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14|a wedding

Mason sat at the small table in the cottage, talking to Dorothy about the last year. Conrad and Slivko were out in the forest cutting up wood for the fire.

"And then we traveled to Easter Island when he proposed to me next to the Moai." Mason squealed excitedly and showed her the large diamond ring.

"I'm so happy for you!" Dorothy jumped up and embraced her friend. "I really did miss so much."

"But you were just trying to find peace." The photographer reassured her as the front door opened, the men entering the house with armfuls of wood.

"Take your shoes off before you tread dirt over my floor." The doctor warned them with her hands on her hips.

"Yes, ma'am." Conrad winked at her before placing the wood down beside the fireplace.

"Did you tell her?" Slivko asked his fiancée excitedly, kissing her lips delicately.

"I have." Mason grinned at him before remembering something. "Would you like to be my maid of honour?"

"I would be honoured!" Dorothy pushed Slivko out the way to embrace her friend once more. "I can't wait!"

"Should we have cake?" Conrad spoke up, knowing this was a time to celebrate.

"I'll grab it if you can grab me some plates and a knife." She smiled at him brightly. "I hope you two love strawberries and cream."


Dorothy straightened out her emerald green dress, fixing her hair one last time in the mirror before wandering over to Mason with two champaign glasses.

"I can't believe you're getting married." She said in awe, handing the bride a glass. "To calm the nerves."

"Thank you." Mason downed the glass of champagne and checked her make up for the millionth time in the mirror.

It was only a small wedding, close friends and family. Mason was being walked down the aisle by her father with Dorothy and San as her bridesmaids.

"All right, it's time." San burst into the room excitedly. The ceremony was beautiful, Mason being the center of attention in her beautiful ivory dress.

"Thank you for coming." Slivko addressed the small tent. "I met Mason under strange circumstances and back then she was just a scary photographer. But after recovering together, I fell madly in love with her. However, I was the only one who fell in love. It spent many months of taking her on dates and practically begging her to be mine. But it was worth it because now I get to spend the rest of my life with the most amazing woman of my dreams. To Mason."

"To Mason." The crowd cheered, clipping together their glasses.

"The food is lovely." Conrad glanced at Dorothy, now that food was served he could finally talk to his lover. "You look beautiful, love."

"And you look handsome." She leaned over and kissed his lips, ignoring the cat calls from the soldiers. "You better save me all the dances."

"Of course." He captured her lips again, smiling at her giggles. "But first we drink and eat."

"Careful with the alcohol." Dorothy warned him as she downed her glass of wine.

The night carried on, the happy couple opening up the dance floor with a slow dance. Conrad offered his hand, Dorothy happily accepting it as they flew gracefully around the dancefloor.

"I wish I disappeared with you all those months ago." He sighed as they continued to dance, her head resting on his chest. "I regret letting you slip through my fingertips."

"But now you've got me and I'm not leaving." Dorothy lifted her head and kissed him, pulling him close as she finally felt happy.

"Come." As the night came to a slow end he led her back to their shared room in a quaint hotel above a bar. "I can sleep on the couch if it makes you more comfortable."

"I don't mind sharing." She stumbled into the bathroom slightly, feeling a bit tipsy from a night of drinking. She changed into her night gown and washed the makeup of her face, splashing cold water to sober her up. Dorothy sat down on the bed and let her hair down, feeling his eyes on her.

"Can I have this dance?" Conrad placed his hand in front of her, the radio playing in the background.

Dorothy took his hand once more, letting him swing her around the room with light feet. He pulled her close, his lips on hers as she unbuttoned his shirt. His fingers grabbed the hem of her dress, pulling it off her body as he lifted her up and placed her down on the bed gently, hovering over her naked body.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now