A New School

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As the days went by, Izuku trained his body, putting himself through rigorous training. And before he knew it, the day was here. The day when he would take a huge step in his dream in becoming a pro hero, his first day in U.A High.
When he first arrived at the school, it's sheer scale was imposing. The grand walls were made out of, what he presumed to be solid concrete. The gate was an arch that had a walkway that led into two twin buildings that were joined together by an overarching bridge. The edges of the complex were covered with flora and fauna.

"Shut up you damn extras !" shouted the voice of Bakugou, one that Izuku instantly recognized. He was standing right by the door of the classroom, still not believing the fact that he was actually enrolled in U.A. A soft tap on his shoulder broke him out of his train of thought, "Hey, Midoriya " were the words that echoed through his ears. The voice was uncannily familiar and so he turned around to find the same girl from the entrance exam, Ochako Uraraka. "Hey Uraraka" replied Izuku with a smile on his face. "How's your arm ?" asked Uraraka, as she opened the door to the classroom. "It's healed now but it is a bit sore." answered Izuku, looking at the classroom, only to see a face he hoped he didn't have to see in a long time. His eyes had met those of Bakugou, his former friend,bully and possibly, rival. Bakugo's eyes were filled to the brim with rage as he glared at Izuku, standing up from the teacher's chair. "Deku" were the only words that escaped his mouth before they were interrupted by another. "Cut the chit-chat kids, life is short and you need to make good use of it." said a tired voice. As Izuku looked around, he saw a man lying on the ground in a sleeping bag who appeared to be getting up. Thinking of him as their teacher, Uraraka grabbed Izuku's hand and beckoned him to go to his seat, making Izuku's face as red as a tomato but he followed suit. Izuku guessed the man to be in his mid twenties. He wore a black suit with weird white straps of cloth that hung from his neck and black trousers. His hair was unkempt and his eyes were likely darkened from lack of sleep. And for whatever reason, Izuku couldn't seem to recognize the teacher as a hero. This was very weird for he had made notes on every registered hero in the last decade. 'Maybe U.A hires normal teachers as well' thought Izuku. There were 20 students in the class. But the one who stood out the most in his eyes was a purple haired boy. He didn't seem to have a quirk. His train of thought was interrupted by an announcement of their new teacher, Shota Aiwaza. "We will start the class with a quirk evaluation test and to make things more interesting, the one who comes in last.....will be punished with expulsion." said Aiwaza with a monotone voice. The entire class shook with fear, they had only entered U.A and to be expelled from it so quickly could easily mean the end of their dreams. But the most scared of them all was Izuku. He couldn't use his quirk lest risk destroying his body, he had to get through the test with just his physical strength. He might be able to tear apart a telephone pole but he had no idea what quirks the others had. "I am sorry I judged you back at the entrance exam" said a bespectacled boy, breaking Izuku out of his thoughts. "I am Tenya Iida, and you are ?" he introduced himself, and Izuku replied, "Izuku Midoriya".

As they stepped into the training grounds, a sense of fear loomed over them. Almost all of them seemed to be nervous, except those who got in through recommendations and Bakugou of course. But the most scared of them all was Izuku. He cannot, no, would not use his quirk.....unless it was absolutely necessary. He knew he had to get through the test just by using his physical strength and the mere thought was making him sweat bullets. He couldn't let All Might down, he would never let him down. But little did he know, All Might was watching all of this unfold from afar, and was nervous as well. He was in his skinny form to avoid recognition in case of being spotted. But he was nervous for a different reason all together. 'Young Midoriya hasn't used OFA with a lower power output yet. If he doesn't do that then he will risk expulsion. For all I know, Aiwaza doesn't shy away from rusticating students. He had previously send an entire class worth of students home after this very test. If young Midoriya doesn't shine in Aiwaza's eyes, then he might be doomed to the same fate' thought All Might, as he kept looking at his student, trying to think of any possible way he could intervene and take the class out of there. But alas, he was too slow for Aiwaza had already begun his briefing.

