Chapter One

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There is no main character. It took me a long time to come to that decision xD There will be pov's to characters other than my OC's by the way!

RockClan's territory is in the photo! It may seem like they have like no territory but there's a whole lot in behind that I couldn't get a photo for.


Blossomfrost's POV

It was a hot day; the blistering sun beating on the rocky camps' ground. We hadn't had rain in what seemed to be moons, but was more like a quarter-moon. The heat didn't seem to effect the overly-joyed apprentices as they bounded around the camp, chasing one another, but it sure did affect the warriors.

I sat in the crowd of panting warriors as Silverfeather - our deputy - organized patrols. "Why do we even have to go out? No prey would dare come out in this heat," Softpelt grunted, rolling her grey eyes.

"Even in this heat, we all know the patrols need to be organized. So quit your moaning and be quiet!" She hissed. Softpelt rolled her eyes again and slouched her shoulders.

"Coldwish, take Greypaw and Tigerstripe to the edge of our territory, by the singular tree. Make sure to get rid of the foxes if they're still hanging around." Silverfeather ordered. The three set off without saying anything. "Whitefire take Skystorm and your apprentices further up the river. Check the borders as well as hunt." Whitefire and Skystorm padded out of the camp with Jaggedpaw and Birchpaw hopping after them. "Maybe we'll meet some of those rogues I smelt last time!" Jaggedpaw snarled. Birchpaw said nothing, just followed after her anxious brother.

I looked over to Cindersong and Shadowpaw as they began to lay out herbs. "Now, tell me which are which." Cindersong ordered. Shadowpaw gave her a look from the corner of her eyes and muttered, "Shouldn't you know their names?" Cindersong flicked her fluffy grey tail over the sarcastic she-cats ear.

"You know why!" She purred.

"-and Blossomfrost." Silverfeather meowed. I was semi-shocked as I heard my name. Stormcloud, Acornpaw, and Oakshadow padded to the entrance without saying a word. Oakshadow had to hurry to say goodbye to his kits. He must've been playing with them. Stormcloud's sweet look from cuddling with his mate, Ripplecurrent, had faded as soon as he left her side. Only Ripplecurrent seen the good side of him.

I scurried to catch up to the patrol.

"Aren't we lucky? Going to StreamClan's border!" Oakshadow retorted. "If only we were aloud to go in the river beside out camp." Stormcloud's hissed. Acornpaw nodded in agreement. We weren't aloud to go in the river near the waterfall in our camp. Last time someone did that, they fell down the waterfall and was never found. It was said to be only a nursery-tale, though.


We didn't have to travel far to get to the Gathering Place, which was also known as the border between StreamClan and RockClan. We halted at the large log that marked the half point in the Gathering Place, where the smell was strongest. Even in Gatherings, the Clans didn't cross the borders to see each other.

"If any StreamClan fish-faces come near our territory line, I'll shred them to pieces!" Acornpaw boasted, puffing out his chest. "No, you won't. Only if they cross into our territory," Stormcloud corrected, flicking his ear with his tail. The apprentice rolled his eyes and marked the territory without any other comments.

And, just to our luck, a patrol of StreamClan cats neared the border. Acornpaw's fur spiked up and a growl crawled up his throat. "Calm yourself, Acornpaw." Stormcloud hissed. As Oakshadow, Stormcloud, and I marked our territory line, Acornpaw just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Hey fish-faces!" Acornpaw growled when the StreamClan patrol neared. "Why don't you go back to your pond and swim with your kind?" Stormcloud narrowed his eyes and lashed his tail in anger. "Acornpaw! What did I just tell you?"

The patrol stopped and stared at the cats. Acornpaw instantly regretted what he said. Wildflower, the StreamClan deputy, was among them. The she-cat unsheathed her claws. "Is that a challenge, young warrior?" Acornpaw opened his mouth to speak, but Stormcloud stepped in front of him. "Please excuse him, Wildflower. He doesn't know what he's talking about." The warrior said with an even tone. The StreamClan patrol looked agitated but said nothing more.

As Oakshadow lead the patrol away, Stormcloud turned towards his apprentice, his eyes burning with rage. "Were you trying to get us killed? You don't challenge a patrol unless they're on our territory!" Acornpaw didn't look at his mentor. "Sorry." He mumbled, staring at his paws.

Stormcloud closed his eyes for a moment, warning his apprentice, "If you try anything like that again, I'm going to have to report it to Marshstar." Acornpaw nodded. "Yes, Stormcloud."

We headed back to the camp quietly, Oakshadow leading the patrol. The wind picked up, a hot gust of sandy wind hitting our faces and stinging our eyes as we padded down the hill to our camp. We entered the camp and - with a bored sigh - waited to be sent out of the camp for another meaningless patrol.



Sorry if this was a tad boring. Next will be someone's POV in StreamClan. The whole nuke shiz will happen in chapter three so you can get to know the cats and stuff more.

Stay tuned warrior fans hehe Cx

P_A83 out!

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