Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jinx -> @LeAzzy


Hollowkit's POV

I opened my eyes when the sound of cats stirring about made me jolt awake. Ripplecurrent was sitting up, Lionkit and Pebblekit were play fighting again, while everyone else was grabbing the sweet-smelling flowers out of the ground and mingling. Lark was talking quietly to Wildstar and Marshstar. "Ripplecurrent, what's going on?" I mewled, glancing up at my grey mother. Ripplecurrent blinked down at me and began to clean me up.

As much as I hated being cleaned, I let her so she would answer me. Between licks she murmured, "It isn't anything to worry about. We're just going on another journey," Lionkit and Pebblekit rushed over at the word "journey".

"Where are we going? Is it somewhere safe?" Lionkit asked, his head tilted.

"Can we eat soon?" Pebblekit slumped her shoulders.

I tried to get out of Ripplecurrent's grasp but she just held me in place with one big paw while she cleaned my thick fur. When her eyes lay on Lionkit and Pebblekit, she finally stopped. Their fur was sticking up because of the dust and small rocks stuck in their pelts. "I just cleaned your pelts! Quit playing around!" She scolded.

Silverfeather, Tigerstripe, Stormcloud, and Crowflight came into the den with prey in their jaws as my siblings sat down with a "humph".

"Yes, fresh-kill!" Dreampaw gasped. I watched the beautiful, silver she-cat hurry over to the patrol. Her ears flattened to her head in frustration when they pushed past her. They dropped the robin, the starling, and the mouse for the lucky ones in RockClan to eat while Stormcloud handed the squirrel to Ripplecurrent. The both of them began to eat it together while I watched a StreamClan patrol come into the den. I watched as the they, Dawnflower, Blackwind, Wolftail, and Ghostglow, came back with a wagtail, two minnows, a vole, and a finch. The apprentices and few of our warriors ate with each other.

"I hate it how StreamClan is so close to us! It's gross!" Lionkit muttered to Pebblekit. They sat with their backs to me, facing the center of the den.

Pebblekit flicked our brother on the ear and glanced back at me. She turned back to Lionkit with her ears flat to her head. "Watch what you say about StreamClan, Lionkit! You know Hollowkit's mother is from StreamClan,"

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Ripplecurrent is from RockClan, so I must be a RockClan cat... Right? I wondered.

Without thinking much of my sister's comment, I watched the two medicine cats give each other half of the flower portions that were provided.

Just as I began to doze off, I was suddenly picked up by someone. "Wh-what?" I began squirming around in the cats' grip out of confusion. "Stop moving so much, Hollowkit, we have to get moving." Stormcloud muttered through a mouthful of my fur. Where are we going? I wanted to ask, Are the scary monsters coming back? Are we in danger? Is the den going to cave in? I held in my thoughts and took a deep breath. Within heartbeats, I found myself fast asleep.


I woke up as I was set down. Drowsily, I blinked up at Stormcloud. Are we safe now?

Sadly, I noticed we were just at the fence we had stayed at before. It was broken; the dark wood was splintered where it had snapped and fallen. Blood was stained all over the wood. A pool of blood was behind the group of cats. No one seemed to care that it was there. Nightshade was no where to be found and I wondered if that blood had been her blood.

Lionkit and Pebblekit were asleep beside Ripplecurrent's paws. "Okay," Lark began with Marshstar and Wildstar standing tall and proud beside him. Wildstar was small compared to the two tall toms, but she held her chin high. I purred to myself at how she was small compared to the other two beside her.

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