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Your Pov-

He called me princess and it made me want to kill him. He doesn't have the ight to call me that.

"Could you please not call me princess, it makes me think of Harrison." He nodded at that. It made me sigh of relief. He showed me more of the house, I took in every possible exit. And when it was a window I looked outside, trying to get an idea of where I was. All I saw were trees, and a fence. I'm going to take a good guess and say they are locked and that the glass is bullet proof.

We walked a little longer and he took me outside in the backyard and he showed me a pool, and not far from it was a hot tub.

"Men." He spoke demanding. The men that were outside brought a bathing suit.

 The men that were outside brought a bathing suit

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He wants to swim, right now. They also brought him normal swim trunks. I had to admit, that bathing suit is my style. He showed me to a small bathroom area and led me in. It was like a shed, but with two curtains. He went in one and I went in the other.

'What ever I can do.'

I changed into it and stepped out. He looked at me, mouth open.

"You look so good." He walked up to me and put his hands on my waist, I just imagined it was Harrison's. I tried to imagine he was Harrison.

'I miss you so much Hazza.'

I ran out of his arms and pretended like I was having fun, I jumped on the pool and he joined not far behind me.

Haz Pov-

It was 5:03 and the day is slowly getting worse. This would be my first night without her. I was going to give her the ring this weekend, but it's Friday and I was going to give it to her tomorrow.

June 24

That is tomorrow, I had everything planned out for tomorrow, but she's not here. I was going to take her to our treehouse tonight and I was going to set it up all made up and nice, then Saturday I was going to cook at Nikki's and I was going to have Tom serve us the food because he said he wanted to be there. I was going to share memories that's we used to have. Being up all the times I said something about someday calling her my Queen. Then I was going to say this speech. But I can't do that. The ring is special, with the pink diamond, and the words, Princess. And the ring I would get her for her wedding, was going to have a White diamond with the word Queen. Because it would be like it changed and that change is extremely important. Those rings were inspired by the ring Y/n gave me for that one Christmas. She even said a few months ago, when she gives me my wedding ring it's going to say King.

We were in our treehouse and I was thinking about me being a Mob leader sooner than later. And it made me think about Y/n. I knew I was going to keep her safe.

"One day, princess, we are going to rule the world."

"I would love that, but only with you."  She walked up to me after looking out the window and gave me a light kiss. She hugged me, and I hugged her back. She seemed off. She recently turned 13 and I would see her hang out with a boy Tyler. And me and her had gotten together not that long ago. She's only recently been acting like this. Always looking outside, or telling me how much she loves me. She acted like she was going to die soon.

Looking back at the memories, I knew Tyler. And he got her in the Mob Business. That must have been why she was looking outside. That's why she needed a hug, she was stressed and she knew someone was after her. I got up and helped Tom up.

"Come on. I need to be able to propose to her." I got shocked looks from Sam and Harry. Tom just nodded, because he was apart of it.

"You were going to propose?!" Sam asked. I pulled out the ring from around my neck. I out it there next to my ring I got years ago, I put it there a few hours after her being kidnapped. I showed them, they voted their mouth in shock and sorrow. Harry ran up and hugged me. I hugged him back, I tried, I swear I tried, to hold back my tears but I couldn't. I fell apart. I hugged him tighter and I could hear him cry softly.

"We had just gotten her back. Everything was going great." He spoke as he started to cry harder. I heard Sam start to cry, and Tom follow soon after him. There we were crying over someone who means a lot to all of us. My Princess, and their sister. My soulmate. My Queen.

"My Queen." I got out of their grip and I ran back to the car, the others were confused but soon ran with me. I had whipped the tears off my face and got in the car. Tom in the passenger seat, Sam behind him and Harry behind me. I floored it. My sadness turning to anger and determination. The ride consisted of silence. They didn't know what I was doing they were ready for whatever it would take to get Y/n back.

I parked the car in our driveway and power walked to the camera room, of course the others on my tail. I pulled up the picture of the Tahoe and had the computer search it through any camera anywhere to see where it has been, and where it goes. For example where it goes the most, the closer it should be to where they keep Y/n. This Leo works for someone, and he's going to come home to no wife. And he's going to know how I feel. He'll take it as a message, and it it in a way. I sat still at the computer and kept looking at the time of how long it will take.

1d 22h 38m

Too long I thought to myself. I didn't know what else to do. Then I had an idea. I ran to my office and clicked the button to go over the Mansion and spoke in it.

"I need 10 of my men to meet me in the garage in 5. I don't care who comes, just make sure you're good."

"What are you doing?!" Tom was confused like the twins.

"Getting answers." I was just walking out the door when I asked a serious question. "Do you want to go?" It was a demand, it was a serious question. "It could be extremely dangerous. It does depend. But still." Tom didn't hesitate and neither did the other two. They nodded their head.

"Then let's go."

The Day I Said Yes (Sequel to The Day I Left)Where stories live. Discover now