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2|the mercenary

Dorothy mindlessly wandered through the halls, completely lost as she searched for a sign or at least a person. Her prayers were answered as she walked straight into someone's chest when walking around a corner.

"I am so sorry." She quickly apologised, glancing up at the tall man and instantly becoming lost in his vibrant blue eyes. "I appear to be lost."

"I'm afraid I won't be of much help with directions." He stated with his thick English accent, melting her heart with each word. "I passed the doctor's office, he might be of better help."

"He won't be of much help as he is wandering lost in the many halls." Dorothy put her walls back up, mentally kicking herself for wanting to drop everything for the handsome man. "I am actually looking for my office, could you point it out for me."

"It's just down that hall there to the left, love." He pointed down the hall for her to understand.

"Thank you and it's Dorothy." She smiled at him and walked away before he could tell her his name.

"That was cold." Mason chuckled as she leaned against the door to the doctors office, witnessing the entire exchange.

"Military boys are all the same." Dorothy waved it off with a sigh. "I married one. Never again."

"You're married?" The photographer asked her curiously, following her into the office.

"Use to be." She shrugged and lowered herself down on to her chair. "Until he realised his wife was making more money, travelling around the world and was not there to make him dinner. So he found a new girl and didn't tell me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I don't need a man and I will continue telling men that till I die." Dorothy laughed and glanced down at her watch. "Do we have a meeting?"

"I forgot." The pair quickly dashed through the halls, trying to find the right way before calming waltzing into the room and standing by the wall.

"Hello and welcome." Nieves started the meeting, his slides clicking as they changed picture. "I'm Landsat Field Supervisor, Victor Nieves. This is my colleague Steve Woodward, our data wrangler. Our expedition takes us to a place every nautical trade route known to man has avoided for centuries. As our satellites show, the island is surrounded by a perpetual storm system, allowing it to remain hidden from the outside world. But with Colonel Packard's helicopter transport, we will be the first to break through to the other side. We're also pleased to be joined, for the first time, by the resource exploration team led by Mr. Randa, and accompanied by biologist, Miss. San, and geologist, Mr. Brooks. Our focus will be on the islands surface, theirs, what lies beneath. Mr. Brooks."

"Simple, really." Brooks stated as he walked to the front of the room. "We'll use explosives to shake the earth and create vibrations helping us to map the subsurface of the island. We'll fly in over the south shore, and then strategically drop seismic charges to better help us understand the density of the earth."

"You're dropping bombs?" A familiar voice spoke up, interrupting the presentation. Dorothy smirked as she glanced over at the mercenary.

"Scientific instruments." The geologist corrected him but sounded unsure.

"You hear that, boys?" Slivko said as he glanced over his shoulder to the other military members. "We're scientists now!"

"You guys are not scientists." A scientist shot him down.

"We'll then land and make base camp for ground excursions led my Mr. Conrad." Nieves continued and gestured the the strange man who's eyes have been haunting Dorothy's thoughts. "Major Jack Chapman."

"All right." Chapman stood up and joined the two men. "Once on the island, the storms interference will block all radio contact with the ship. That means we'll be by ourselves. Three days later, the refuel team will meet us here, on the north end of the island. That may be our only safe departure window for an unknown period of time. So, tip for everybody, don't miss it, please. And a final reminder to everyone is that we do have a doctor coming with us, Dr. Dorothy White, but don't be visiting her with small injuries just to flirt with her. She will chop your tongue and then feed you to the sharks."

"Thanks, doll." Dorothy smiled at him, happy one of her few military friends was smart enough to warn people about her fiery attitude.

"You're famous." Mason whispered to her jokingly as they left the meeting. "I just need to do something before I return to our bunk."

"Lead the way." The doctor raised a brow at her with a smirk. "I know you're about to do something fun."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now