Chapter 8: The Mirror

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Ron says Sirius Black was in his dorm that night. I-what? We also found out that the Fat Lady, the woman in the portrait to Gryffindor Tower, went missing. But luckily they found her, and she said Black was the one to attack her. Maybe Ron did see him.

I noticed that Professor Lupin had a specific schedule for being absent from classes. No idea why, but I noticed it. I also noticed that Potter and Johnson absolutely despise me. Johnson keeps flirting with Fred as well. Like the other day.

I sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Johnson came in and sat next to Fred. "Hi Freddie!" she said between her annoying giggles, while putting her head on his shoulder. My fists clenched. "Er, hi Angelina," Fred awkwardly moved away from her. "So I need to pick out a new dress from Hosgmeade, will you help me?" "Sorry, I actually have plans," "What plans could possibly be more important than me?" she asked in a high-pitched voice. "Well, I'm going to ask a girl to go with me," he explained. I almost choked on my water for several reasons. First, Johnson's face was priceless, and second, HE'S ASKING A GIRL OUT?! I knew it. Why would he like a Slytherin like me? Ugh.

Fred's POV:

Angelina was flirting with me as usual today, and Y/n looked furious. Did she like me back? Well, enough of that. Angelina asked me out to Hogsmeade, but I said I was going to ask a girl to go with me. Yeah. I said that. In front of Y/n. I know, I'm dumb. Now I have to ask her out. I mean, it's not a bad thing. I'm just nervous.


Ok, school ended and now I'm eating dinner. Y/n and I are early, so we're the only ones of our friends at the table. I took this as an opportunity. "Umm, Y/n?" "Yes?" "Do you, er, want to go to Hogsmeade with me ?" I asked. That was surprisingly easier than I thought, but what really made my day was how her face lit up and she smiled from ear to ear. "Of course!" She looks so cute when she's excited.

When the others arrived, I told George what happened. I saw Y/n whispering and giggling with Amelia and Ginny. What if she's telling them about me asking her out? I thought. "You should tell Draco!" I heard Ginny say to Y/n. "No way! He'll kill me. You know how he is, thinking your family are 'blood traitors'," she said 'blood traitors' in a mocking tone. I laughed. But then all three of them looked at me, as if they realized they had made a huge mistake. Then they went back to whispering.

"Clothes!" Amelia cried suddenly. "Marina, Anabelle, Lana and I'll help you get ready!" she told Y/n. Get ready for what? "Shh! Keep your voice down!" Y/n whisper-yelled.


Today is the Hogsmeade weekend. I tried my best to look as good as possible. I know Y/n likes to wake up early on Hogsmeade weekends so I did too. I waited for her at the gate, and I swear I never felt so nervous. After a few minutes I saw her. I had to keep my jaw from dropping. I mean, she's gorgeous on her own, but when she puts all this effort she's just breathtaking. She saw me and came over to where I was standing.

"Hey Fred," she's so pretty when she smiles. "Hey, Y/n. Umm, shall we?" She nodded her head. "So, where are we going first?" "Wherever you want," Please don't say Madam Puddifoot's please don't say Madam Puddifoot's. "Well, usually people go to Madam Puddifoot's," Crap. "But I think it's quite ugly. No offense if you like it," she said. "Oh I was internally praying that you wouldn't want to go there, I hate it more than you do," she giggled. I love it when she giggles.

"How about the Three Broomsticks?" She suggested. "Sure," We went in, and just my luck, Angelina was there. She was sitting by herself. I tried my best to hide. We ordered some butterbeers and talked for a while. "Do you like anyone?" She asked. Dang it. What do I say? What if she thinks it's not her? "Yes," Please don't ask who I like, please don't ask who I like. "Who is it?" Ugh. "I, umm, don't really like to talk about it," "Oh. It's fine," She seemed disappointed. Does she like me back?

Just then, Angelina spots us and comes up to our table. "Hi, Freddie!" Man, she's annoying. "Hi, Angelina," "Is this the girl you asked to Hogsmeade ?" She asked in a disgusted tone. "Yeah, what about her?" "Well, you could've gone with me," "Well, I didn't. I wanted to go with her. Sorry," "Oh, come on, Freddie! You don't want to be with a Slytherin two-color-eyed freak! You should be with someone like me!" She pouted. I heard Y/n's knuckle crack. I guess she's mad.

"Don't call her that," I warned. "Why not? That's what she is, anyway," I heard Y/n's knuckle crack again. "Angelina, I'm warning you," if she says something about Y/n one more time she's going to pay. "Listen, Freddie. She's brainwashing you! Don't fall for it! I bet she's got evil powers in those creepy eyes of hers," I stood up, making sure to seem intimidating. I looked her in the eye. I could tell she was scared. "Angelina, leave," I warned her. "Fine," she scoffed before leaving.

"I'm so sorry about that," I sat back down. "Don't listen to her, you're beautiful," I realized what I said after I said it. She looked at me, a look of satisfaction and happiness in her eyes. Does she like me back? I hope so. "Thanks,"


Y/n's POV

After Hogsmeade Fred showed me the Room of Requirement. It had some junk in it, but there was also a mirror. "That's the Mirror of Erised," I pointed to it. "It shows a person's deepest desires," I explained. I went to look in it. There was me and Fred, but older. We were holding hands, and there were twin girls with us. They both had red hair, and looked like a combination of me and him. Our kids. I thought. I smiled. "What do you see?" he asked. "My future family," "Who's in it?" "My husband and two young girls," "Who's the husband?" What do I tell him? "What do you see in the mirror?" I stepped away. He stepped in front of it. "Oh, I see me and George, in front of our newly opened joke shop. You're there too! Along with two little girls!" Hold on, did he see the same girls I saw? Does he like me?

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