- Chapter 22 -

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Boyfriend's POV

I gasped awake having another nightmare as I realized I wasn't wearing any pants. Last time I checked I was wearing my jeans asleep while Pico was went out to the kitchen. Turned out he was right on the edge of the bed, sitting up with an inhaler in one hand and a stress ball in the other. "Your jeans are on the floor in that corner over there, you were sweating bullets so I just wanted to make it easier for you" he said as I saw my belt and all in a pile in the corner with the other old clothes he had. I was silent about though. The dream I had was traumatizing enough for me to even process it. I couldn't think straight, hearing Pico put down his inhaler. "You okay? Was it just a dream you had?" he asked me "Yea... just something got me awake, been bothering me but it's oh well" I responded "Sorry to hear that Keith, been a rough night I guess" "What are you doing awake?" "Taking meds and using my inhaler, forgot to take them before I went to bed so my lungs kinda clogged up" he explained "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that" I worried "It's fine, it's been about few days ago when it started happening and I finally got some medication for it so, yea" he said as he took his inhaler again before putting it back down again. We sat in silence as I was curled up to the bed, watching him take his inhaler repeatedly. His whole back was full of scars, up to his neck and down it was just big streaks of it. First time actually noticing it, of course from that one time...

It's been a full hour of silence. The sun was just about to come up as Pico got up from his bed and put back on his shirt. "Where are you going" I asked him "Job stuff, just got hired for some merc duty with the guys" he said "Sweet, do you want me to stay here while you're gone?" "Well if you want to, I'll put Keith 2 in the kennel for you since I'll be gone" "I can take care of him, really I can" I said without even thinking. I thought if I could take care of a cat then maybe I can just be a tad useful once. "Well, I mean only leave in a few minutes, I have to make coffee first before I head into work so" he said as I got up from the bed "Can I come with then? I kinda just wanna hang with you before head into work" I wondered "That's cool, yea sure I can make you coffee too" he said as we both went out the room.

I grabbed my bag which was leaning on the wall of the hall going to the kitchen, getting out some shorts I packed. I put them on, hearing a thud from the living room. "Keith 2? D-Don't do that!!" I heard Pico yell as I ran out to see what was going on. It was the cat, knocking one of the air conditioners in the room. Pico put Keith 2 in the kennel as he went back to the kitchen to continue making his coffee. "Nice shorts" he complimented me "Thanks" I responded, seeing prepare the coffee mixer. I went to the kitchen with him, seeing him get a mug and ammo from his drawer. Weird combination of coffee I've seen ever, kidding by the way. He isn't that stupid, I could tell he was just checking the currency for his gun since well.. he has one, two actually... and apparently. I heard the coffee start to mix into the coffee pot as I yawned out of my own tiredness. "Still tired?" he asked me leaning on the counter "Just a bit, what time is it" I wondered "6:20, I leave in 20 minutes" "Oh okay" I responded as the coffee mixer stopped. Pico went and poured the coffee into the mugs he set right by it, getting the coffee mixer from the fridge. He went and poured it into both coffee mugs on the counter, sighing again under his breath as if something bothered him. He gave me my cup and we both sat at the table together face to face, it's been a long time since we ever done this too so.

A little after 10 minutes, Pico started to cough a little clearing his throat in a quiet manner. "Are you okay Pico? You've been quiet this whole time and you know it's not really you to be this quiet" I wondered "Sorry I was just thinking whether or not I had some ammo back in the trailer with the guys, but anyway, how've you been, it's been like forever since when I left it feels like" he responded "Same, the school thing, scaring the hell out of Skid and Pump-" "They're okay right?" "Yea, I got in touch with Lila and they even came to my hospital room, hell she even picked me up" I chuckled "Skid and Pump really do care about you, not saying they don't care about me... how's Lila.." he wondered "She's okay, she made it to the hospital safe and back home, she's even got my phone number" "You do? You think you can tell her I'm sorry... about that time when... well" "At the school? I think she already knows-" "No no... it was something else but.. I'll tell her it's fine" "Did you want her phone number, I can just send it to you if that's okay" I wondered getting kinda worried "I feel like it'll be better to tell her in person" he responded "Is it that bad?" "No, just something to catch up on, yea..." he said awkwardly. The room felt heavy. It was like grief just yelled out a thick bass and we were the first row seats from the stage. It was honest to god weird... it almost felt like something was just, itching to come out, like something else was about to happen... and I hated it.

The next few minutes later we were just talking to pass the rest of his stay as he got up and went to his bag and gun which were ok the counter. "Keith 2 likes some of the cat nip, just remember not give him too much, his kidney might fail that way" he said about to run out the door "Got it, have fun... babe.." I uttered. He left before I could even finish but I understand he was in hurry regardless. Seeing "Keith 2" on the ground purring, he looked gentle to take care of, and respecting his wishes I watched over him. For the whole day I've spent in his apartment, and yet something still bothered me. Pico would always have this weird... reoccurrence of events always happening. I didn't want to go searching through his stuff like a nobody, or well like what happened at his old house. I'll just have to wait until he gets back home, and then maybe we can have that conversation again.

Pico's POV (a few hours later)

It was around 8 in the morning. I just got in the truck with Darnell and Nene, driving to the target. "So you just left Keith back at your place?" Darnell asked me "I mean, he wanted to stay so I let him" I responded "What if he goes through your things Pico, he could just screw you over like that" Nene said snapping her fingers for some glamor in her words "I've known him for awhile now, he's not into that shit..." I said questionably. He did go through a few things in the last house I owned, with Nene.... Still he's not an asshole, he won't take things without being asked to and I've seen him be compelled before, way before.

A few hours later, we came across a very ambiguous path which led us through a few trees. This was the first time ever seeing this kinda place, outside of the regular town. What's more amazing I'm actually taking the job of doing something I know B is afraid of. Sometimes I even thought what I was doing, with my life even

"Alright everyone, get out"
Sorry it's on and off and on, I've just been focused on other things including school so... yea

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now