Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Wildstar's POV

With the sun making its way down slowly and surely, I headed back to our new camp with a sparrow in my jaws. Crescentmoon and Whisperpaw both had fish while Amberthroat hadn't managed to catch anything. Not to mention she looked a bit bigger than she had a quarter-moon ago. It was unusual for the young she-cat because usually she would get anything and everything she aimed for. This time she missed a minnow and a robin. None of us thought anything of it, though.

Wolftail dipped his head to us as we entered the dimly lit camp. He sat beside Blackwind, purring and enjoying his time, by the medicine den. Whisperpaw hurried over to her brother, Thornpaw, to show off her catch. Chippaw and Thornpaw were wrestling by the nursery, wet snow spraying everywhere as they tumbled around. "Hey! Hey, look what I caught!" Whisperpaw gasped. "Whisperpaw, put it in the fresh-kill pile before it's no longer good to eat." Blackwind scolded from the fallen tree. Whisperpaw groaned in annoyance but obeyed her mothers' order.

Purring softly, I headed in behind the young she-cat as she stalked away with Crescentmoon at my side to deposit my prey. When I got there, there was only a mouse and three fish to do the whole Clan. Shaking my head, I decided to let the others eat instead of feeding myself. Just as I turned to go to my den, the last patrol of the day came back in. Ghostglow and Dawnflower came in with another cat in behind them. Please don't be another rogue... I begged, watching them enter. We already had Lark and Jinx roaming the two territories, we didn't need any others. But as I narrowed my eyes to get a better look, I realized it was only Silverfeather.

"We were coming back when we met Silverfeather heading this way. She says she needs to speak with you alone," Dawnflower rasped, her eyes pale and lifeless. She sniffled as she stumbled to her nest, leaving her sentence at that. Her shoulders were hunched, and her tail dragged in behind her. Ghostglow bowed his head to the deputy of RockClan and headed to the fresh-kill pile.

I gave Dawnflower a side glance. "Smoketail, Dawnflower needs your assistance," I looked to the fallen tree to watch for the young tom to come out. He hurried out at the sound of his name and nodded. "Wolftail, make sure she eats. I will be back before midnight." He nodded and watched me head out.

Silverfeather trotted through the snow with me at her side quietly. She seemed tense and anxious, but I wasn't sure why. "What is it you need?" I finally asked once we were out of anyone's earshot.

She sighed. "Marshstar has died. I need your input. Who will be our deputy? Who will guard the borders? How will I get my nine lives?" I swallowed. Marshstar died? Didn't he have four lives or so left? I wondered, dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry to hear that your leader passed away," I answered calmly, "You have many reliable warriors. Stormcloud or Crowflight would be who I would chose, but that is only me. Whoever you think, is who it'll be." Silverfeather nodded in understanding. "Now what about this guard thing you had said?"

Silverfeather looked forward and then to me. "I assigned some warriors to be a new guard so we can make sure we know if any infected are coming, but with so little warriors, how will we patrol and keep the Clan fed? I think two for the night and one for the day would do it, though." I nodded. "Interesting. What a good idea," I agreed, narrowing my eyes in thought. So good, I just might steal it for myself.

We kept heading away from StreamClan's camp without realizing. My pelt stood on end as a cool breeze blew through the field. "I also noticed we haven't found a place to speak with SoulClan," Silverfeather added. I nodded, realizing that without a way to speak to SoulClan, neither of us could get our nine lives.

"I'm not sure. As we walk, we might find a place, but other than that I don't know myself. Without a place to speak to them, you nor I will get our nine lives," I told her. "Until then, I suggest you change your name to Silverstar and pretend you got your lives. That's what I had to do." She nodded but didn't reply.

As we continued silently through the snowy field, we slowly came to a large, steep hill. On the very top was a beautiful maple tree; it's branches once scattered with bright red leaves now had a topping with white, sparkling snow. Underneath the tree, about a half-a-tail-length down the hill, was a large boulder jabbing out.

"Perfect." Was all Silverfeather muttered. She hurried toward the hill and bounded up it, snow spraying behind her as she clawed her way up.

Silverfeather hopped onto the boulder and put one leg on the edge with her chin raised. Proudly, she announced, "I will be known to you all as Silverstar from now until I die!" as if there were both Clans watching with awe.

I shook my head with annoyance and began padding toward my camp again. Psychotic. I'm glad I'm not in RockClan...

I heard Silverstar hurry down the hill and in beside me. As we began trekking out of the white field, I decide to ask her, "Since we didn't find a place to speak with SoulClan, you should keep looking in your territory?" I glazed over at the silver she-cat, but she didn't seem to have heard me. Sighing, I let it go and decide not to ask again.

Keeping my gaze forward, we quietly made our way back through our new territory until we came to RockClan's border. By the time we halted at her border, the moon was almost at it's highest point. She finally replied to my question. I was shocked because I had forgotten what I had even asked.

The silver leader looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes flashing with something deadly; I couldn't grasp the reason why she had looked at me so menacingly. "You know what? I'm done with SoulClan." Silverstar looked away and began walking into RockClan's territory again.

Without looking at me, she snickered, "You can look for them all you want, but RockClan is no longer going to be in touch with SoulClan,"

Sorry... Wattpad screwed up and took out like half of this chapter. Enjoy though! Chapter 30 is the last of Bloodshed... So prepare for book 2!
P_A83 out!

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