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5|the locals

"Everyone here seems way too calm right now." Slivko continued to talk loudly down the communication device. "Do you copy? Anybody?"

"We're out of range, Slivko." Conrad quietly informed him. "Save it for when we get closer to the group."

"Thank you." Dorothy whispered to the mercenary, rubbing her temples as her head pounded.

The group froze as a large creature moved in the lake beside them, slowly walking closer and sniffing the air.

"Nobody move." Conrad ordered quietly to the group, all their weapons raised.

"Lower your weapon, Slivko." Dorothy warned the man, slowly stepping closer, grabbing the barrel and lowering it. "It's harmless."

"How can you be sure?" He said shakily but she ignored him and instead bowed her head to the majestic beast. It bowed back before walking away from the small beast.

"I thought you said "trust gets you killed"?" Conrad mumbled to her as they began to walk again.

"That rule doesn't apply to animals." She replied with a genuine smile on her lips. "Only men."

"I fear to ask." He chuckled as she walked beside him, ignoring his warning to stay behind for safety reasons. They entered a thicker jungle area, the vision for enemies becoming weak. "Stay tight."

"What the hell is this?" Nieves questioned aggressively. Conrad did not answer, walking slowly towards the broken building. It was an odd sight to see, especially since it could mean there is a civilisation on the island.

Mason gasped as she looked through her camera lens, the walls opening their eyes. Tribal warriors slowly emerged from the ruins, weapons raised.

"Everybody, stay calm!" Conrad ordered as they were backed up to one another, their modern weapons seeming useless against the many people.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." An old man ran out from behind what seemed like the leader. "No, no, no. No need for that. Come on now."

"You see an American too, right?" Dorothy whispered as the stranger stopped in front of them with oldstyle military clothes.

"Everybody, keep your wigs on now!" The man stated, smiling at the group cheerfully. "I didn't believe it when they said you were coming. I was up all night thinking about how me and Gunpei dreamed of this moment. And now here it is. Twenty eight years, eleven months and eight failed attempts to get back to the world, and instead the world comes to me? Ain't that a crack? They never smile."

"Did you crash here?" Mason asked loudly, confused by the man.

"Oh, sorry, miss." He apologised and saluted them. "Lieutenant Hank Marlow of the 45th. Put the old flight suit on for you. You are more beautiful than a hotdog and a beer at Wrigley Field on opening day. But you're real. Right? I told you. Didn't I tell you? I said, "it's fine"." The tribe relaxed their weapons at the man's strange command. "There we go."

"There's something out there, man." Slivko spoke up, still shaking in fear.

"Oh, there's a lot out there." Hank agreed darkly. "Now come on. We gotta get home. You don't want to be out here at night."

"I like him." Dorothy nudged Conrad as she walked ahead and followed the strange man. "He's funny."

"Dorothy." Conrad tried to stop her but caved, leading everyone to follow the tribe back to their civilisation.

"You probably noticed a lot of weird things on this island." Hank stated as they walked into the small camp surrounded by hills and a large wooden wall. "As long as we stay in here where the people live, we'll be all right."

"That wall, is that supposed to keep out that things?" Mason asked as she looked up at the large wall.

"No, he's not the one they're trying to keep out." He answered her before continuing to walk, confusing the group. "These people live up on top of the trees while we're down on the roots. Some of them don't even seem to age. There's no crime, no personal property. They're past all that."

He stopped the tour as an elderly couple approached them, standing out with their blue paint compared to everyone else's yellow. They bowed their heads at him, a silent agreement happening between them.

"So, good news." Hank turned to face them all after the couple walked away. "They say you can shack up here."

"I didn't hear them say anything." Conrad gestured back as they continued to walk.

"Oh, they don't speak too much." He explained to the mercenary. "When you've been here as long as I have, you start to understand. You'll see."

"Wait a minute. Wait." Nieves stopped him, standing in front. "We can't stay here. We have to get off the island. We have lives. I have a life."

"Nieves, now is not the time. All right?" Conrad tried to calm the scientist down.

"What lands here tends to stay here."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑨𝑹𝒀 - James ConradWhere stories live. Discover now