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10|crazy colonel

"Doesn't change a thing!" Packard shouted, confusing everyone. "We're still going to that crash site."

"What's at that crash site that you want so badly?" Conrad snapped at him.

"Weapons! Enough to kill it!" He finally revealed his ultimate plans.

"Kong didn't kill Chapman." The mercenary reminded him.

"But he did kill these men." Packard lifted a large handful of tags from the deceased soldiers. "My men!"

"You can't kill Kong, Colonel." Hank stopped him. "Kong is God on this island. He's the only thing keeping them lizard things in the ground."

"He's right, Colonel. We can't kill Kong." Brooks agreed, finally speaking up. "Now, that other creature? That's the threat. And there are more of them down there. If you take away a species natural competition, they'll proliferate out of control."

"Then we'll end them too!" Packard yelled back at the geologist. "After we bring this thing down."

"I can't let you do that, Colonel." Hank pulled out his sword and raised it to the man.

"Whoa, whoa! Hold your fire!" Conrad tried to calm the situation as all the soldiers raised their weapons at the man.

"This is one war we are not gonna lose." The Colonel knocked the sword out the man's hands and pushed him to the floor.

"Nuts! You hear me? This is nuts!" Hank yelled at the leader.

"Please! You need to listen to us!" San added, trying to convince the soldiers.

"We're not at war, Colonel. You're making a mistake." Brooks agreed with them, trying to reason with the broken man.

"Your lies got my men killed!" Packard raised his gun at the geologist, changing his choice of victim.

"And you're gonna get us all killed!" Mason argued with him, the gun now in her face as Dorothy kept her weight on the woman.

"Look, I don't care how big everyone's dick is but could we please go back to the ship so I can stitch up my shoulder." Dorothy yelled at all the men, keeping pressure on her wound as she went light headed. "This shit hurts, you know."

"Not our fight." Conrad pulled the two women back, keeping an eye on Dorothy.

"Whose side are you on, Captain?"

"Okay, Colonel." The mercenary tried to defuse the situation. "You'll find your Sea Stallion three klicks up that ridge. Now, I'm gonna take these civilians back to the boat. And we'll wait for you there. All right?"

"Saddle up!" Packard ordered, lowering his weapon from being aimed at the two women. "Let's go kill this thing! Steve, you running with the big dogs or staying on the porch?"

"I don't want to be on the porch." Steve, the scientist, tightened his grip on his gun and followed after the Colonel.

"Marlow, you okay?" Conrad helped the man off the ground.

"We need to stop him." Hank mumbled to them.

"You wanna talk with him about it again?" Dorothy asked sarcastically before hissing in pain. "He seemed to really go for it the first time."

"He's losing his grip." Conrad stated before leading them away. "Now, follow me and we'll get off this rock alive."

"I feel bad for Slivko." The doctor stated sadly, watching her friend mindlessly follow the crazy Colonel.

"There's water close by." He eventually stopped to track where they are.

"Are you lost?" Brooks questioned. "Which way?"

"Hang on." Conrad silenced him. A roar echoed through the forest, seeming distant but still close. "Wait here. I've got to get to high ground to find the river."

"Keep an eye on everyone." Dorothy whispered to Mason before running after the man. "I'm coming too!"

"You need to take a break and patch that wound up." He warned her but she did not listen and quickly followed.

"I need you to stitch it up." She revealed awkwardly. "I don't trust anyone else enough."

"Sit." He ordered her, taking her bag out her hands. She sat on the nearest rock and stripped off her oversized shirt. She tried to take off her tank top but the pain in her arm was too much. "Here." Conrad helped her carefully remove the blood stained shirt, his eyes staying on hers.

"You need to clean the wound." Dorothy gulped, turning her eyes away as she realised how open her body was to him. A lacy bra did not keep much to the imagination.

Conrad pulled out a bottle of water and a bottle of alcohol. He cleaned the blood off her body before cleaning the wound with the alcohol. She hissed as it hit her skin, biting down on her lip to stop herself from screaming.

She walked him through how to stitch up the wound perfectly, watching carefully as he closed the cut. She cleaned it once more with the alcohol before putting on her own bandage.

Dorothy watched as he quietly packed up her bag while she threw the oversized shirt back on, not wanting to attempt putting the tank top on.

"Are you ready?" He finally broke the silence, looking her in her eyes.

"I'm starting to feel better already." She wrapped up her tank top and placed it in her bag. "Thank you, James."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now