Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Harry's POV

Louis pulled into a parking spot at the hospital and I quickly jumped out of the van with Hattie. When we walked through the sliding doors, the lady at the reception desk looked up at us and immediately called for more nurses. About 3 nurses came rushing over to us, shooting questions.

"What happened? Is this her blood? How long has she been unconscious?" one of the nurses asked taking Hattie into her arms.

"Abusive boyfriend and she was raped, Yes, about 15 minutes." I answered, following closely behind her. She walked into a room and placed her onto the bed and immediately began hooking her up to I.V's. I was standing in the corner nervously watching the three nurses and now a doctor scramble around Hattie.

"Sir we're going to have to ask you to leave." he said. I shook my head and cast my gaze back onto Hattie and the nurses. "No really sir. We need you to leave." he continued. I let out a exasperated sigh and turned to leave out of the room, but I bumped in to Louis. I completely forgot he was here with me. I walked past him back to the waiting room.I flopped down into a very uncomfortable chair and placed my head in my hands.

"She'll be alright mate. Don't worry yourself too much." Louis placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I nodded to show recognition.

All I could think about was going back to her flat and beating the crap out of that guy. The way Sammi was acting, I believe that he was Trevor, her boyfriend. Who the hell does that to your girlfriend? Let alone anyone? It all makes since now though. When she came to the meet and greet she had a black eye, bruised cheek, and a busted lip that she clearly tried to cover up with make-up, but I just assumed she got into a fight with another girl or something. After this I just feel really protective over her, like I have to protect her from any and everything that could possibly hurt her in anyway. I can't explain it but I know I'll be there for her through everything.

"Harry, Lou! How is she?" Sammi asked as she and the rest of the boys came bustling into the hospital. I got to my feet and she brought me into a tight hug.

"I don't know. They haven't really said anything yet. How did you guys get here?" I sat back down in my seat. They all grabbed a seat and brought them closer to me and Lou.

"Cab." Zayn said.

"Did you...did you know that was happening to her?" I asked Sammi the question that's been floating around in my mind since I found Hattie in the state she was in.

"No. Not at all. I mean, I-I knew he was a douche and was verbally abusive, but she never told me about him hitting her." the more she talked the quieter she got, as if she was just now realizing something. "Oh my god. all makes since. The bruises that magically appeared, but she always said it was nothing. was nothing. could I not have know? What kind of friend does that? Oh god. She probably hates me now, I was too late...too stupid to realize it. I-it's my fault. I-I could have stopped this. I-I'm a horrible friend, hell I'm a horrible person." she said more to herself. She was crying by the end of her rant.

"Shhh. It's not you're fault and I'm sure she doesn't hate you." Zayn comforted her as she cried into his shoulder. He continued to whisper in her ear until she calmed down.

"Hattie Krause?" A lady called, walking into the waiting room holding a clipboard. We all stood to our feet. "Are you all family?" Sammi stepped out.

"I'm the closet thing to family she has right now." she said wiping away stray tears. The doctor looked skeptical but nonetheless nodded.

"Okay. Well I'm Dr. May Deedrick. I had the pleasure of treating Miss Krause today. She has several wounds to the head that don't seem too bad at the moment, but we still took some precautions. I placed her in a medically induced coma, that she's guaranteed to wake up from in 24 hours. I did this because her body is under a lot of stress from the multiple wounds that were inflicted on her. Being in this coma will give her body the rest it needs to properly heal itself. Also, I have prescribed her some pain killers for when she wakes up, because she has 3 bruised ribs on each side, that's going to cause her a lot of pain." the doctor explained. We all kind of took a breath of relief knowing she's going to be okay.

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