Chapter Two

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Flamepaw's POV

I jolted awake as a nudge in my shoulder woke me from my deep slumber. Turns out, it was already morning. No apprentices were in the den other then me, and I felt suddenly very embarrassed. "Hurry up. Wildflower is going to start making patrols!" Rowantail sneered, backing back out of the apprentice den.

Without commenting, I scurried out of the den with matted fur and twisted whiskers. Drowsily, I wobbled over to where my sister, Amberpaw, sat. She was wide awake and cleaned up. She looked ready for the day. The reddish she-cat was waiting quietly and patiently for Wildflower to come from her meeting with Seastar.

I cleaned up my thick russet pelt until it was satisfyingly clean. For me, at least. Amberpaw... not so much. My sister leaned over and licked down a part I hadn't been able to reach and dipped her small head. "There you go," she purred. I nodded my head to her with a smile.

I watched as Wolftail played around with his small tabby son. "I'm a RockClan intruder!" Wolftail growled playfully, stomping around Chipkit as he purred loudly. The tabby tom jumped at his fathers' side and clawed his way up onto his back, nibbling on Wolftail's ears.

"Be careful you two!" Loudbird snapped from where she laid in the sun. Her eyes were narrowed. "He'll be fine, Loudbird!" Wolftail reassured with his whiskers twitching in amusement. "Chipkit will be the finest and bravest warrior ever; don't worry, he can handle anything!" Wolftail purred.

"No he can't. He's a kit! Don't be so rough." Loudbird growled.

Wolftail didn't reply, just kept playing with Chipkit. "I'll be the best warrior!" Thornkit boasted, puffing out his chest. "No way! I will!" Whisperkit growled, leaping onto Thornkit. They tumbled around even as Wildflower stepped away from Seastar. I felt an urge to jump in and fight with them as well, but I was an apprentice now! I had to be serious!

"Spottedfire, Nightshade, bring your apprentices on a patrol to the singular tree that marks our territory." Wildflower began, and immediately the four of them set off. "Ivysplash, take Dawnflower and Twistedsoul to the waterfalls' pool to fish." Dawnflower nuzzled Amberpaw as she left in a hurry.

"Make the Clan proud, you two," she whispered before leaving. She always said that, making our day brighter.

The three cats seemed very relieved to be going near water as they hurried out of the camp. Twistedsoul was a bit slower than the others; with a permanent twisted ankle, it took more effort to run than it should.

"Ghostglow, Rowantail, take your apprentices and go to the other side of the river near The Drop. Be careful around the waterfall," Wildflower ordered. "I will go with Skullsong, Whitefeather, and Wolftail to RockClan's border in the Gathering Place."

Mistfire called the three kits to her as Chipkit's father said his goodbyes to him and his mate. "Let me tell you the time when I caught a fish bigger than three cats!" She meowed happily. As we left, Lightfeather followed us in a rush. "Can I come?" I heard Smokepaw, her eager apprentice, ask.

"No!" Lightfeather gasped. She looked panicked and in a major hurry to go somewhere. I don't think the herbs will die that quickly... "N-no, I'm getting herbs. I'll be back soon. Name the er... herbs while I'm gone." She called over her shoulder as she headed out of the camp.

I shook off her odd manor and followed behind a flirtatious Rowantail and an impatient Ghostglow. Amberpaw was silent and content while I was excited to just get into the cool water.
Rowantail floated in the water majestically, paddling up and down the river with a confident look on her face. Ghostglow looked unsatisfied, knowing Rowantail wanted him to look at her. The dark ginger she-cat got out of the river and shook out her pelt. When Ghostglow just walked past her, a look of frustration came over her in a heartbeat. "I'm crossing the river to catch prey. Amberpaw, let's go," Ghostglow grunted as he walked into the water. Amberpaw waited for me to follow, her paw raised near the waters edge and her eyes meeting me from over her shoulder.

"Flamepaw, you can stay there and watch your idiotic mentor if you'd like." Ghostglow called from the center of the river. Rowantail gasped in shock and anger, but didn't comment.

I didn't answer either, just nodded and joined Amberpaw's mentor as he climbed onto the other side of the river. The waterfall loudly roared beside us, echoing in the cave where the waterfall created an unseen pool. It had to have been a fourty-fox-length fall. Nursery tales were made to scare the apprentices away from the edge, saying that a couple of apprentices got to close and fell in. They were never seen again.

Some of the apprentices say if you listen hard enough, you can still hear the desperate cries of the dead apprentices as they beg for help.

It was only a nursery tale, though. No one really took it seriously.

I climbed into the ground again, pelt dripping, just as Amberpaw hit the mid-river section. I waited for her to climb up before I left the shore. I was glad my pelt was cooled down, even though in mere heartbeats it was warm and half-dry.

"Amberpaw, sniff around. Do you smell anything?" Ghostglow asked, sitting beside the gorge's wall. I padded up quietly beside Amberpaw's mentor. "Join her. I don't think Rowantail is coming over here anytime soon," Ghostglow insisted. I nodded after glancing over the river. Rowantail was watching the water swirl by, searching for any fish that would fall under her wrath.

For a cat who wanted so many toms, you'd think she would have a mate by now...

Sorry if it was boring and short, again. The next chapter will be up soon! Yes, there will be the bombing. Yes, there will be death. And yes, there will be grief.
P_A83 out!

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