chapter 14, the dream beast

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when Flynn and Floof floof went to sleep, in their dreams they were floating in beautiful colors, it was very relaxing. but then those beautiful colors turned into a black,red and purple sky, that made Flynn and Floof floof very worried and not very relaxed. then some sort of person showed up, the person had lot's of dark colors surrounding it. then Flynn saw a dark crystal in the persons head, it was a dark remnant! sense Flynn didn't know what the person was, was it a human or a beast in disguise, he could not attack him because he didn't know his weakness. then suddenly the figure suddenly shape-shifted into a unicorn, then the unicorn used a  lightning spell on Flynn, but Flynn used his shield to block the lightning from hitting him. then the unicorn turned into a bearattle (bear + rattlesnake= bearattle), and it used it's snake venom claws to try and both slice and poison Flynn, but Flynn still had his shield with him, so he used that, and after the bearattle tried to slice and poison Flynn, Flynn slice's off the bearattle's paw. then suddenly the bearattle turned into a dragon. and complementary changed the area into a watery area. then the dragon breathed out it's fiery breath, which Flynn had no time to avoid. so he got hit with DRAGON FIRE! and dragon fire is way hotter then normal fire. but apparently if you are in a dream and you get injured while your dreaming, you don't actually get hurt because it is not real. if a real soul is powerful enough, they can enter a person's dream,  but sense they are real they can take damage. and the only real thing that can enter a dream is the mythical dream beast, which also has the power to shape-shift, which would explain the different forms. and the dream beast's only goal in life is to ruin other's dream's. but then again, the dream beast came about after the great darkness was defeated, so Flynn thought that the dream beast wouldn't do it if he weren't under the great darkness's control thank's to that stupid crystal. and the dream beast's only weakness is thinking of happy things, because basically what the beast is made of is the darkness of peoples nightmares, so Flynn had to think of something very happy! so Flynn and Floof Floof thought of the most happy thing, coming home becoming the true hero and his parent's being proud of him, and enjoying the most rare and most delicious fruit in all of the village. and going to sleep in a comfy bed without worrying that Christopher is ahead of them and might be at the temple as we speck, and without worrying that a monster could eat them with some delicious grass and flowers (facts in this dimension: monster's love to eat grass and flower's.). and then the dream beast actually faded away into dust. then Flynn and Floof Floof woke up, hearing in the the forest that Christopher was screaming in fear. so they ran to the forest to see that Christopher was being attacked by something.

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