Chapter 10 - Stuck

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I had to break the kiss because it didn't look like Cooper would be doing it any time soon. He whined as I stepped back and tightened his arms so I couldn't step away.

"That was nice," he hummed and nuzzled my neck. His hands were comfortingly stroking up and down my spine, and I could feel goose bumps rise on my skin as I shivered.

"Yeah, but you have things to do today, and I have a feeling they'll never get done if I don't let you go now."

He pulled his head away and pouted exaggeratedly like the five-year-old he secretly was.

I closed my eyes because I could feel the urge to just let him do what he wanted, getting stronger the longer I looked at him.

"Don't give me that look," I ordered, pushing at his chest. The cowboy stepped back, obviously of his own accord because if he really wanted, I couldn't have budged him an inch.

"Fine. I'll see you tonight." Cooper slowly backed away before turning and jogging off to do whatever had to be done on the ranch. I should have probably found out what that was and helped, too, but for now, I was good.

Something rammed into the backs of my knees and I fell forwards onto my hands. I rolled over onto my back and saw Orion standing over me, prancing impishly.

"You think you can take me on?" I playfully glared at him as I propped myself up on my elbows.

The little appaloosa foal bent down and started sniffing at my face. I took a deep breath and blew out into his face. He squealed indignantly and stumbled backwards, tripping over his own legs and falling into a tangled heap.

I burst out laughing and he looked up at me as he struggled to his hooves. I heaved myself to my feet and he pranced over to me.

He's a very beautiful young colt. His coat was snow white speckled with black spots that looked like a pen exploded on his fur. His forelegs were dark brown as though he had just waded through mud, but his hooves were white.

"Hey, sweetie," I cooed at him reaching out my hand for him to smell. He sniffed it before nickering and pushing his muzzle into my hand and making a content sound.

"Let's get to know each other," I whispered to him. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my horse form. I felt the shift wash over me like cold rain and shivered. I stood up and shook my fur out, startling poor Orion.

I bent my head down and blew some more air in his face. He squealed again and jumped around.

"What are you?"

"I'm your friend," I answered. I mean, how was I supposed to explain to a baby what I was? I didn't even know what I was!

"Cool. I'm Orion," he preened and stood up tall, his little tail waving quickly from side to side.

"I'm Eli. Part time human."

"That's weird. Everyone here seems to be able to be more than one thing. All those men turn into wolves. But they can't talk to me like you can. Does this mean I can turn into something else? Like an eagle! How cool would it be to fly? But it would be kinda scary too. I mean, being up to high and—"

"Whoa, slow down. Take a breath. I don't think you'll be transforming anytime soon but keep working on it." I told him as I bumped him gently.

"Oh well. It's nice to be able to talk to someone. All the other foals are gone or stay with their dads and my mom's gone and most of the older horses don't like talking to me because they say I'm too hyper and young," he prattled, nodding along as he spoke.

I frowned, "Where's your mom?"

The colt deflated immediately. His head and tail fell, and he explained quietly, "I'm not really sure, to be honest. I got really sick when I was younger, and the two-legs separated me from her. They healed me in this sharp-smelling, bright building and then I was brought here. And while I was there, I overheard them saying my mom had died of whatever I had because she was weak from having me."

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