17 - heartbroken

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Rowan's POV

"VALERIA!" He calls out and my heart burns inside my chest and something else burns in my throat. Something acidic and I get the feeling I'm about to vomit. 

She skips over to him without hesitation, planting herself in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as she stares deeply into his eyes. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?" He coos to her. 

My heart stops once again as I run out of the room, stamping up the stairs all the way to my room, slamming the door behind me and flopping down on my bed. Only then do I let my emotions overcome me. 

Every breath I take is heavy, my throat feels like its constricting, closing. My eyes burn as tears pinprick the backs of my eyes, threatening to fall. And I let them, burying my face in my pillow as I let out a sob. 

It's just my luck that as soon as I admit to myself that I'm in love with him, he confesses his love for someone else right in front of me before I even get the chance to tell him how I feel. Was it because I waited too long to tell him? Maybe. Or maybe he had these same feelings for her that summer and seeing her again brought back all those emotions. Maybe they were stronger than the ones he ever had for me. 

I hate him. I hate him for making me fall in love with him and then taking it all away. But I also hate myself. I hate myself so damn much for letting myself fall in love with him. Maybe Ron was right and the only way for this to end was in heartbreak. Although, it seems I'm the only one heartbroken. 

I'm so caught up in my crying and sad thoughts that I don't hear the door opening. I don't realise anyone else is in the room until a comforting hand starts to stroke my back. 

"It's going to be okay, Rowan." Hermione whispers to me. "We're here with you."

At the mention of we, I lift my tearstained face away from my pillow to see the other people standing around the room. Harry, Ron, Ginny and even George. 

"It just doesn't make sense." George says. "I mean, this morning all he could talk about was you, all the way to the Three Broomsticks. It was Rowan this, Rowan that. He felt like such a dick for forgetting about your plans last night and he kept going on about all the ways he would make it up to you. And trust me the list included a lot of methods and various positions."

"Get to the point, George." Ginny glares.

"Right. My point is that he was head over heels in love with you this morning so it doesn't make sense that when we get back from Hogsmeade after having a few butterbeers he's suddenly in love with someone else."

I sniff, a new wave of tears washing over me as I continue crying at the reminder that he used to love me. Used to. Past tense. Hermione pulls me into her side, stroking my arm and back soothingly as she shoots George a venomous glare.

"What are you suggesting? That Fred is drunk?" Harry asks incredulously. 

Ron shakes his head. "No way. It takes a full bottle of firewhiskey to get Fred drunk. He wouldn't even get tipsy from a few butterbeers."

"Well something is going on and I'm going to figure out what." Hermione resolves. "There's something weird about Valeria and I'm going to expose it."

Her next words are directed at me. "But for now, you should get some sleep and we'll make sure to avoid them tomorrow."

I nod slowly. All the emotions I'm feeling must have token a toll on my body because it doesn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.


A/N: I was reading a heartbreaking book when I wrote this, so I also felt like breaking some hearts #sorrynotsorry

Writing this chapter lowkey reminded me of that scene with Uma and Ben in Descendants 2 (if you know you know). And yes, I'm a University student who still watches Disney channel movies (don't judge me). I have to get my happiness from somewhere.

P.S. I'm team Happily Ever After so no worries, Rowan will obviously end up with Fred but it's about the journey

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