Chapter 2 - Werewolves and Horse Shifters

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The next morning, a group of men came into the paddock and began to separate the horses. One man grabbed Rosie and led her into another paddock with Skipper following close behind his friend.

I was more cautious though and tried to avoid the men, but they caught me in the small area and dragged me into the neighboring paddock. From there, we watched as our herd was rounded up, many shrieking and neighing in fear as they were loaded into big trailers that drove away from the ranch before disappearing into a cloud of dust as the cries of frightened horses faded into silence.

I neighed nervously and shuffled closer to my friends and only remaining herd members. They had separated all of us within minutes and we were too young to be on our own. None of us knew how to deal with the men, the wolves, or getting back to the herd that was still out there, probably at the Summer Grounds by now.

I thought of how both the lead horses had scattered and seriously considered finding a new herd with braver, more loyal leaders.

I nudged Rosie's withers comfortingly as she shuddered slightly and flicked at Skipper with my tail. I was determined to keep them with me, no matter the cost.

"Eli, maybe we could use your gifts to get out of this," Skipper suggested quietly, eyes flicking nervously to see if anyone was listening, not as though they would understand if they did hear.

I snorted, "You know I haven't used them since last time you saw. Plus, I don't know if I could change back!"

Rosie stood next to me, listening in confusion to our conversation, red ears pricked to attention.

"Fine. But if nothing else works will you do it?" Skipper asked and I could tell he was scared. The stout paint is usually the one who pushes through and puts on a brave face, but he was really out of his element here, locked in fences with men and strange wolves.

"Agreed. Last resort though," I tell him before adding for Rosie's sake, "I'll explain everything later."

Speaking of the giant beasts, the wolf scent had faded as though the wolves had been here recently but had disappeared. I inhaled and could also smell fresh horse, man, a cat, and maybe a dog but definitely not the wild smell of the beasts.

The sound of boots crunched across the driveway towards our small enclosure and I swung my head to see the man, Cooper.

He was carrying a collection of items, and at the sight of them, I positioned myself in front of Rosie and Skipper which the young stallion wasn't too happy about.

Two other men with the same gear on their shoulder followed soon after, and the two different groups stood staring at each other for a moment before Cooper looked over his shoulder and addressed the men.

"Sean, you take the roan. Don, the paint. I'll take the bay."

I snorted in anger when I heard his orders and pranced away before he even began moving towards me. I may have the body of the horse right now and no memories of a human life, but I knew I had been a human girl once, so I understood their language and what he meant. There was no way I was letting him break me.

Rosie wasn't as quick, or she just didn't put an effort into avoiding Sean. The blond-haired man easily slipped a rope over her head and led her away. Skipper whinnied sadly and trotted after Rosie, leading the black-haired Don after him.

I watched with slight sadness as Skipper chased after Rosie. I knew they had been shyly circling each other for a while now, but I guess the fear and shock of being captured spurred the young paint into action.

Unfortunately, this left me alone with Cooper and I immediately felt the air tighten as we both tensed, me preparing to run and him preparing to chase me down.

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