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Your Pov-

Food came in the room 5 minutes after Kyle left. The digital clock to my left said 1:56 pm. It was officially past lunch time. But here I was being handed food. I thought about refusing it, but it would be unhealthy for my baby. As his men left Kyle came in.

"Mind if I sit, love?"

"Yes, I mind a lot." I never gave him one glance. He took a deep breath in then let it out.

"Is it because you miss Harrison?" I looked at him, angry with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes. But I don't just miss him I miss my family." I gave him attitude. Smarting him off.

"No need with the smart mouth, princess."

"Call me princess again and I'm going sew your mouth shut." I growled at him.

"You won't be saying that if you knew who your "prince" really is."

I raised my eyebrows making a "really" face.

"Go ahead tell me who he is." I raised the free hand that I had and let it fall back down.

"He's not going to save you. He faked his love for you. He's a Mobster, even you know you guys are great at faking things." He smirked. "He wants to completely take over. He's done this with other girls who were leaders. Make them fall for them, then kill them." You looked at him like he was stupid.

"Do I look like a div to you?" You were surprised, but it was turned to anger.

"No, but he doesn't love you."

"He doesn't love me? Really? What was our love before he became a Mob leader?"

"We both know he joined when he was 10. That means he was already becoming a leader before you two met." He knew a lot about Haz. And me.

"Okay, why would he fake that, he never knew I was in a mob." He paused, I got him. He huffed, and gave me a sickening look.

"Eat your food." He said with disgust, we walked out of the room and slammed the door. I could hear the locks on the door.

"Not my fault I can't think of fake stories right." I mumbled under my breath. Then it hit me.

I need to survive, and so does my baby. Haz is going to come for me. And he did say himself that is leaders are great at faking stuff. He wants me so badly I think I might just give myself to him. Fake my stockholm syndrome. I'm smart, and I should abuse that power. I need a plan.

Haz Pov-

With Y/n gone, she is all I can think about. I haven't ate and the only thing I have drank is straight liquor. Not enough to be drunk, but it is all I've had today. I went to the bar and opened the fridge, I saw Y/n's drinks that she made two days ago. She likes making them, she also just loved this room. It had a pool table, a poker table, a few tvs, and a whole wall full of drink stuff. The room also was dimmed with red and blue-purple lights.

"Come on Haz, I'm great at pool too! You can't beat me!" She laughed at me who almost hit the 8 ball in trying to get my striped one. She had the 8 ball to go and I still had 6. Even I knew I sucked. She chuckled as she got up to do her turn.

"Wait! Let me try one more time!" I panicked as her last ball to end the game was an easy shot.

"You've already had two! I'm done being nice I'm ready to kick your butt bro!" She laughed harder. I knew what I had to do.

She lined up the stick with the ball and right before she could shoot her shot I started to tickle her, she hit the stick causing one of mine to go in.

"Haz! That's not fair!" She said in between laughs. She was facing me now. I stopped a wide smile on my face. I knew she was the one. I knew when I first met her. I leaned in pressing a soft kiss on her lips, which she returned.

"I just came in here for Y/n's drinks!" Tom whined. He always interrupted our cute moments. He did it as a big brother, and a best friend. It was his job. She leaned her head on my chest and moved her hands to my neck.

"Oh shut up Tom!" She complained with a smile forming.

I grabbed one and chugged it. At this point I didn't care if I got drunk. I threw the glass against the wall, it shattered, making a sound that alarmed Tom who was walking by.

"Haz!" I looked at him.

"What?" I said upset and annoyed.

"Are you okay?" I nodded.

I walked out telling one of my men to clean up the glass. I shut my door and before I sat down I headed a knock.

"Come in." I said sitting down.

"Haz, honey, are you okay?" I nodded once again to the question, then Harry popped up behind Nikki.

"Harrison are you doing alright?" I started to understand how Y/n felt earlier this morning.

"Yes I am fine! My Princess who I was supposed to make my Queen is kidnapped! I don't know if she's okay! And I stupidly trying to get drunk while you and Harry can't find crap! So yes I am perfectly fine!" I started to cry again. It's too much, I lost her again. I got up from my chair and walked into my room. I sat on Y/n's side of the bed and I layed down. I hugged her pillow.

"Harrison! I have a match! The license plate!" Sam ran in the room, and I jumped up I ran to his office and looked at the computer.

435 AGW

It was a black Tahoe. It said it belonged to Leo Alexander. He lived close to us.

"Get in the car." I said walking away to the car. "It's time to get my Queen back."

You're welcome

The Day I Said Yes (Sequel to The Day I Left)Where stories live. Discover now