14 - the truth

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Rowan's POV

IT seems that everyone who was invited to spend Easter with the Weasleys has accepted, because the house is full and bustling with life. Bill arrived with his girlfriend Fleur Delacour, who I remember as the Beauxbatons champion during the Tri-wizard tournament last year. Charlie came too, which means every Weasley kid is in the house, except for Percy, who still isn't talking to his family. 

In addition to all the gingers roaming around, multiple members of the Order are here as well. Kingsley is chatting amicably with Arthur in the kitchen, while Mad-Eye examines the food that's being prepared, muttering about 'constant vigilance'. Meanwhile, Remus and Tonks are sitting around the table, chatting with Harry, and I notice the furtive longing glances Tonks sends Remus' way. Sirius joins them too, hugging his godson. 

I'm in the living room, sitting on the couch as I curl up into Fred's side. George sits across from us, a smile forming on his face. "So are you guys official now?" He whispers excitedly. 

"We've always been official." I defend. Despite us having the conversation about us being official, as far as I know nobody else knows about our relationship previously being a fake one. 

"It's okay, I know about the whole relationship being a ruse." He whispers, so only we can hear. 

I glance at Fred and he gives me a shrug as if to say, how do you expect me to keep a secret from my twin.

"Well, in that case, yeah, we're official now." I grin. 

"Awesome!" George cheers. "I'm proud of you mate for finally telling her how you feel. I was getting tired of having to listen to you go on and on every night about your undying love for her."

My throat becomes dry at George's revelation. "Love? What's he talking about?" I ask Fred. 

"Oh shit, you didn't tell her then." George mutters but I still hear him perfectly. 

"Didn't tell me what?" I demand. 

Fred gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "Maybe we should go talk outside." He says weakly. 


Fred's POV

"I love you." I blurt out as soon as we're outside and out of the way of any prying eyes or ears. My mind is running a mile a minute, and it's the only coherent sentence I can come up with. This isn't exactly how I planned on telling her the depth of my feelings, but I guess now's a good a time as ever.

"For how long?" She asks. It stings not hearing her say it back even though I expected as much. I mean, she was in love with my younger brother for half of our relationship so far.

"Um...well..." I gulp. "My feelings for you extend back to Christmas at the Yule Ball, although I think they were building up for some time before I admitted it to myself then. And I guess I realized I was in love in love with you at the beginning of this year."

"So...the deal for our fake relationship..." She trails off but I know what she's getting at.

"Yeah. I didn't actually want to get other girls to stop chasing after me. Well, I did. But that's not the main reason why I propositioned you. I figured if we were spending lots of time together as a fake couple, you might fall for me the way I had already fallen for you."

"You lied to me." She says, her voice cracking and tears welling up in her eyes. "How am I supposed to trust you when for the entirety of our relationship you've been lying."

Her words cut deep inside me but I know she has a point. But that rational part of me doesn't stop my anger from showing. "You don't get to pull that card on me!" I find myself yelling. "Because our whole relationship, you've been lying to everyone close to you, everyone you care about! The only difference is that all my feelings have been real the whole time!"

She's quiet after that, not coming up a retort so I take the opportunity to advance towards her. "Look, I know you're probably freaking out right now. But there's no need too. You can walk away from me right now if you want, but my feelings for you are real. They're strong and they run deep, so they won't be going away any time soon. They may never go away." I tell her, staring deep into her brown eyes. 

"I love you." I whisper to her, my lips now inches away from hers as I cup her face in my hands, tilting her chin upwards so she's looking at me. 

"I can't say it back. Not yet." She breathes. "But just know that my feelings for you are strong. They grow stronger everyday, they're just not there yet."

"That's okay." I murmur against her lips as I kiss her.


A/N: It's been awhile since I included a Fred POV in a chapter, so I figured now would be a good time to do that again. Hope you enjoyed! 

P.S. Things are going to get kind of rocky soon. It's not happily ever after until Rowan says I love you back

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