The fated battle

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Class 1-A was having their lunch after a hectic day of studies. It had been a week since they had joined U.A and they were surprised to find the lack of combat training they had. Little did they know, it was all about change that very day.
"Class 1-A has been summoned by All Might. They are asked to report immediately" shouted Present Mic through the speakers. This was quite unexpected for students of said class, especially Deku. He was finishing up his lunch with Shinso, Iida and Uraraka when this announcement happened. All Might had been absent for the last week and he hadn't received any messages from him either. This sudden summon came as a surprise but they followed it anyway. They found All Might in their classroom, waiting for them. "Ah, Young Midoriya's group. You're the last of them. We've been waiting for you" greeted All Might. As they took their seats, All Might explained his reasoning behind the summon. "Your next two classes of Maths and English have been substituted with an emergency combat training class. You see, due to my absence I was unable to host your basic combat training classes for the past week, so this is to make up for two days worth of training. Usually, we start off with a physical training class but since we need to catch up with the rest of the classes, we will skip a few steps. This class will be based on team training. You will be split up into teams of two. The teams will be chosen at random and then the teams will fight another team. One team will be the heroes, while the other will pose as the villains. The villains are to protect a fake warhead in an abandoned building. The location of the warhead will be unknown to the heroes and they will be provided with a map of the building. The heroes' objective is to either capture the villains using the capture tape they will be provided, render them immobile or touch the warhead before the time limit. The villains' objective will be to either render the heroes immobile or protect the warhead. You are required to get into your costumes for this exercise. So, suit up !" finished All Might, earning an enthusiastic response from most of the class. Deku was quite ecstatic as well. He would be able to put his training to good use now. All those punches, kicks, push-ups will finally come in handy. Almost all of the class was elated as well. Tokoyami, Shoto and Shinso were indifferent about it. But the one who stuck out the most was Bakugou. He had a smirk on his face, one that Deku knew all to well, it was the same smirk he wore when he had a trick up his sleeve.
As they reached their training ground, their costumes came into view. Iida was wearing a very sleek and strong looking costume, with thrusters that complimented his engine quirk. Tokoyami wore what looked like a black cloak over his body. Shoto had his left side frozen and was wearing a white suit. Bakugou wore a black sweat shirt, a black and red mask along with grenade like gauntlets. Deku on the other hand wore a costume that was very reminiscent of a certain pro hero. The long green ears and the smiling look on his mask made All Might very concerned about Izuku. He had never thought about it, but his student seemed to be obsessed with him. But the one who was the most interesting was Shinso. His costume consisted of a purple and black suit with armour pads at his joints and he wore what looked like the same capture weapon used by Aiwaza. 'Is he being trained by Mr.Aiwaza ?' was the thought that everyone had after seeing his costume.
"Your costume is really down to earth, huh." said Uraraka, looking at Deku's costume. "Yeah, I kinda based it on All Might" said Deku, with a nervous laugh. "Way more subtle than me" said Shinso, referring to his costume design. "Well, I should've sent them some more specifications, they just fitted me with a skin tight body suit." said Uraraka, making Deku blush under his mask. " The teams are being made now " announced All Might, as he started sorting the students into pairs.
After they had been sorted and the teams were selected, it all ended with the first match being Izuku and Ochako's team as the heroes with Bakugou and Shinso as the villains. This was disadvantageous to Izuku's team as Bakugou and Shinso were among the best fighters of their class. Even with Izuku's physical strength it would be difficult to defeat two experienced fighters. But they didn't have another choice. The match began as All Might blew his whistle, and the timer began to count down.
"Deku, I think we should split up for this one." suggested Ochako, earning a confused look from Deku. "Well, we don't know where they are so if we split up we can find them faster and we have the communicators." said Ochako, handing him the map of the building. "Well, Kacchan isn't gonna wait for us. He will try to find us, more specifically me. So, that is a great idea." said Deku, smiling at his friend.
As they entered the building, the lights went out, covering the hallways in an impenetrable darkness. They couldn't see clearly but that didn't stop them from advancing forward. Back with Bakugou and Shinso however, things weren't looking that bad.
"Just sit here purplehead, I have a score to settle" said Bakugou, advancing towards the door that led to the stairwell. But he was stopped by Shinso who used his capture weapon, "I'm coming with you. You will just go for Midoriya then I will deal with Uraraka." said Shinso, making Bakugou smirk at his teammate. "You aren't half bad" remarked Bakugou, as they both began their descent towards their now enemies.
According to the plan, they split up. Midoriya was on the sixth floor while Uraraka was on the fourth. Little did they know, that Bakugou was on the fifth, waiting for them with Shinso. As Midoriya moved onto the seventh floor, Uraraka reached the fifth. "Tough luck Bakugou, looks like you will have to make do with Uraraka." said Shinso, signalling Bakugou to Uraraka's prescence. "I'll handle pink cheeks, you protect the warhead" said Bakugou as he rushed towards Uraraka, preparing a punch to knock her out. As Shinso went up to the seventh floor, he was met with a punch to the face that sent him flying through an adjacent wall. It was Midoriya who had spotted him the moment he reached the floor. Meanwhile, Uraraka had managed to dodge the punch by the skin of her teeth, and had used her quirk on Bakugou making him weightless. This only seemed to help Bakugou as he rushed towards Uraraka at an even higher speed, it seemed like he had won the battle but before he even realized what had happened, he was slammed into a wall. Uraraka had caught Bakugou's arm and swung it to smash him into a wall. Bakugou responded with a point blank explosion that sent Uraraka flying towards the window. Her helmet had broken and her face was bruised but she got up nonetheless and took a battle stance, ready to challenge the best fighter that 1-A had to offer. But as she realized what he was doing, a horrified expression took over her face. Bakugou was using his gauntlets to let out an explosion, an explosion that would take the entire floor down with them, and it was aimed towards her. The students who were spectating the fight became worried. If that blast hit Uraraka, she would be dead. All Might warned Bakugou but all he responded with was, "She won't die if she dodges it." As he went to pull the trigger, the building shook as if there was an earthquake. Bakugou was confused, he hadn't even fired the blast yet. But before he knew it, the ceiling behind him crumbled and a masked figure dropped onto the floor, and instantly charged at Bakugou. It was Deku, he had been signalled by Uraraka that she was fighting Bakugou. He told her to not engage alone but she didn't listen. But after he heard Bakugou say it, he punches through the floors and went to finish the fight himself. Deku punched Bakugou, sending him flying out of the window. Uraraka had managed to get out of the way but it was too late for them to do anything. As he flew out of the window, Bakugou pulled the trigger, blasting Deku and Uraraka at point blank range. Deku took the most of the attack but the sheer force of it was enough to knock Uraraka out.
As Bakugou flew back into the building, he caught sight of Deku putting Uraraka's unconscious body to a side and cradling his burnt arm."Fight me like a hero, Deku, or are you too scared to fight now" taunted Bakugou as he went in for Deku with a punch aimed for his head. Deku responded with a gut punch that sent Bakugou through a wall. "If you want a rematch, you're getting one." said Deku as he wiped some blood from his mouth, and took a battle stance with Bakugou responding in kind.
The fight had only begun and it would take one of them to be knocked out for it to end.

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