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(I edited that 👏👏👏)

Your Pov-

It's been a week of nothing but hate for this guy.

"My angel I want to introduce you to somebody." He stepped aside and this 8 year old popped into my vision.

I stood shocked. The girl had tear stains all over her face. I squat down and opened my arms for her. She was hesitant, but hugged me anyway.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I'll get us out." I whispered into her ear. She pulled away with hope in her eyes.

"I'll be in my office." Kyle walked off and left us alone.

"Follow me." I gave her a reassuring smile and led her to the library.

"I found out they don't have cameras here. I paid a man to tell me." She nodded.

"What's your name?"


"Last name?" I looked at her worried face.

"I don't really remember. All I remember is my first name. I remember what my dad looks like though." She smiled at the thought.

She sat down next to me.

"I was sold on the dark web when I was 3. I was sold to a man and he died a little bit ago, I got sold to Kyle." I nodded at this poor girl. She got sold for dark things.

"Its going to be okay." Her eyes started to tear up and she started to sob. I held her close as she let it all out. I whispered sweet things to her and she finally calmed down.

A little while through the day Kyle pulled me aside from watching cartoons with Bella.

"I hope you like her. When you are ready I want us to have our own baby." He smiled at me and I gave him one in return.

Stay cool, stay calm. Don't break his nose...

"Yeah, when I am ready." I hugged him tight.

"That's great! Oh! I'm going to be a dad!" He jumped with joy and hugged me again, picked me up and spun me around.

"Here." He pulled out a ring and a big diamond was at the top.

Haz knows I don't like big rings like this, but I like the thought.

I kissed him, faking every ounce of it.

"I love it so much!" Fake
"I'll never take it off!" Fake
"God I love you!" And fake

"Good. We have some wedding photos to take, angel." He winked at me and told Bella to come here. He took us to the photographer.

He's not Harry

The guy positioned us in a certain way. We smiled and took the pic. Bella included.

Haz Pov-

It's been a while week. I haven't been able to sleep much, all of us are beat.

"Why can we find anything!" Tom threw his hands down in annoyance, and anger, and mostly worry.

We searched everywhere. All in the cameras, in the parking lot for hiding spots, and we still found nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Y/n's Pov-

The next day rolls around and Kyle comes up behind me. His hands fiddling with something then I feel a charm fall on my chest.

"A locket?" I asked, acting appreciative.

The Day I Said Yes (Sequel to The Day I Left)Where stories live. Discover now