Pico said getting up and getting his puzzle.

It began to seem night as we got tired of playing with it. I yawned trying to figure out each piece as it gave off a sign. When we got to the last few pieces, I saw something. I looked at the corner he broke off as it was supposed to be a face there, more or less a head actually. It was confusing almost but it was unsettling and morbid as it was Pico and someone else. I hoped to god it wasn't me as Pico puts it away in the picture frame he had under his bed. He puts it up tired and exhausted as I became the same way nearly falling asleep sitting up. Pico sat down with me as he pulled me into his chest. "Sleep... you can sleep with me tonight" Pico suggested "Would it make you feel better if I did" I wondered "So much better" he responded. I laid down with Pico in the bed as he brushed his hands on my head. Weird and creepy as it was he was just like a little teddy bear with mental issues as we fell to the night, waiting for the next day.

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now