Without a quirk

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After the exam, Izuku was healed by the pro hero Recovery Girl and was discharged from the hospital. As Izuku was walking down the streets, he received a message on his phone. It was from All Might, "How was the exam ?" in reply, Izuku texted, "I think I will pass but I broke my arms and legs when I used your quirk". "Meet me at the beach" was the message he received in reply. And so he did. After having a tasty lunch made by his mother, he went straight to the beach to meet his mentor. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting on the horizon. The sky was slightly cloudy but the weather was relatively fair. "Young Midoriya, we have lots to talk about" said All Might, "Yes we do, All Might".

"So you are already using one for all at 100%, huh. Then you might have gotten the feel of it." said All Might. "Yeah, but I don't really understand what happened there. Like, one moment I am standing there, in the other I am running towards the robot and then I am just, up in the sky with my broken limbs." said Izuku in reply, saddened by his incapability to understand what happened. "Come on, don't look sad now. What I think happened was that you acted on instinct. But you must have felt that rush, you know, the power surging through your body" persisted All Might. And to his delight, Izuku understood what he was talking about, "Yeah, I felt that power, that...rush as you call it. Uhh, how do I describe this,..it felt...it felt like a...yeah, I know, an egg in a microwave." concluded Izuku and as he looked at the face of his mentor, expecting to see an excited face, he was met with the face of a man who didn't know what to think. "You are weird. But, you have that image in your head right, so just lower the power or extend the duration. Look, in U.A there are going to be people who had years to develop their quirks and get used to them. You don't get that time so you are going to have to go through 15 years worth of training, in one week. I know I am asking a lot out of you but it's totally up to you if you want to train like that or not. Take your time to-" as All Might tried to say this, he was cut off by the enthusiastic voice of his student himself, "I'll do it." said Izuku. "You, you go-getter fanboy !" exclaimed All Might as he smiled at his student with sheer admiration. "I've got a training plan for you. Stick to it for the week and don't overexert yourself. Take rest, you will need it. " said All Might, handing him yet another document that concerned his training regime. "300 pushups a day !" Izuku shouted in disbelief. "It is quite hard but it is necessary. You can go now." and so, All Might bade Izuku goodbye, who was still dumbfounded by the sheer dificulty of the training regime.

The very next day, Izuku started his training regime. It was hard at first but with the power boost he got after recieving OFA, he had started to ease into it. The regime consisted of 300 pushups, 300 squats,300 punches and kicks along with a 30 kilometer run. As he was running along the beach, he was stopped in his tracks by a familiar shout, one he didn't expect to hear in the beach. "What are you doing here, Deku ?" asked Bakugo, clad in his black t-shirt and trousers. "Uhh, Kacchan...I was just..uh" Izuku struggled to give a coherent reply, but he was saved the trouble by his interrogator himself, "You have been doing intensive training for 3 hours now. Why are you doing this ?" Bakugou went straight to the point, and Izuku racked his brains for a reply, an answer that would satisfy his curiosity without giving away his actual reason for training. "I, uhh, I just want to get...stronger" said Izuku with a nervous tone. "There's no reason for that. You can't beat me even if I don't use my quirk and there's no chance that you will ever pass that damned exam" laughed Bakugou, walking back after having bullied Izuku once again. But little did he know, this wasn't the same 'Deku' he knew 10 months ago. "Fight me then Kacchan" said Izuku, immeadiately drawing Bakugou's attention."What-" as Bakugou tried to register what Izuku just said, he was cut off by the same confident voice again. "Prove it, prove it that you are better than me !" said Izuku, taking his battle stance. This just aggravated Bakugou, 'Does he really think he can beat me now that he has gotten some training, did he forget how he went crying back home the last time he fought me' thought Bakugou, taking a battle stance of his own. "You are useless, and you will stay USELESS !" screamed Bakugou as he charged forward with a right hook, aiming for Izuku's head. Izuku, however, was expecting this. He had been studying Bakugou since they were four. He made notes on his fighting style, opening attacks, and so called finishing moves. No one knew Bakugou like he did. And now it was his chance to prove himself to the person whose strength and spirit he had admired since the day they met, and he was going to take it. He caught the punch with his left palm and tried to counterattack by kicking Bakugou. However, years of training had honed Bakugou's reflexes to the point where he could effortlessly block the incoming kick. But the power behind the kick was too much. Bakugou howled out in pain and in rage, he took hold of Izuku's leg and threw him into the sand. Izuku was already tired from the training so he knew that if he wanted to win this fight, he would have to end it quickly. Getting up from the ground, he caught sight of Bakugou clutching his left arm which appeared to be bleeding. Neither of them could continue the fight for much longer and they knew it. It was hard to accept for Bakugou but he knew that if were to take a direct hit from Izuku, he would be down for the count. As the sun set over the horizon, they charged at each other. Izuku went straight in with a punch, aiming for Bakugou's chest but Bakugou was careful this time. He strafed away from the punch and landed a knee kick right in Izuku's face. Izuku fell down on the ground touched his broken nose, flinching after realizing that it was bleeding profusely. As blood dripped down his arm, Bakugou tried to take advantage of Izuku's position and went for a finishing blow, a punch headed straight for his head. Izuku saw this coming and decided to end the fight right there. He ducked under the punch and delivered a devastating blow. Bakugou was sent flying into the ground after Izuku punched him in the stomach. The fight was over and he had lost. For the first time in his life, he had lost a fight against Deku, the one he always ridiculed, the one he thought he was always better than, the one who had.....idolized him. The taste of defeat was something new to him, and he was sure he didn't like it. "I win Kacchan." declared Izuku as he walked out of the beach, leaving an impression upon Bakugou that would dictate his future actions. He made Bakugou think something he thought he would never be able to be, the mere thought of Izuku being better than Bakugou.

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