3 - good liar

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Rowan's POV

FRED and I arrive at supper that evening, together, holding hands. Needless to say we got quite a few looks in our direction as we made our way over to the Gryffindor table. Most of those looks were jealous looks from girls ranging from year five like me to year seven. Probably wondering what I had to do to get Fred Weasley to commit to one girl and hold hands with a girl in public. Of course, they would never know that I had done absolutely nothing besides being in love with his brother. 

We take our seat with the rest of the Gryffindors, beside Lee Jordan and George , across from Ron, Harry and Hermione. Hermione raises her eyebrows at me, clearly questioning how this came to be. Meanwhile, Harry and Ron just look confused as they glance between Fred and I. Thankfully, we've come up with a cover story. One we both agreed on so we don't tell different people different stories. That way nothing gets complicated, and no one suspects anything. 

"So, how did this happen?" Hermione asks, gesturing at the two of us, her eyes lighting up with excitement, eager to learn more information, as always.

I take a deep breath before delving into the story we've come up with. "Well, I've always spent so much time at the Burrow so we've always been friends, but over the past year, I don't know, it's like something switched in me, you know. I just noticed how handsome and funny he was. So I've been crushing on him for awhile, I just didn't tell you guys because I didn't want things to be awkward since he's your brother Ron. And I never thought he would feel the same way about me with all the girls chasing after him." I start.

Fred continues with his part of the story. "What she didn't know was that I've fancied her for quite some time and all those other girls were a distraction. I've tried so hard to push my thoughts about her out of my head, not wanting to make things weird for her friendship with Ron, but I just couldn't do it. I mean she's beautiful, smart, funny, I could go on and on. It's hard to get over a crush on someone like Rowan. Anyways, I saw her in the library this afternoon, trying to shelve a book but since she's so short, she couldn't reach it. I decided to help her put the book on the shelf and our faces were so close, I couldn't resist the temptation so I kissed her. Thank Merlin, she feels the same way and kissed me back."

Hermione claps her hands together cheerfully. "Oh, that sounds so cute."

Ron simply shrugs, not really showing much of a reaction to the news as he gets back to eating his food. Meanwhile, Harry narrows his eyes at Fred and I, as if he's scrutinizing us, searching for a flaw in our façade. 

"What is it Harry?" I ask. 

He quickly snaps the expression off his face. "Nothing." he shrugs and he as well turns back to his food. 

We all dig into our food, eating and making small conversation about our classes and assignments until Fred leaves with George and Lee to attend to some 'important business'.

"See you later, darling." he smiles, placing a soft kiss on my temple before leaving the Great Hall. 

Once Fred is gone, Ron finally puts his fork down and turns to look me in the eyes, his blue eyes piercing into mine. So I guess we've caught his attention already, I think to myself. 

"My brother? You're dating my brother?" Ron accuses.

"Do you have a problem with that, Ron?" I glare.

"Yeah, actually. Look, Rowan, you're one of my best friends and I just don't think this is a good idea. Fred may be my brother but I don't want you getting hurt. You know his reputation when it comes to girls, I just don't want to see him use you like all the other ones. You know he's just going to hit it and quit it." Ron says. His tone is serious but that last sentence earns him a slap in the head from Hermione's book. 

"Don't be rude Ronald!" she scolds before turning back to me, her eyes soft and earnest. "I think you two make a wonderful couple."

"Thank you Hermione." I grin before turning towards Harry to see his input. But by the look of his face, it seems he shares the same feelings as Ron.

But it doesn't bother me. This is all a step in the right direction. A step towards jealousy.


Fred's POV

"YOU actually think this plan is going to work?" George asks me incredulously later that night. Lee is taking a shower so it's the perfect time for one of our twin talks. 

"Of course it's going to work. I mean, who can honestly resist this face. I am the better looking twin." I boast. 

For the first time, George doesn't even bother to argue with my statement. Instead he continues to focus on deciphering the plan. "You tricked her. That's not a very good start to any relationship." He accuses.

I roll my eyes. "First of all, it's a fake relationship right now. And second, I didn't trick her, I just simply withheld some important information."

"Yeah, the important information being that you fancy her." George snorts. 

Right. That was very important information but she couldn't know it until the time was right. And this would work out, this plan was perfect. Because the truth is, I've fancied Rowan for over a year now, ever since I saw her dancing with one of those Durmstrang boys at the Yule Ball last year and wished it was me in his place. And from there, the feelings have snowballed. It didn't really help much that she was everyone I looked, and constantly at The Burrow, hanging around with Ron. 

I knew she fancied him, which is why I devised this plan under the guise of helping her make Ron jealous. And I wasn't completely lying about my own reasons. Sure, I wanted her to fall for me, but I also wanted other girls to stop chasing after me because all I could think about was her. Everytime I fucked another girl, it was her I thought about. 

"I know, but this is going to work. She'll fancy me by the end of this." I say.

We'll be spending a lot of time together because of our fake relationship, but hopefully it pays off. 


A/N: Plot twist! What do you guys think so far?

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