"They had you all do normal physical tests in middle school without your quirks right. The government still believes that all men are created equal but that isn't true anymore. Each year, U.A gets over 10000 applicants for the hero course but only 60 are selected. You all are the best of the best, the new generation. But since the entrance exam is entirely artificial, those who got in through sheer luck or by stealing other's points are allowed as well. This test will sort out those people. The one with the lowest points, will be rusticated." said Aiwaza, sending shivers through Izuku's spine. "Bakugou, you came in first in the entrance exam right ?" asked Aiwaza. Bakugou came forward and replied, "Yeah". Aiwaza handed him a softball and told him to throw it as hard as he could, with his quirk, earning a smirk from Bakugou. Bakugou created an explosion and used that to propel the ball into the sky. "850.75 meters" remarked Aiwaza. The class was dumbfounded. Many were congratulating Bakugou, while those who knew they couldn't get such a score just stood there, contemplating their best course of action.

As the test went by, Izuku scored fairly well on all of them. And after all the tests, came the one that had made him the most nervous he had been in his life, the softball throw. After all the others completed the test, it was his turn. "Good luck" Uraraka wished him with a smile on her face. He simply nodded and walked over to his position. All Might was probably more nervous than him, 'Do something miraculous kid !' thought his master. Taking the ball in his hand, he came to a hard conclusion. If he wanted to stay in U.A, he had to use his quirk, no matter the cost. And so he did. He activated OFA and threw the ball with all his strength but something strange happened. The ball didn't go that far, and his hand wasn't broken. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted something strange about his teacher. As he looked around, he saw Mr.Aiwaza's hair and his straps of cloth floating in the air, his eyes were glowing red and a weird goggle hanging around his neck. That's when Izuku realized who he was. The worn out attitude, the black clothes, those straps and that google could only mean one thing, he was the pro hero 'Eraserhead'. His quirk was called Erasure which allowed him to erase the effects of the quirks of the people he looks at. And that's exactly what happened to him. His quirk was erased. "Your quirk might be one of the strongest here, but it's side-effects are worse than the few seconds of immeasurable strength it provides you with. I will allow you another chance at throwing the ball but just know this, if you break your hand and become a liability once again, you will be expelled" warned Aiwaza. Bakugou smirked to himself and thought, 'He doesn't have a quirk. There's no way he can win this.' But little did he know, Izuku had already devised a plan. If he couldn't injure his arm then that doesn't mean he can't injure his fingers. Holding the ball in his hand, he gave an affirming nod to his teacher and prepared to throw it with all of his strength. The ball had nearly escaped his fingers when he gave it a final push with the power of OFA with just his fingertip, sending the ball flying into the sky. "700.3 meters. Not bad kid." remarked Aiwaza. Iida and Uraraka were cheering for him but there was one student who wore a dumbfounded expression on his face. Bakugou stood there, with his entire world shattering around him. Everything that he believed since the nimble age of four was in shambles. In a fit of rage, Bakugou tried to attack the unsuspecting Izuku, shouting "Deku, you lying bastard !" as he did so. But alas ! That effort was in vain as before he knew it, strong bindings of cloth had covered his body and stopped him in his tracks. It was the straps of cloth that hung around Aiwaza's neck, 'Binding cloth' as he called it. After reprimanding him, the class was dismissed and they had normal classes after that. And soon enough, their first day at U.A was over.
Izuku and Tenya were walking out of U.A, onto the sunlit streets. The afternoon sun shone vibrantly with a warm orange hue. They looked back as they heard a voice calling out to them, the voice of Ochako Uraraka, "Hey, Tenya, Deku, wait up !" said Uraraka, running up to them. Izuku found her choice of words quite weird as Bakugou usually called him 'Deku' to bully him, because it meant 'useless', and he told this to Uraraka only to find her quite surprised. "I think it stands for 'you can do it' and it's kinda cute" said the smiling Uraraka, earning a smile from Izuku in return. "Deku it is then" said Deku, smiling at his new friend.

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