The Entrance Exam

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"I made it in time" said Izuku as he gasped for air. He had finally reached the exam site. He had already given the theoretical exam but now he had to give the practical exam. As he stood there wondering how he would give the practical exam without ever having used the quirk, a familiar figure pushed him out of its way and he heard a voice he hadn't heard in 10 months, "Get out of my way or you're dead !" shouted Bakugo as he pushed past Izuku and advanced forward towards the exam site. Despite being afraid of Bakugo for the majority of his childhood and adolescence, he wasn't afraid now. After those grueling 10 months and recieving All Might's quirk, he thought of himself as a contender to Bakugo's goal. Being lost in his thoughts, he didn't even realize that he had tripped and was falling, but luckily he felt himself be weightless. And as would any normal person react, he was freaked out. And then a soft, enthusiastic voice called out to him, "Are you okay ?" asked the concerned voice. As Izuku looked around, he saw a girl smiling at him as she put him on the ground. "It's just my quirk, sorry for stopping you but, well it's a bad omen to trip and fall." said the girl. Izuku just stood there speechless, racking his brains for a solid reply but as he prepared, she had already left. "Good luck to the both of us !" she said as she walked into the auditorium. As Izuku stood there, many were beginning to look at him with disdain, marking him as a weirdo. Realising this, he picked up his pace and entered the auditorium.

After the briefing, Izuku was, to be honest, pretty scared. They were going to be fighting 4 robots of varying sizes in a city like arena. Having never used the quirk he had received from All Might, his chances of even surviving the test were pretty low. As he planned his course of action, the announcer gave them some final warnings, "If you attack the other participants, your points will be deducted and further violation will result in your disqualification from the test. Good luck !" said the announcer. As Izuku kept pondering about the strategies he could implement in the test, someone tapped on his shoulder and he felt that weightless feeling again. "Hey, uh, do you wanna team up ?" asked the brunette girl. "Well, I won't be of much help to you, uhh, my's not that strong" said Izuku. "Well, two is better than one isn't it ?" asked the girl nervously. Izuku understood where she was coming from, she was nervous and scared of the test. She wasn't sure of herself, wasn't sure if she could take the robots on by herself and that's why she had asked to team up. "Yeah, I will help you." said Izuku confidently and then he caught sight of that same infectious grin that had left him smiling like an idiot before the briefing. "I didn't catch your name earlier" said Izuku, to which the girl replied, "Ochako Uraraka".

As the test began, all the participants ran off to find the robots, but Izuku and Ochako sticked together. Izuku had a plan and they were going to use it. The one who gets the final hit on the robots gets the points so the plan was that Ochako will get the first robot's points and Izuku will get the second. In the first case, Ochako will make contact with the robot and Izuku will launch it into the sky, then Ochako will deactivate her quirk, making the robot fall from the sky, destroying it. In the second scenario, Ochako will make contact with the robot to disable it's mobility and then Izuku will line up a perfect shot to destroy it. When they entered the testing grounds, Izuku plucked up a street lamp to use it as a weapon. By following their strategy, they had managed to score 30 points each by the time that Present-Mic announced that only a minute was left.

"Your quirk is amazing !" said Ochako, gasping for air after running away from a collapsing building. "Yours is more useful, if you can just increase the maximum usage of your quirk there is no telling as to how far you can go" said Izuku, as he leaned against the walls of a building. As they were talking, the ground began to shake. "What's happening ?" asked Ochako as she stood up from the ground. "It's either someone's quirk or..." as Izuku said this, the ground beneath them began to open up. Running away from the site of the supposed earthquake, Izuku realized something. They had been fighting the three pointer robots for the test but they hadn't seen a zero pointer yet, was this the zero pointer, was this the robot they had to avoid like a natural disaster, like Present-Mic advised them to ? But as the events took place and the dust settled, Izuku's thoughts had come to pass. It was the zero-pointer robot, and it was massive. Towering over the buildings that surrounded them, the zero-pointer began it's rampage. Many tried to destroy it with their quirks but they didn't even make a dent. It swatted away those who tried to attack it's head and threw the debris of the destroyed buildings at them all, leaving them only one viable option, to run. As he ran away from the destructive robot, he came to notice the absence of his new friend. Ochako was nowhere to be seen. He looked ahead but he didn't spot her. And then he heard a cry for help, he looked around to see Ochako trapped beneath some debris and the robot just behind her. If he didn't anything right then, the robot would have trampled her, possibly killing her. And at that very moment that he realized that, he felt a familiar rush inside his body, the same rush that he had felt when he saw Bakugo being captured by the sludge villain, the same rush that had compelled his body to move without thinking. And so it did, he ran towards the robot without a plan. He felt an unknown energy surging through his arms and legs, but he didn't have time to think, and before he knew it, he was up 700 feet in the sky, with his right arm bleeding profusely and his legs broken. He blacked out from the pain and he didn't even get time to register what had happened.

From the ground below, it was very clear as to what had happened when Izuku launched himself into the sky. Ochako watched as her new friend ran towards the robot, shocking everyone else. And in a fraction of a second, he had shot straight through the robot, effectively destroying it and making it explode. The explosion sent her flying into a building, breaking her leg. But she watched as she spotted Izuku falling down from the sky, seemingly unconscious. If she didn't do anything now, the guy who sacrificed his well being to save her was probably going to die, and with these thoughts in her head, she activated her quirk and rushed forward. She took a giant rock and used it as a platform to rest her immobile body and rushed to the spot where he will land. With one final push, she reached there just in time and used her quirk on him once again, by slapping him. The unconscious body of Izuku floated just above the ground and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Time's up" announced Present-Mic and the exam came to a close.

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