Chapter 14 - Birthday Plans

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The next morning was rather boring compared to the last couple of days. I woke up alone in my bed, but Cooper's spot was still warm, so he had probably only left a little while ago. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I took a few minutes to let my brain wake up before trying to actually get up.

Eventually, I swung my legs out of bed and wandered into the bathroom to perform my morning ablutions in peace for once, without a werewolf hovering outside the door. When I finished, I went to the room across the hall where 'my' clothes were and pulled on a light t-shirt with a design for some pop culture thing I didn't know and a soft pair of shorts.

Downstairs, I found Katie slumped over a plate of food, still in her pajamas.

I poked her shoulder hesitantly, "Hey. Are you okay?"

The red-head lifted her head with a loud groan. She was lucky there was no food stuck on her face or in her hair. "I couldn't sleep. Sean left early so I thought I'd come get breakfast. But I'm still tired, so this happened." She gave me a sleepy smile. "But now you're here so we should do something."

"Yeah, sure. Where are the boys?" I asked as I glanced around to see if I had missed a hidden wolf.

"I don't really know," she shrugged, "But Sean said that they had some work to catch up on. He practically had to drag Cooper out of the house. Before he left though, he told me to keep you inside if possible."

Yeah, right. Like that was going to happen.

Overbearing mutt. That's what he was. I couldn't believe Cooper thought that I couldn't go one morning without something happening. Sure, my life had been pretty crazy lately, but I thought that I could manage to have one calm morning without an incident. Maybe.


I grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal for breakfast.

"So, what do you have planned?" I asked as I made my food.

"An indoor activity?" she suggested with a too-big grin.

I looked up from my Frosted Flakes, giving her a sharp look. "Try again."

Her grin grew mischievous. "That's what I thought, but I had to add it in so I can blame you," Katie said before she grabbed my hand and hauled me out the door.

I watched longingly as I was dragged away from my food and bemoaned my forsaken cereal.

"We could have waited until I finished eating," I complained. I knew the food would be gone by the time we got back. In a house of werewolf men, food went missing all the time.

"Oh hush."

I gave up on my meal and followed Katie willingly. Her boots and my bare feet kicked up dust as we approached the barn. I felt my face scrunch up in confusion and slight disgust.

"I don't like the barn," I warned Katie. Why was she bringing me here? She knew how uncomfortable it made me feel. I could relate to the creatures kept in that building, locked in stalls like prisoners. And, yes, I knew that they enjoyed the comfortable lives they had on the ranch, but I just couldn't understand how they could be so content with what little freedom they had.

"I know, but we need to walk through here to get to the surprise. I had the boys set it up for you. It's in the indoor arena, so just deal with it for like 5 seconds."

What does that mean?!?

She dragged me down the aisle. A few horses who hadn't been let out yet gave friendly whinnies as I passed by. Then a familiar nicker had me leaving Katie to look into a stall.

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