Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Hattie's POV

Living with them?! "Uhh. W-what?" I asked in disbelief. I barely know them, what would I look like living with them.

"You'll stay with us." he said slowly, as if talking to a three-year-old.

" I'll just find a hotel roo-" I started but he cut me off.

"No Hattie. It's set, you're staying with me and the boys." he said sternly.

"I'm not going to just barge into you guys' lives like that. Honestly, I'll just find a cheap hotel somewhere." I said.

"No Hattie! Just stop trying to find ways to not come live with us. You're not barging in, we would love to have you. And plus you need someone to watch after you while your ribs heal." he said smiling slightly.

"Whatever." I huffed, too tired to argue with him anymore. A huge grin spread across his face as he stood up.

"I'll go sign you out then." with that he exited the hospital room. I turned to look and Sammi and she just shrugged her shoulders. I sighed heavily and just relaxed further into the hospital bed.


"Since we have just enough rooms for the five of us, you can have my room and I'll just room with Lou." Harry said as he helped into door of their house. I mumbled an okay.

"Are you in any pain?" he asked cautiously.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

"So I can pick you up and carry you upstairs? I don't want to be on the stairs for ages helping you walk up them." he said trying not to smile.

I shot him a glare. "Sure, just hurry up I'm tired." I mumbled. He chuckled softly and scooped me up into his arms. Not going to lie, it hurt like hell but I didn't say anything because I had a feeling he would freak out.

When we got up stairs he didn't let me down until we came up to a closed bedroom door. He set me down gently and opened the door revealing a surprisingly clean room, with the exception on a few strewn clothes here and there.

"Okay, sit on the bed and I'll take off your shoes." he said guiding towards the bed. I flopped down and bit my lip to keep from groaning from the pain the exploded in my sides. He squatted down and pulled off my converse and tossed them somewhere to the side. When he finished he lifted my legs making me yelp from the pain the shot up my legs from the bruises.

"Fucking hell Harry, be more rough on my legs next time." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh sorry love." he said and pulled the covers over me. "Sleep. I'll unpack your things and move my stuff to Louis' room." he said walking over to his wardrobe.

"Okay." I mumbled sleepily, slowly but surely slipping into unconsciousness.

"Stop, stop please!" I whimpered trying to wiggled away from him as he roughly thrust into me, pain like no other radiating through my southern regions.

"Please..please stop. Please." I sobbed out adding to the sounds slapping skin and his throaty grunts of pleasure.

I tried yelling out for help but no sound was coming out. "Please." I sobbed.

"Shut up bitch!" he grunted and brought a heavy hand down onto my face. I cried out in pain and in hopes of someone to would hear me, to help me.

"Hattie. Hattie love wake up it's just a dream." I heard a frantic voice rush out. I quickly snapped my eyes open and shot up. I cried out as white hot pain erupted in my sides.

"Fuck!" I yelled through gritted teeth laying back down on the bed.

"Hattie! Are you okay?" the same frantic voice said, placing their hands over mine that was on my ribs. I exhaled through my nose and open one eyes to look at who was in front me. Harry stood over me with a look of pure fear and worry in his eyes, with Sammi and the rest of the boys behind him mirroring his expression.

"Are okay? You were just screaming bloody murder!" Harry said with wide eyes.

"I'm fine." I grunt out.

"I'll get you some more pain meds." Sammi mumbles and walks out of the room.

After getting me pain meds, Niall insisted we get some food so Liam and Niall went to Burger King. When we got done eating we decided to watch a movie.

"Lets watch something scary!" Louis suggested, stretching the 'a' making it sound spooky.

"Possession or Sinister?" Zayn said holding up both. There was a chorus of Sinister throughout everyone, so he popped that one in.

I was sat on a couch with Harry on one side and Niall on the other. Sammi sat on the floor in-between my legs and Zayn and Louis were seated on a two-seater.

After the movie I was a bit shaken up, it wasn't too scary..just really weird. I was half asleep too due to my pain meds so I quickly retreated to bed, and this time changing into a proper pair of pajamas. I snuggled into the fluffy sheets and slipped into a thankfully dreamless sleep.


Sorry, bit crappy.

Okay so sorry for the sorta late upload..crazy life right now. Uhhmm, I didn't finish editing it fully yet, just got out most of the misspelled words and yeah don't hate me too much for any other grammatical errors :/

comment/vote/fan? :D

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