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9|skull crawler and strange birds

Dorothy sat down on the log, glaring at the soldiers as she knew this would be the death of her.

"Don't forget to tell me this is a bad idea." Conrad stated as he sat down beside her, placing his gun beside him in case anything suddenly jumped out.

"This is a bad idea." She said monotonously, rasing a brow at him to question his choices. "I'm quitting the military after this. This is not what I signed up for when I became a doctor."

The group walked through the terrain heading west, much against Hanks warnings. Packard led the way while Conrad, Dorothy and Mason were just behind. The two women glaring at the ignorant leader.

Their steps slowed as they approached a grassy field of bones. The resting place of Kong's family.

"Yeah, you smell that?" Hank asked as they stopped at the top of a hill, looking down at a pit of bones and green gas. "That's death."

"What the hell is this place?" Slivko scrunched up his nose as the smell.

"This is what's left of Kong's parents." He confirmed their thoughts.

"I've taken enough photos of mass graves to recognise one." Mason said grimly causing Dorothy to squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"The crash site's just on the other side of this valley." Packard ordered. "We'll cross through and make it to the highest point west."

"Uh uh." Hank shook his head at the man. "This place is a real no no, sir."

"We need to be going to the north side right now." A scientist freaked out, not wanting to cross the pit of death.

"And you're welcome to do that, my man." Packard snapped at him. "By yourself. I'm not leaving Jack out there. Now, who's with me?"

"We can make it." Conrad stated loud enough for the leader to hear.

"You're mighty right, we can make it." He agreed with the mercenary. "Now, stay sharp. Keep an eye out."

"I've only been here twenty-eight years. What do I know?" Hank said sounding salty. Dorothy patted his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look before reluctantly following the soldiers into the pit.

Bones of all sizes littered the grave site, most belonging to Kong's parents but others being too small, almost human. Dorothy stayed by Conrad's side, not trusting anyone or anything. An explosion sounded from behind them, startling them both.

"Watch those fumes!" Randa yelled out to the soldiers. They continued walking through the grave, all weapons raised and ready. A loud screeching noise echoed around them from the distance. They all froze, not knowing what to do.

"Run!" Everyone dispersed, running to hide in the bones. Conrad grabbed Dorothy and pulled her down beside him, his finger on his lips telling her to stay quiet as he raised his gun.

The skull crawler screeched loudly right beside them, Dorothy holding her mouth so she did not make a sound. She glanced over at Mason, happy to see her friend was still alive for now. The beast retched up something, a skull with tags landing next to them.

Conrad sighed quietly as he read the clear name of 'Jack Chapman' on the tag. Their mission was for nothing. The beast crawled away from them, still looking for the source of the explosion.

"Rally up! Rally up!" Packard shouted to everyone. "Somebody cover the civilians' six. Let's move!"

"Oh shit." Randa swore as his camera flashed crazily. The skull crawler appeared above him, eating him in one mouthful. The soldiers fired like crazy at the creature but nothing harmed it.

"Set up the 50!" All went quiet as they waited for what seemed like forever. The distant flashing of Randa's camera in the beast stomach informing everyone where it was.

It burst out the smoke, Hank slashing it's leg but it did no harm. They all ran for cover as the skull crawler chased down the soldiers, eating them one by one.

A soldier began to torch the creature under Packards command, the only weapon to do some harm. But their plan backfired as mini explosions sounded off around them.

"Slivko! Gas!" Dorothy heard Conrad yell, noticing the soldier unconscious next to toxic gas cannisters.

They exploded into a smoke of green, disturbing the strange birds from earlier which seemed worse than the skull crawler. The two women hid under some bones, both watching as Conrad ran into the toxic smoke with Hanks sword and a gas mask. He expertly sliced the birds down in half.

"Okay, maybe I don't hate all men because shit." Dorothy practically drooled as she watched the mans arms move.

"Is now the time?" Mason screamed at her, trying not to get killed. They both ran towards Conrad around the smoke, Dorothy igniting the lighter he had let her keep and throwing it into the fumes where the skull crawler was.

They explosion threw them all back as the creature screeched in pain, it's insides burning from the attack.

"I'm sorry about your lighter." Dorothy exhaled as she patted Conrad's chest, groaning as she sat up in pain. "Is this mine?" Her hand was covered in blood as she cupped her collar bone.

"You're hurt." Conrad grabbed her medical bag she had been holding on to the entire time and helped patch up the large gash that clearly needed a couple stitches.

Mason held on to Dorothy as Conrad helped Slivko, all meeting up with the other soldiers and scientists. At least those who remained.

"Now, look, Colonel." Hank snapped at the man. "You may outrank me, but I've been here a hell of a lot longer. And I'm telling you that thing that just shredded us was only the first of them. Now we're on their turf, and we need to turn back toot sweet!"

"Not as long as Chapman's still out there." Packard shot him down.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Packard." Conrad spoke up and raised the tags from the skull they found earlier. "Chapman is dead."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now