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final|a family

"Dorothy." Conrad groaned as she slipped out the warm bed, throwing on one of his giant shirts. "Stay."

"I have to make breakfast for the children." Dorothy leaned over and kissed him good morning. "You can rest of you wish."

"I'll be down soon, love." He smiled at her, watching her eyes drift over his shirtless body. "Keep staring at me like that and the children will get another sibling."

"I'm leaving." She squeaked, jumping off the bed and throwing on shorts before wandering down the stairs.

Switching on the radio, Dorothy danced around the kitchen as she made her family breakfast. One by one she placed a bowl of fruit, a jug of orange juice, condiments for the pancakes and some plates and cutlery.

"Mummy?" A three year old wandered into the kitchen, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Hello my little prince." She reached down and picked him up, cuddling him close as he perched himself on her hip. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes please, mummy." He sat on a chair at the table, munching the cut up pieces of pancake.

"Pancakes!" A six year old girl cheered as she jumped up on to a chair at the table. She happily ate her breakfast, helping her brother by pouring him a cup of orange juice.

"We made good ones." Conrad said proudly from the doorway. He placed a kiss on her head and sat down at the table with her, enjoying the meal she made. "I was thinking we could take a walk around the woods."

"Can we go to swing?" Isabel asked excitedly, glancing between her parents wide eyed. She was the spiting image of her mother but had her father's eyes.

"Of course, sweetie." Dorothy cleaned the jam off her daughters cheeks before filling everyone's glasses again. "Do you want to go on an adventure, Seth?"

"Yay!" The boy jumped up and down excitedly, food all over his mouth.


"I'm exhausted." Dorothy collapsed on to the bed, Conrad glancing up from his book to see what his wife was doing. "Having children is hard work."

"You were a military doctor." He chuckled, pulling her up to sit beside him. He placed an arm around her waist, letting her cuddle into his side. "You dealt with soldier on a daily basis."

"What you reading?" She leaned her head on his shoulder, looking down at the pages of his book.

"Romeo and Juliet." Conrad answered, kissing her head lovingly.

"The age difference always scares me but the love they have towards together I didn't think could exist until I met you." Dorothy kissed him, giggling when he dropped his book and tackled her against the bed.

"I love you." He kissed her face repeatedly, her laughter filling the room as she tried to not wake the children. "Say it, say you love me."

"I love you." She squealed but he continued to attack her neck. "I love you."

"Good girl." He pulled away and sat back on his side of the bed. Picking up his book off the floor, Conrad continued to read his book aloud. His smooth voice filled her ears as she pulled her nightwear out the closet, changing to comfier clothing.

"I was thinking we could take a trip to the market tomorrow." Dorothy suggested as she slipped into bed beside him, cuddling back into his chest. "I want to buy some seeds for the vegetable garden."

"I might pick up some more books to read the children." He added, stroking her hair as she changed the page for him.

"Have I ever told you I love you." She stared up at his deep blue eyes, finding herself getting lost in them like the first time she saw him.

"All the time." He chuckled, putting the book down to cup her face. "I love you more."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now