chapter 7, the sea serpent

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one couple of hours of walking and resting and eating, Flynn actually was at the west coast of alaria then Flynn and floof floof laid down in the flower bed of roses near the beach. then suddenly they heard a strange sound.  so Flynn pulled out his bow and arrow and floof floof put his claws out. then in the sky they saw the baby phoenix and some pixies in the sunset. but that was not the strange sound. then a serpent with a dark crystal in it's chest jumped out of the water! then Flynn immediately realized that it was a dark remnant. so they attacked the corrupted serpent, but this serpent can shoot magic out of it's mouth! so this battle would be hard, especially sense the serpent was 2 miles high! but thankfully they had help, from the baby phoenix and the pixies. the pixies helped by distracting the serpent while the phoenix used it's flame powers to burn the serpent. then Flynn remembered that a serpents weakness is any weapon made by fairy's or pixies. then he remembered that he got two gifts from queen Charlotte of the fairy kingdom, a sword made by fairy's and a magic book. and Flynn knew that if he got to close to the serpent then he would be surely killed. so he pulled out his magic book to look for a levitation spell. when he found it the spell in the book, he held the fairy sword and shouted the magic words " fuyo tobhach lievitacyja!". then the sword was floating in the air. and as he moved his hands the sword moved as well. so he pulled his hand back and moved his hands forward faster then you can say "cute", which made the sword move back and then get shot forward. which stabbed the serpent so brutally that the serpent trowed up blood and it's heart! then the pour serpent died, at least he will get reincarnated. "thanks for assisting us baby phoenix and little pixies!" said Flynn. then the phoenix and the pixies went off into the sunset. but then night fell, and night is when ALL of the monsters come out!

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