18 - valeria dobre

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Rowan's POV

"I found it!" Hermione cries out, looking up eagerly from her book, earning her a loud reprimanding shushing sound from Madam Pince. It seems for once in her life, Hermione has forgotten she's in the library and more importantly the rules of said library. 

"What? What did you find?" I ask her, taking my focus away from my Potions essay. It's been close to a week since Fred announced his love for Valeria, and although it was hard at first, I'm slowly starting to numb myself to the sting of spotting them together. But for the most part, I just ignore the places they spend the most time. 

"The Dobre family is an old but wealthy pureblood family with temptress blood woven into their bloodline." Hermione reads off the paper before looking at me eagerly as if I'm somehow supposed to know what that means and what the hell it has to do with Fred and I. 

"And what's that supposed to mean to us?" Ron asks, equally as confused as I am. 

"It means that Valeria could be a temptress. A temptress is a woman who has the ability to seduce anyone with a single kiss. They use their sex appeal to lure them and trap them under their spell with a kiss. The victim will then do all of their biding if asked." Hermione explains. 

"So, you're saying my boyfriend, sorry ex-boyfriend, kissed another girl while we were still dating and now he's trapped under some kind of seduction spell?" I ask just to clarify. 

"Yes, but chances are she was the one to kiss him but before he could react she was under his spell. But the other important thing is that since she comes from a wealthy pureblood family, chances are the details of her expulsion are given in an issue of the Romanian wizarding paper. If we can find that issue, maybe we'll have a better idea of what her plan is and what she wants."

Harry coughs from beside me. "Sorry, to burst your bubble Hermione but certain reporters for newspapers aren't the most honest and like to twist things." He says, referring to Reeta Skeeter and of course the fact that they whole newspaper is calling Harry mad and a liar for saying you-know-who is back. "Who's to say that her family didn't just pay them off so they would keep quiet over the whole thing."

Hermione huffs. "The Daily Prophet is the only wizarding newspaper that's corrupt. All the other ones are so honest it hurts sometimes, trust me."


A couple days have passed since Hermione's discovery, but despite it only being a couple days, I'm starting to lose hope that will ever find a copy of that much needed newspaper. And for the time being, we can't exactly go to Professor McGonagall that Valeria has Fred under a temptress spell without proof. She could easily dismiss us and just say he's a teenaged boy with raging hormones and I'm a heartbroken teenager looking for any reason (no matter how crazy) as to why it didn't work out between us. 

But my hope comes back in a rush when Hermione runs into the Great Hall at lunch, slapping down a newspaper in front of me. Profetful Zilnic is written across the top in a calligraphy-like font. 

"It took awhile to track down but this is the Romanian branch of The Daily Prophet that came out the day after Valeria got expelled. And look at the picture." Hermione says excitedly, though out of breath. 

Sure enough, the picture in the corner of the front page is of a smirking Valeria Dobre, her hair disheveled and mascara smeared. 

"As much as I'm glad that you've this Hermione, but I don't know Romanian." I say. 

"Oh, right." She says, before tapping the paper with her wand and muttering something under her breath. Then the words on the page switch from Romanian to English, causing me to glance up at her from my seat with raised eyebrows. "It's a translation spell that I just learned." she shrugs.

She takes the empty seat beside me and we both hunch over the newspaper to read the front page article. 

Daily Prophet

Daughter of Wealthy Pureblood Family Expelled from Durmstrang Institute

Valeria Dobre, the only daughter of the wealthy pureblood family to currently been enrolled at the Durmstrang Institute was expelled from the school Friday afternoon when she was caught participating in illicit activities. 

Being a student at Durmstrang for the past several years, it seems that Dobre had taken a liking to one of her classmates who will remain unnamed for safety purposes. Said classmate denied Dobre's multiple advances as he was already in a relationship with someone else.

Always cunning, Dobre tricked her classmate into kissing her and for those who are aware, certain Dobre family members possess the magic of a temptress. Under the influence of the seductress kiss, the classmate broke up with his previous girlfriend and devoted himself to Dobre. 

However said classmate's girlfriend, knew something was going on, telling us that "there was always something unusual about Valeria, something dark lingering just below the surface". When she got close to finding the truth, Dobre kidnapped her to keep her quiet.

Luckily one of the Professors at the school found her and expelled Dobre immediately, also making sure to lift the spell being held over the boy. It is a well known fact those with the powers of a temptress of obsessive streaks, and many have been trying to prove the family is a danger to society for centuries. See page 8 for more details about the Dobre family.

I turn to Hermione in disbelief after I finish reading the article. Her stunned expression matches mine perfectly. "She's mad." I whisper to Hermione so nobody else overhears us. 

Hermione snorts. "A psychopath more like it."

Before I know it, I'm pushing away from the table and marching out of the Great Hall. "Rowan wait! Where are you going?" Hermione asks, chasing after me. 

"To do something about this bitch. She won't have her clutches in Fred for much longer." 

With that, I march off. To where I'm not sure. I'm not even entirely sure what my plan is, but I need one. And then I'll save Fred from her spell. 


A/N: I don't speak Romanian at all, my first language is English and my second is French, so if I made a mistake in the translation of Daily Prophet to Romanian, please let me know. I just used google translate which I know is shit but it's all I had.

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