Chapter 9: History Repeats Itself

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Book 1: Hope
Chapter 9: History Repeats Itself


Lefty and Pepper flew side by side towards the Spirit Portal. Jiansu rode on Pepper with Jinora, while Meelo and Kinlei took Lefty.

They reached the portal and flew right into it. The bison soared into the Spirit World. Jiansu spotted the Tree of Time hundreds of feet below. It stood in the center of a circle. He also realized that the ground inside the circle was two different colors, a darker color and a lighter color. The two colors swirled together forming a Yin-Yang symbol. Where the dots would usually be, Spirit Portals rose into the sky.

"Light and dark." Jiansu said.

"Yes. This is the center of the Spirit World, both literally and figuratively. Spiritual energy is at its strongest here, be it light or dark." Jinora explained.

"I see where Kinlei gets her knowledge from." Jiansu said.

They flew over the Tree of Time and entered the other portal. They emerged in yet another arctic landscape: the North Pole.



Four Flying Bison flew in diamond formation over the North Sea. Rohan's bison took the lead, while Taima flew right wing. As they neared the Northern Air Temple, Akira put on her new wingsuit.

"Stick close to me. The draft will keep you aloft. That's the only way a non-Airbender can use a wingsuit. Don't worry if you fall. I'll catch you." Gyatso said.

Akira nodded nervously. It was freezing at their altitude, but she was sweating. The bison kept getting higher in the sky.

"We're getting closer to the launching point. Are you ready?" Gyatso asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Akira replied.

"It's nothing to be afraid of." Gyatso said.

Rohan called out to everyone over the radio. "This is Ace, Silver Wings come in."

"Maelstrom, checking in." Gyatso said.

"Blaze, over." Someone else said.

"Turtle Duck one, reporting."

"Turtle Duck two, affirmative."

The Airbenders continued checking in. Gyatso fixed a small personal radio to Akira's collar.

"Okay, your callsign is Dragon's Breath." He said.

"Nice." Akira replied.

"Silver Wings, are you ready for deployment?" Rohan called.

"Maelstrom and Dragon's Breath here, affirmative." Gyatso replied.

All the other Airbenders called over the radio, confirming they were ready.

"Alright Silver Wings, dive." Rohan said.

Gyatso jumped off Taima's back with his glider opened. Akira jumped off after him and spread her wings. Rohan flew in the front on his glider. It was a lemur-wing type made with blue canvas. Everyone else either had the traditional gliders or wingsuits. They raced towards the ground.



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