8 - easter break

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Rowan's POV

AS soon as we're all settled in our rooms, Molly calls us downstairs and sends us to work on various chores. For today's task, we're told to head outside and de-gnome the backyard. 

De-gnoming pretty much comes naturally to all of us at this point, as we all take up post at various points across the backyard, searching for a gnome. Once I do, I pick it up, spinning it around until it's dizzy and then dropping it beyond the garden wall. 

"Check this one out!" Fred shouts, sidling up next to me, clutching a garden gnome by its head. We've been de-gnoming for the past hour and we're almost done. 

I examine the Gnome in his hands. "What's so cool about it?" I ask, coming up short when I try to find a difference between this specific one and the tens of others I've already tossed from the garden. 

He shrugs. "Nothing, just wanted an excuse to come over and talk to you." He smirks. 

Blush floods my cheeks. Is he flirting with me? Maybe. But with Fred it's always hard to tell. It seems that the gnome in his clutches doesn't particularly care for the discussion though, because it lashes out and bites me. 

"Ow!" I yell, pulling my finger away from where it was apparently dangerously close to Fred's hand. 

Fred chucks the gnome over the garden wall before turning back to me, a worried expression on his face. He takes my hand in his, watching as blood starts to blossom at the surface of my skin. "That's a nasty one." he observes before bringing my finger in between his lips, and sucking the small drop of blood off my finger. An unwilling shiver of pleasure runs down my spine at the sudden contact. 

"Lets go get that cleaned up, we don't want you to get an infection." Fred says, pulling my finger away from his lips, but still holding my hand as he leads me in the house. As we head for the bathroom, one thing is for sure. There's no denying or ignoring my feelings for Fred anymore. They're very much there and I don't think they're going away anytime soon. What it seems has gone away though, are any trace of deeper feelings for Ron. 


"WHAT is the incantation for the Banishing Charm?" Hermione asks me later on. 

Fred cleaned out the bite on my finger with care before wrapping it gently in some gauze. Once Molly got word of my minor injury, she said we did enough work for the day and let us get some studying started. 

"Depulso." I answer confidently. 

"And the Fire-Making Spell?"

"Incendio." I answer just as confidently as before. 

"Good job." Hermione says before turning towards Harry and Ron to quiz one of them. And knowing their history when it comes to charms, it's going to take her a while to get through to them. It seems they only fully get the hang of a spell when they're placed in a life or death situation that requires the use of that specific spell. 

"You know we don't need the fire-making spell to create a spark between us." Fred winks, taking a seat on the couch next to me as he plants a kiss on my forehead. 

I roll my eyes at his pick-up line. "That's such a pathetic line."

He shrugs. "You can say that, but it's been known to work."

I turn to look at him incredulously. "You've actually used that line on girls, and they still slept with you?"

"What can I say, no girl has ever turned down Fred Weasley." He smirks. 

Merlin, that smirk. That panty-dropping smirk makes him look even more devilishly handsome than he already is. 

"Well, if you ever use that line on me again, I will be the first girl to turn you down." I joke, only realizing after I've said it what I've implied. Realizing that I've basically just told him, I wouldn't be opposed to him trying to get me into his bed. But I guess that's true. The idea of kissing Fred again, of feeling his skin on mine, sounds very appealing. 

I snap myself out of my thoughts and am about to backtrack over what I just said when Fred speaks instead, "We'll see about that." he grins, before standing up and sauntering over to help Molly in the kitchen.

I'm left sitting on the couch wondering if maybe the idea of us being together, and the possibility of him reciprocating my feelings may not be that far-fetched afterall. 

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