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7|late nights and graves

Dorothy reluctantly let the women of the tribe to lead her away to a bathing spot where they cleaned her body and hair for her. She felt awkward but thankful to feel clean after going through the jungle all day. They washed her clothes and gave her their clothing for her to wear as they sent her back to the group.

"How do I look?" She greeted them, twirling around to show off the beautiful garment. "I might stay here forever. They actually make me like people."

"You look beautiful." Conrad looked her up and down, her cheeks flushing red at his action.

"Thank you." Dorothy mumbled before wandering over to the large window and looking at the colours flying through the sky.

"Isn't it odd the most dangerous places are always the most beautiful?" He followed her and leaned against the post. "You prove that theory to be correct."

"If this is your way of flirting, I'm enjoying it so please continue." She smiled up at him before sighing.

"Is this when you tell me why you're dangerous?" Conrad asked her, stepping closer so they were almost touching.

"Let's go for a walk." She grabbed his short sleeve and pulled him out the small makeshift house. "So you're desperate to know why? I'm surprised you haven't heard the rumours."

"I have but I want you to tell me." They stopped beside the river, sitting down on the grassy bank.

"So you know that my ex-husband cheated on me because he didn't like the idea of a woman making more money." Dorothy growled at the thought of her ex-husband. "He was a sexist man and I wish I had seen it sooner but I was blinded by the idea of being childhood sweethearts. Getting married and having children. But I followed my dreams of saving lives while he stole them. I was pregnant at the time but the stress took my child away from me."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be." She shrugged and rested her head on his shoulder. "I get it, not all men are like that but when you've been in the military for as long as I have it slowly starts feeling that way. Please, tell me something about yourself before I cry."

"My father was in the Royal Air Force." Conrad pulled out a lighter and passed it to her, letting her see the old thing with carvings in the metal. "He threw it to me as his train left to fight the Nazis. His plane went down in Hamburg but they never found the ruins."

"I'm so sorry." She looked up from his shoulder, suddenly realising how close their faces actually were. It felt like the world stopped as he leaned in but his lips only touched her forehead.

"We should probably get some sleep." He stood up and offered her a hand, leading her back to their shack they were all sharing. 


"This man's name was Gunpei Ikari." Hank informed them as they stood at what seemed to be a grave. "But you take away the uniforms and the war, well he became my brother. And we swore we'd never leave each other behind. Let's get off this island."

He threw the samurai sword over his shoulder and led them back to the ship where they worked to get it working again. Dorothy used her medical skills to patch up small areas and stitch together wires.

"Wind it up, let's go!" Conrad ordered as Mason cranked the engine. The engine spluttered, almost working but failing last second.

"Third time's a charm. Here we go. Here we go!" Slivko encouraged everyone as they each did their own section to try and turn the engine on. The engine roared to life, excited cheers filling the air but they stopped when they spotted the Iwis all stood watching them silently.

"I guess this is good bye." Hank's voice shook as he spoke to the tribe leaders. "Thank you." They bowed their heads, only Hank understanding the small exchange. "If you're ever in Chicago, look me up, I guess."

"Here." Dorothy tried to hand back the tribal clothing she borrowed but they stopped her, indicating she could keep them. She bowed her head gratefully to the women and stepped back on to the boat beside Mason. "How come I was the only one they washed up?"

"You were covered in blood." Mason reminded her. Dorothy had tried her best to save the other pilot when they crashed but it was no use.

The wooden wall raised slightly, allowing the makeshift boat sail under it. They sailed calmly down the river, not experiencing any hiccups just yet.

Dorothy placed the clothing at the bottom of her medical bag before joining Conrad at the front of the boat. She stood on a platform behind him, resting her hand on his shoulder as she finally towered over him.

It felt like hours they were sailing through the murky green waters. Mason shuffled over to let Dorothy sit beside her, resting her head on the taller woman's shoulder with exhaustion.

"Come on, let's go find lover boy." Mason patted her friends thigh as she was dozing off.

"Lover boy?" Dorothy asked curiously, glancing at Conrad who stood steering the ship.

"You really are clueless." The photographer laughed and led her to the man, both silently standing beside him.

"I got a wife." Hank stated, glancing at the three. "Had a wife. Have a wife? Guess I don't know anymore. We got hitched right before I deployed. Got a telegram from her the day before I got shot down. She said we just had our baby boy. I got a son out there. Grown man I've never met."

"Yeah, she definitely thinks you're dead, man." Slivko said from his spot on the roof.

"Hey!" Conrad smacked the metal where he was sat.

"I'm just saying." The soldier tried to defend himself.

"You don't know that." Dorothy added as she sat down near them, stretching her legs tiredly. "You'd be surprised how long people wait. But I can't talk, my ex-husband couldn't wait a month."

"That's different." Conrad tried to reassure her but she waved him off.

"Ah, truth is, I don't expect them to be waiting." Hank chuckled grimly to himself. "I'd be fine either way. I just want one last chance to see them. That'd be good enough for me."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now