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Your Pov-

I sat there thinking. I think I actually had it.

*Fake love (anything I really need to do)
*Get him to trust me
*Find all the possible exits (incase something goes wrong)
*Get him to trust me more
*Find where I am
*Find Phone and call Haz
*Kill (oh and find weapons!)

And that was my plan. Nothing too good, but it could still work. But then I started to hear noises outside my window.

Harrison Pov-

We drove for what felt like forever, passing houses. We got to a house that looked nice. We drove past it and turned around and drove past it again, making sure we had the right house and parked away from it. It was slightly in the middle of nowhere. We walked a little ways away. When we got to the house my blood started to boil. Harry, Sam, and Tom were beside me walking towards the house. When we got close enough we started to hide ourselves in between the trees. I took a deep breath before running towards the door, my machine gun in hand and pistols in my gun holder. I started to walk to the door and I stood on one side of the door, Harry beside me and Tom and Sam on the other side. I broke down the door reveling a woman.

"Where is my Princess." I spoke flatly, my gun raised at the wife.

"I don't know what your talking about." She was panicking, tears started to flow far. It started to make me feel bad for her. I lowered my gun and she grabbed a pole from beside her and flung herself towards me, swinging aimlessly. Harry shot her so the fight didn't last long. We checked everywhere. It didn't hit me until now that we could have used her to see who her husband worked for, because Y/n wasn't here.

I stuck my head in my hand and sighed.

"What is she going through right now?" I couldn't imagine it. Or the truth was I didn't want to.

"Y/n! Where are you?" I asked. Tom and I needed to find Harry and Y/n. I could hear faint giggling. I walked to closer to where I thought it might be. I walked towards a shed, I walked around it but no one was around it, so they must have been inside. I motioned Tom over. And we both scared them by slamming the doors open.

"Ah!" We screamed together making the other two scream.

"Oh! Come on! It was Harry he was loud!"

"No! You were giggling too!" He spoke against her. I chuckled shaking my head. She looked at me a fake pout on her face. I put out my bottom lip and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry." I walked up to her and but her in my arms.

"You're it now by the way." It just now hit her that me and Tom were the taggers and now since I was hugging Y/n that means Tom and Y/n are it. (Since Tom didn't Tag)


"Run Harry!" I yelled at him and he did leaving Tom and Y/n to be upset. But the immediately laugh it off.

I got out of the house, the rest if the boys behind me. I heard sobbing behind me, it was Tom. He fell to the ground. Harry and Sam were already with him so I joined.

"She can't leave again." Tom sobbed out, head in his hands covering his face. I kneeled beside him rubbing his back. So much has happened to them and to pile on it their sister is missing.

Your Pov-

Now it was 4:22 and I was bored. I heard noises earlier but turns out it was just Kyle. As if the lord heard me, I heard the locks of the door unlock.

Play time

"How are you doing, angel?"

"Fine. The handcuff is really starting to hurt my wrist." I looked at it, my wrist was bright red and bruised.

"Okay but you can't do anything if I let you out of them, got it?" I nodded. My wrist hurt a lot.

He unlocked it and rubbed my wrist gently. He looked up into my eyes and I held everything back in my body not to kill him right then and there. I know I wouldn't make it, and I definitely wouldn't win. I decided to use the acting lessons Tom and I used to do and cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He put a hand on my face. On the outside I looked distressed, but the inside was disgusted.

"You're right Harrison probably never loved me." I cried on his shoulder. Every part of me hated it, but I needed to get home. He rubbed my back slowly.

Harrison is so much better and sweeter. And caring.

This time my tears started to actually be real and I started to cry harder.

"It's okay, I love you. I will love you better than he made you think." It sounded like pure BS but I didn't say anything. I just nodded.

He pulled away and gave me a soft smile and I forcefully returned.

"Do you have a piano?" I asked I was hoping to play This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
Dying In LA - Panic! At The Disco
Recess - Melanie Martinez
Or just some melodies from other songs.

"Yeah, let me show you." He seemed to have already started to trust me. At least I hope so.

He led me down a hall and it leads into the living room, where a piano sat. It was beautiful, it was royal blue with gold imprints. And it was a grand piano. My fingers flew over the keys and I started to play Oh Noel - IDKHow (I Don't Know How But The Found Me) and started singing.

"Hasn't every little Christmas wish been sent, have sugar plums been dancing in your head?" I sang loud, letting my voice dance with the chords. It was like I wasn't there.

"Woah! You guys have a piano now?!" I yelled excited when I came home from school with my brothers. It looked good in the living room. It was a normal piano, nothing too big. I ran to it and sat down, the boys following close behind. I had a keyboard in my room so I knew how to play.

"A decade past and letters all but died. Ten years that saw her folks divorced and best friends suicide." I sang with the song. No one had actually heard me sing while playing the piano. I always kept it to myself.

"Noel, Noel, Noel." I played the last of it and heard clapping from Kyle.

"Good job, princess." I nearly snapped. But I kept it cool.

Sorry if there's typos I'm too lazy rn to re read...

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