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11|kong vs. packard

The pair climbed up a small rocky cliff, the night quickly falling on them as they relied on the moon to light up the way. Dorothy cursed the man in front of her as she felt the pull on her stitches with each step up the cliff.

They finally reached the top, both breathing heavily as they looked out only to find clouds.

"The boat must be around that bend." Conrad stated as the clouds passed to reveal the river. They both stilled as a silhouette of Kong appeared in the clouds.

Dorothy's breath trembled as Kong stopped in front of them, watching the frozen pair. She grabbed Conrad hand, feeling him lace his fingers as he held her tight. Kong sniffed them, working out if they were dangerous or not.

She stepped forwards, raising her hand slowly so it could see she was not a threat. She reached out, her hand touching its nose as its innocent eyes stared at her.

"I'm so sorry." She quietly apologised to the gentle beast, knowing that it was their own fault Kong attacked the helicopters. It slowly backed away, leaving the pair alone before explosions went off near them.

"We have to go. Now." Conrad squeezed her hand and pulled her back in the direction they came from. They finally ran back to the others, their guns aimed at the pair. "Don't shoot!"

"Conrad, which way are we going?" Brooks sighed with relief at the sight of the mercenary.

"You four need to go back to the boat. It's that way." He ordered, glancing at Dorothy and knowing she was coming with him. "Wait for us till dawn. If we're not back by then, just go."

"You ain't gotta twist my arm." The geologist scoffed and started picking up his bags.

"Where are you two going?" Hank questioned with concern and curiousity.

"We're going to save Kong." Dorothy nodded to Conrad.

"Not without me, pal." He sheathed his sword as they got ready to leave. The two friends quickly embraced, Mason wishing the doctor luck before they parted.

The group of three ran towards the explosions, finding Kong unconscious on the ground as a fire roared on around them.

"Packard!" Conrad yelled at the man, standing between him and Kong. "Don't do it."

"I asked you fellas nicely the first time." Hank appeared behind the small amount of soldiers left, aiming his sword and gun at two of them.

"We don't want to fight here, Packard." The mercenary continued, his gun aimed at the Colonel.

"This thing brought us down! It killed my men!" Packard argued back.

"Kong was just defending his territory." Dorothy defended the gentle creature, placing her hand on its nose to feel if it was still breathing.

"We are soldiers!" The Colonel yelled at them. "We do the dirty work, so our families and our countrymen don't have to be afraid. They shouldn't even know a thing like this exists!"

"You've lost your mind." Conrad warned him. "Put that detonator down."

"Stop!" Dorothy shouted at him when he turned the detonator on. "The world is bigger than this."

"Bitch, please." Packard laughed at her. "You're just a doctor, what do you know? Slivko, get her out of here!"

"You know it's the wrong thing to do, son." Hank tried to reason with the scared soldier.

"Put it down, sir." Slivko aimed his gun at his Colonel, a proud smile making its way to Dorothy's lips.

"Packard!" Conrad stopped the man before he shot his soldier. One by one the other soldiers lowered their weapons. "Come on. It's over."

The water splashed and bubbled, a giant skull crawler emerging from the fiery water.

"That's the big one." Hank confirmed to them.

"Fall back." Dorothy stayed with Kong, everyone else running into the jungle while Conrad and Packard argued over the detonator.

"Kong, you need to wake up!" Dorothy screamed, trying to wake the sleeping beast. "Please!"

"Come on." Conrad grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder as he ran away. She watched as Kong crushed Packard with its fist before fighting with the giant skull crawler.

"I can run." She slapped his back but he ignored her, continuing to run through the jungle. She took this time to admire his ass as he ran, wondering what he did to make it look so amazing.

The sun began to rise, dawn washing over them as they made it to the river bank but found no boat.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now