19 - incarcerous

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Rowan's POV

I'M sitting on my bed, flipping furiously through one of the many books I checked out from the library about breaking spells, trying to find something, anything about how to break the spell of a temptress. Asking myself if it could be a counter-spell or maybe a potion. All while wondering what the hell Dumbledore was thinking by letting Valeria enrol here after what she did at her previous school. 

Then I remember something I read about Hogwarts when I first started, that they don't look at what students' parents have done or what students themselves have done before coming to Hogwarts. They always operate underneath the belief that people can change and become better than their parents or even themselves. Stupid rules

The door bursts open just as I find the chapter about temptresses. "Hermione, I found something!" I cry out, but when I look up, I see that it's not Hermione standing in my room but Valeria, a furious yet determined look on her face. 

Before I can reach for my wand on my nightstand she points hers at me, "Incarcerous!" she commands. Ropes appear out of thin air, tying me up, binding my legs together and my arms to my body. I open my mouth to scream but she waves her wand, silencing me. Another wave of her wand slams the door behind her while she advances slowly towards me. 

My heart is hammering inside my chest as fast as a hummingbird's wings as I watch her approach me, twirling her wand between her fingers. "Well, well, well. It seems someone has figured out about my past and what I've done to dear old Freddie." She taunts, and with another flick of her wand my body goes flying off the bed, slamming me into the wall. The impact rattles my body but I push through the pain and blink away the tears. 

"I guess I should have changed my last name before coming here. But it was all so last minute. When I got expelled, I thought to myself, well Valeria, we had a good run at school, lets try our skills elsewhere. But then I was requested to be here." She says nonchalantly, looking down at me as she stands, her body towering over mine slumped and helpless against the wall. 

"Now, you're probably wondering why I was requested to be here. I don't mind telling you now, because by the time I'm done with you it will be too late." She grins. "You see, I heard about this party happening at the end of June. A party for the Weasley twins for finishing their seven years at Hogwarts. A graduation party I guess, you could call it. And I needed to secure myself an invitation. And what better way than by being the girlfriend of one of the guests of honour."

She did all this for a party invite? I wonder to myself, still unable to voice any of my thoughts because of the spell she cast. She's skilled at non-verbal spells and that's dangerous. I'm not. We haven't even started learning those yet. They're not taught in DADA until sixth year. And even if I did know, my wand isn't in my hand. So, I'm absolutely defenseless.

"Ah, I see that look on your eyes." She observes, crouching down into a squat in front of me so we're eye to eye, allowing me to see the danger in her eyes, something I didn't notice before. Maybe she hid it well, or maybe I was stupid enough not to look for it. 

"You're wondering why I would go through such lengths for a party invite. Well, Rowan, you see it's not about the party itself but the people who will be there." She drawls. "If I understand what I'm told correctly, the Weasleys are affiliated with the Order of the Phoenix. And the person I work for, as a very keen interest in them. If you haven't guessed already, that person as you know him is Lord Voldemort." 

She lifts up the sleeve of her shirt, revealing the Dark Mark burned into her skin. A gasp lodges in my throat, unable to leave my lips.

"We share the same values, yada yada yada, you know the whole spiel about pureblood supremacy so I don't think I need to go over it again. But now your meddling has ruined my plan. So I've had to come up with another one, something more clever and dramatic if you ask me. And I do tend to have a flare for the dramatic. So, now I'll tell you my plan because you play a key role in it." Valeria smirks. 

"I've noticed Harry Potter is in love with you. Of course that didn't come to my attention until after I had my claws in Fred Weasley. Anyways, the Dark Lord has tried to kill Harry one too many times. This time it should stick. I'll kidnap you and the boy who lived, always one for heroics, will come and exchange his life for yours. The Chosen One will die and my master will reign supreme over the Wizarding World. No one will stop him."

"He won't care what happens to you after you serve your part. He'll leave it up to me to decide but I'll spare you. I've grown a liking for you, you're daring, brave, smart and not to mention sexy. I think I'll keep you as my pet." She grins devilishly. 

Her hands reach up to cup my face, her sharp red painted nails digging into my skin as she brings her face closer to mine. I try to pull away but she keeps me still. "I should have set my sites on you first, we could've had a lot of fun together." She says, running her thumb down my lips.

Then she's pressing her lips to mine, forcing them open with her tongue. The moment her tongue swipes into my mouth, my mind goes hazy. Then it clears and I kiss her back. 


A/N: In case you didn't know, I'm a hufflepuff scorpio so naturally I have to have a generally light-hearted story with a bit of darkness in it

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