Chapter 9 - Unexpected Guests, Girls, and Gifts

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Nolan was wearing a pair of well-worn jeans with a simple gray shirt, working boots, and a pair of mirrored sunglasses. The driver of the truck hopped out and went to the back of the trailer, disappearing inside.

I stayed hidden behind the barn, but my curiosity got the best of me. I'd end up probably looking ridiculous, but did I really care? No, I really didn't.

Cooper was standing stiffly with his arms crossed over his chest with his back to me. It's rather distracting actually.

"Doyle," he said coolly.

Nolan strode over to stand in front of Cooper, looking unconcerned despite Cooper's icy demeanor.

"I decided to be the kind soul all people know I am and not cut off all business with you, despite the rude and downright disrespectful way you invaded my territory and accused me of theft," Nolan smirked and held a hand out to Cooper.

Cooper cautiously reached out and briefly shook the other alpha's hand before swiftly dropping it.

"So, you'll still give us the horses we already paid for?" Cooper asked sarcastically.

"Of course, they're both right here actually. One fully trained two-year old gray flea-bitten stallion and one five-year-old palomino mare," he announced dramatically as the driver came around leading the two horses.

I thought they were both gorgeous, but Cooper scowled and stepped towards the horses.

He inspected both horses and when he appeared satisfied, he called Don over to lead the new arrivals to the barn.

I hated that building.

Nolan was fiddling with something nonchalantly while Cooper dealt with some paperwork when he suddenly asked, "So, how's that thoroughbred doing? She was a beauty. I'd pay good money to take her off your hands, O'Connell."

Cooper froze with his hand halfway through a signature. I saw him glance over his shoulder at me, and his scowl deepened when he saw me peeking around the barn. I yelped and ducked out of view for a second before looking again. He had turned back to Nolan.

"Sorry, Doyle, but that horse isn't going anywhere."

"I don't think you mean that," Nolan said with a shark smile, "Come on. Bring her out. At least show her off."

"That isn't going to happen. She's actually not here right..."

Cooper trailed off as I stepped out from the barn, still in human form, and walked over to him.

"Coop is just being polite," I said when I came to a stop next to him. The thoroughbred, Misty, is actually mine. So, there's no chance of selling her.

I saw Cooper's fists clench at his sides, and he's obviously clenched his jaw, but he remains silent.

Nolan looked surprised, his hazel eyes widening before he smiled at me. "And who might you be, miss?" he asked.

"Eli Parrish," I answered, extending my hand out to him. He shook it and gave a brief squeeze before releasing me.

"That's a very unique name."

"Well, let's just say that I'm a very unique person."

Cooper snorted and I looked at him, smacking him lightly on the arm.

"Don't be coy, sourpuss," I teased. He threw me a sardonic look and I laughed, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I see you two are well acquainted," Nolan commented drily.

"She's my mate," Cooper replied curtly, reaching down to take my hand.

"Wow," Nolan blinked in obvious surprise, "Finally cracked the curse, O'Connell. And she's quite a looker. Congrats. "

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