Chapter 4 - Of Horses and Wolves

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The next couple of days were quiet but overshadowed by a tense anger as Cooper determinedly searched for me, not knowing I was on the ranch the whole time.

During these days, when he wasn't out searching for "human-me," he was trying to break "horse-me." He began by using the lead rope and trying to rest the reins on my back, but I would always manage to shake the annoying tack over my head, leaving them to hang in front of me as I laughed in his face.

I hated to admit it but my affection for the cowboy was growing. The magnetism between us strengthened and it was obvious. I could always tell when he was coming because the pull got stronger and a warm feeling would fill my chest. And whenever he wasn't with me, which was becoming less and less, I would always look up from where I was to see him glancing over at me.

Right now, the brown-eyed cowboy was muttering in frustration as I jumped away from him as he tried to put a saddle on me. I would either dance just out of his reach or let him lay the saddle across my back before I'd buck it off.

It was all joyous fun for me, but Cooper was getting frustrated. I knew he would never hurt me, but his anger was terrifying.

Even now, his growls were making me shudder and stumble slightly.

His eyebrows rose as he looked at me, seeing my reaction and obviously scheming. I snorted nervously as his smirk grew.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and let out a dull roar. Screaming, I stumbled back when he approached me. He growled again and I froze, horse instincts kicking in.


The infuriating man's grin grew as he strode forward with the saddle, the growl rumbling in his chest shifting until it sounded more like a purr.

This sound also made me shiver, but in a completely different way. I snorted as pleasure danced down my spine, and I stepped nervously again.

Cooper stopped at my side as I stood frozen as a chuckle interrupted his purr before the happy rumble continued. I unfroze enough to nervously turn my head and watch what he was doing.

"So, that's how I get you under control, Misty. A little dominating fear," he murmured happily as he placed the saddle on my back.

I unconsciously nickered as he talked to me. Even though he didn't know my real name, I felt a surge of pleasure when he spoke to me.

The Alpha and the other wolves had taken to calling me Misty or Mystic. It began when Sean had made a joke about me being "magical" - little did he know - and called me Mystical Magical Mare. Despite being a long and obnoxious nickname that was not catchy AT ALL, the name stuck. However, Cooper didn't like how long the nickname was and shortened it to Mystic.

And though I loathed to admit it, I kind of liked the name. It made me feel safe, like the whole pack of wolves was protecting me.

But I didn't want this protection! I was supposed to be trying to get away, trying to find a way to bring Skipper and Rosie back to the wilds, where they belong.

And, back to the prospect at hand.

Something tightened around my stomach and I pulled myself out of my thoughts to look down and see Cooper cinching the saddle straps around my girth. He stood up with a smirk and rubbed my neck which—I shamefully admit—I leaned into and huffed happily.

The solid weight of the saddle on my back was annoying though, so after a second of selfish indulgence, I pushed away from the wolf and wandered a few steps away. Studying the tack, I nudged the straps with my nose and bit the leather.

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