Chapter 18 - Reconciliation

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Both alphas were frozen in place, clearly ready to launch themselves at the other, even with me standing between them.

I glanced angrily between the two men suspiciously. "I swear to God, if either of you start a fight, I'm going to kick both of your asses into the next state!" I growled. Both men had at least 100 pounds and a solid foot on me, but that doesn't mean I would hesitate to beat either of them into the ground – or try at least. And, by the hesitant look on both of their faces, they knew it.

Nolan stood down first, slowly lowering himself back into his seat. His acquiescence showed Cooper that he didn't want to be a threat, but the scowl pulling at his lips said that if Cooper tried anything, there would be blood.

Now that Nolan was being reasonable, I looked back at my mate expectantly. "Now you."

With a vicious snarl towards Nolan, Cooper walked slowly to me and laid his hand on my cheek reverently. His brown eyes met mine before he nodded slowly and lifted his gaze. His eyes hardened as he looked over me at the dangerous alpha who just smirked at the intruder. I swear, that grin was permanently stuck on his face now.

I could feel Cooper's yearning to just drag me back home as he stood frozen between me and Nolan, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

"Behave," I warned him, my frustration growing by the second. Why was this so damn hard for him? Yes, I understand that he might be protective of his sister – and only living female relative – but that was years ago and her choice. No matter how much he may have disapproved of Nolan or his actions, in the end it was his sister's choice, not his.

So, either Cooper was severely overreacting or, maybe, there's a piece of the story that I was missing.

The rumbling finally stopped, but that didn't seem to help the dark looks that the two men were throwing at each other, probably in a pointless attempt to kill with their glare alone. For all I know of werewolves, maybe they really were, and I was just ignorant of yet another secret ability.

A small, amused prod at the bond told me that Cooper was slightly entertained by the idea. Sadly, I could also sense that he wished it were true.

"You're so immature," I said out loud to him as I carefully pushed his presence from my mind and shielded it with a huff. I can feel his wounded whine skirting around the edge of my thoughts like fog after rain.

But I could feel him relaxing behind me, the atmosphere calming considerably as the aggression dissolved.

I reached behind me and grabbed his hand before squeezing it slightly and giving him a small smile.

"I'm not mad at you. Your mind is just too overwhelming when we're this close and you're agitated, so don't think of my shielding as a punishment. It's just ear plugs for my brain," I sent quickly before gently closing my mind again.

At this point, this close of a proximity meant that I couldn't shut down the bond completely; it was just enough to keep thoughts out but emotions still filtered through, hovering at the edge of each other's minds.


I turned back to Nolan who was getting restless and obviously was aware of our silent communication and didn't enjoy being kept out of the loop.

"Sorry," I apologized, dropping Cooper's hand and dropping back into the desk chair, "Just clearing a few things up."

Cooper is a stone wall at my back, one hand at the back of my neck. I suspected it was anchoring him more than it was me.

"So, what are you here for exactly?" Nolan looked indolent sprawled in his chair, but his eyes were sharp and focused.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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