Chapter 3 - Dealings with Alpha

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I gasped at his proclamation. What does he mean, 'mine?' Pushing at his chest, I pried myself out of his arms.

Cooper's face darkened, and he reached out for me as if to grab me.

I stepped back and felt my face slip into a snarl, baring my teeth in a very horse-like manner.

"No, let me go! I do NOT belong to you!" I yelled, my voice becoming more confident as I got used to my new tongue.

Brown eyes narrowed and he stepped forward into my space and pressed me up against the barn wall without actually touching me.

"Well, little mate, you were just caught red-handed during a horse rustlin', so you need to come with me anyway."

I cocked my head curiously. 'Mate?' I had no idea what he was talking about, and I didn't want to know. This is why I never shifted forms; nothing good ever came of it.

"I can inform you that I had nothing to do with it. I merely came here to see my friends," I told him. Sure, I was twisting the truth, but I was here for Rosie and Skipper.

This was apparently the wrong thing to say though because the big cowboy growled and grabbed my wrist, dragging me towards the ranch house.

A group of wolves and men were gathering in the big clearing in front of the house, watching my struggle with the werewolf.

"SKIPPER! ROSIE!" I screamed as we passed the paddock, knowing they couldn't do anything but wanted to at least be reassured they were still there.

I twisted out of Cooper's grip and stumbled towards the fence as I heard galloping hooves thunder towards me. Skipper appeared first and stretched towards me across the fence with a confused Rosie coming up close behind him.

I grabbed his nose and made him look at me.

"Skipper, you know it's me. I might not be able to get back to you for a while but keep Rosie safe. Don't let them take you anywhere. I'll be back as soo—"

The words were cut off as a strong hand grabbed my shoulder and wrenched me backwards and I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist.

I looked to see a boiling mad Cooper as he lifted me and began to half-carry, half-drag me towards the house.

"TELL ROSIE!" I screamed at the two horses at the fence just before the door slammed shut and cut me off from the only life I remember knowing.

Once inside, I was pulled into what appeared to be a library or office. It was a round room rimmed with full-wall bookshelves stacked with books. A big desk sat in the middle of the room with papers scattered across the surface. The only spot on the wall with no bookshelves was a large window behind the desk that looked out onto the fields.

I rushed to the window and looked out to see Rosie nodding slightly to Skipper. I'm guessing the stout paint stallion was explaining everything to the dainty roan mare.

A lock clicked and I whirled around to see Cooper at the door, turning a key in the keyhole before hanging it on a chain around his neck and turning around and facing me.

His face had a blankness that scared me. At least if he was angry, I would know, but this was something different.

"You have quite a bit of explaining to do, missy," he murmured from across the room.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stood up straight. Not that it compared to the giant wolf's height. I was like a pony standing up to a draft horse.

"I have no reason to explain anything to you, I was just doing my friends a favor."

"How on earth could stealing a wild thoroughbred be doing your friends a favor?" he yelled, exasperated.

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