Nine - You Waited

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You felt the bed below you sink to your right as something was there. Your eyes shot open to see Dark watching you, his eyes a deep brown.

"I didn't mean to awake you, you were so peaceful in that dream of yours." Dark subtly apologized.

You didn't respond, slowly resting yourself back on your elbows.

Your dreams have been gone, only a black void that you just stared into as you rested.

"And I get no goodmorning to me? Where are your manners..." His tone was a bit darker, a sinister edge to it. You stutter, now panicked all of the sudden.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... Good Morning." You hastily sat up, now regretting your actions.

Dark only nodded slowly, sensing your remorse.

"It's gratifying that you would apologize for such a diminutive mistake." His debonair words went right through you like a burning knife on some cotton.

You clenched your jaw, taking a deep breath in as you mentally scold yourself as well as cringing from getting praise.

"I have something to show you, come with me." Darks voice was alluring as he got up, expecting you to follow you-- and you did.

You look around, seeing that the living room changed even more, the furniture and family albums now not even seen, it was much more monochrome, empty and almost deafening.

But, that wasn't what he was sowing you, but you did stop for a moment to look around at the drastically changed house you have lived in your whole life.

"Dark? What have they done?" You felt the atmosphere change, becoming much more dark-- this wasn't how your parents wanted to live, and you now realized it.

"What? They have done nothing, sweetheart." He turned back to you, scrunching his brows in confusion.

You cross your arms, your heart beating quicker by the minute.

"But, the furniture? They wouldn't change to this extent?"

"That was my doing, my beloved." Darkiplier simply stated, not bothered by your concern.

This whole time you blamed his actions on something else, you made all his mistakes and grudges into something you deserve, but to be honest with you-- it felt like you did.

You looked out the window that once showed the sun, now only being a black void- there was nothing, absolutely nothing outside the house.

Now, you panicked, not knowing what was happening you crossed your arms, almost hugging yourself.

"What's wrong?" His voice became more disinterested, closer to being irritated than anything.

"Where am I? Where's my family?" You muttered, your clenched jaw not being able to fully denounce the words you wished to project.

"You mustn't worry, darling. Now, come with me." Dark lured you, his hand on the low of your bac.

He walked you to the front door, unlocking it slowly. Was it freedom? Was it the end?

"You'll see." His words caught you off guard.

He opened the door, stepping out of it. The world, all of it was gone, only this endless void - there wasn't even a temperature. It just felt... hollow.

You shuddered, looking out. Then, you stepped out, not worry about what was below you... which was nothing. But, you didn't fall.

You turned back to the house, which was no longer there. It was just darkness, a sticky haze that stuck onto anything it could grasp on.

Call Out My Name (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now