6 - parties

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Fred's POV

GRYFFINDOR won the match which means we're the hosting house for the post-match party. The music is pumping through the bewitched muggle speakers while people dance in the center of the room, grinding against one another. Meanwhile, I sit on the couch, my arm slung around Rowan's shoulders. She smells amazing, like hazelnut and coffee. And although I appear like a confident boyfriend on the outside, my stomach is in anxious turmoil over being so close to her. So close but I can't kiss her and let every guy know that she's mine. Instead, I just have to settle for an arm around her shoulder. 

"Can I ask you something?" She whispers in my ear, glancing furtively over at George who's sitting at the other end of the couch. If she doesn't want him to hear, it's probably something about our fake relationship.

"Go ahead."

"Well Ginny and I were talking earlier and she said you and George were always whispering about a Gryffindor girl in your room. She said she thinks it was me but she didn't hear the name. But obviously it wasn't me, since this relationship is fake so who was it you were whispering about?"

Shit. Ginny and her fucking gossip. Thank Merlin Ginny never heard the name we were whispering, it'll make it easier to lie to Rowan because it was in fact her we were talking about. But of course she can't know that. I quickly collect my thoughts and put on my confident persona. 

"Why? Are you jealous, Gold?" I smirk. 

She rolls her eyes good-naturedly. "No. I was just curious who this girl is. I mean, are you doing this relationship to make her jealous? Is that the real reason instead of the one you gave me?"

"Nope." I lie. "The reason I gave you still stands but we were talking about Katie." 

"Katie? You like Katie?" she asks.

"No, George does." I tell her. Yet another lie. Damn, I'm a pretty good liar. At least I think I am, maybe she's just going along with all of this and not believing a single word I say. 

"George you like Katie?" Rowan asks turning towards my brother who was just sitting down staring into his cup of butterbeer.

He looks up suddenly. "No, I don't." He denies hurriedly. 

I give him a forceful look, my eyes pleading, just trying to get him to go along with it. Thankfully he goes along with it. "Oh yeah, Katie Bell. Yeah I fancy her." he nods slowly. 

"Aww, you two would make a great couple." Rowan coos. I can't help but chuckle as George shoots me a look, as if to say he's going to murder me later. The last thing he wants is for word to get around that he's turned into a one-woman man, ruining any chance he has of fucking whoever he wants. 

Oh well.


Rowan's POV

FOR the past few minutes, Draco has been eyeing Fred and I from across the room. I'm not exactly sure how he got into the party, but I guess the later it gets, more and more people arrive and we've all lost track of who was invited and who wasn't. So, we can't exactly kick people out. 

Then he starts to stroll over to us, walking at a leisurely pace almost like a strut, a cup of firewhiskey clutched in his hand. Just the sight of him makes my stomach turn, reminding me of how our parents are good friends. Not to the extent that my parents are Death Eaters like his, thank Merlin but still relatively close considering we live in the same town. Gold manor is right next to Malfoy Manor which is why I'm grateful to spend most of my time with the Weasleys at The Burrow. 

"Here we go." I mutter to Fred just as Draco stops in front of us, his tall frame towering over us where we sit on the couch. 

"Well, well, well, the rumours are true then, you've found yourself a Weasley to cozy up with." Draco says, spitting out Fred's last name as if it's some kind of insult. "I thought your parents would have raised you better than to date a blood traitor."

Fred tenses, his arm still wrapped around me. "What do you want Draco?" I ask, eyeing him with disinterest. 

"Nothing specifically. Just wanted to check out my competition." He smirks. 

I roll my eyes. He can't seriously be on about how our parents have always pictured the two of us together. That dream died when we came to Hogwarts first year. He got sorted into Slytherin. I got sorted into Gryffindor and I realised what a twat he is.

Before I get the chance to say anything, Fred cuts in. "I don't think there's much of a conversation considering she's already mine." He says seriously, standing up so he's towering over Malfoy. He has a couple inches of height on him.

"Something suspicious is going on between you two. I mean as far as I could tell, neither one of you have shown any visible interest in the other and now all of a sudden you're some happy couple? Yet you don't even kiss."

"It's none of your business, Malfoy." I snap, now standing up so I'm beside Fred. 

He shrugs. "If I didn't know any better, I would think this is some attention seeking stunt."

"Well it's not." I say tersely. 

"Prove it then." He says. 

I glare at him. "And how exactly do you want us to prove it?"

"Kiss her." Draco says, directing his words at Fred. "And not one of those pathetic little pecks on the forehead, a real kiss. Like you actually mean it."

I scoff. "Draco, we're not some free porn sh-" but before I can finish the sentence, I'm cut off by Fred's lips pressing to mine. 

His lips are soft and warm, moving against mine. In a matter of seconds, I find myself kissing him back. Not out of a need to prove our relationship to Draco, but because I want to. My head is spinning and my legs grow weak as his tongue pokes into my mouth, exploring. He tastes like sugar, coconut and lemon. Exactly like what Fred Weasley should taste like. 

I want to kiss him forever, devour his mouth with mine. But then he pulls away leaving me breathless. 

"How's that for proving it?" Fred turns to Draco, smirking. 

Draco puts his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll back off." He says before walking away to bother someone else.

Pretending. Right. That kiss was just pretend. It was an act to solidify the act of our relationship. That's probably how Fred kisses all the girls. Except unlike all the other girls, this is pretend. It's an act. I keep repeating those things in my head until it becomes a mantra. Almost like I'm trying to convince myself that it's an act. But if that kiss was just an act, why do I still feel the burn of his lips on mine? Why do I want to grab him by his shirt and kiss him again? 

Why do I have the sudden urge to call off this whole fake relationship and make a real move? Because as I lay in bed that night, it's not Ron Weasley I think about. It's his handsome, older, more mature brother Fred invading my dreams. 


A/N: I feel like sometimes people forget that Draco is second in his year. He's very perceptive, so naturally he would figure out something's up. Also, I really wanted to speed things up lol

Also this my favourite chapter that I've written so far in this fanfic, so I hope you liked it. 

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