Chapter 8

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Harry's POV:

Louis liked Hattie.

That's what my mind keeps playing in my head over and over. But why? Why does that simple little sentence make my heart wrench painfully everytime? Why did my heart nearly stop when Liam asked Louis that? Why did it feel like I was just slapped in the face when Lou blushed, pretty much confirming it. Louis never blushes, ever. Unless he's laughing at something really funny, but that's it. I mean yeah, Hattie's absolutely gorgeous but why do I feel the sudden need to be protective over her? And not in a brotherly type way. I know it's not me liking her, I mean I barely know eher. There no possible way for you to have the slightest feelings for someone you barely know...right?

"What's got you thinking so hard?" Liam said taking a seat across from me. I mumbled 'nothing' and turned my gaze to the T.V. I could feel his gaze burning a hole in my head, so I turned back to face him.

"What?" I asked.

"What's up with you mate? You've ever since Louis came down." he stated. My chest clenched at the mention of Louis' crush on Hattie. I'm guessing it showed on my face too because Liam raised a brow at me questioningly. I just shook my head.

"I'm fine. Just...tired." I mumbled. He didn't look convinced whatsoever. He just continued to give me that questiong look before he sighed.

"You like her don't you?" he deadpanned. His question took me by suprise, making my eyes widen a bit before I righted myself.

"What are you talking about?" I played dumb.

he rolled his eyes. "You like Hattie." he stated matter of factly. I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closing it, realizing I didn't know what to say to that exactly. He gave me a knowing smile before speaking. "I had a hunch you did by the way you were shooting glares at Louis." he said chuckling softly.

"Yeah, well.." I mumbled shrugging my shoulders.

"Don't get too worked up over it mate." he said sympathetically.

"I'm not." I grumbled angrily.

Hattie's POV:

My head was pounding, but then again so was my whole body. It took me second before everything thing that happened came rushing back, making me groan. Last I remember, I was laying on the cold tiled floor of the why did I feel warm sheets around me?

Finally opening my eyes to search my surroundings, I see I was indeed in a bed, my bed. But how did I get here? Before I could ponder on it any longer the door to the bedroom swung open revealing a struggling Niall. He had a tray with an assortment of fruits and what looked like a cup of orange juice.

"Hey." I said, making him jump slightly.

"Oh, hey you're up!" he said sparring me a glance before concentrating on not spilling the drink before he could set it on the bedside table.

I slowly began to sit up, my ribs protesting the whole time. When I was almost in complete sitting position, I realized I was naked under the covers. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I quickly looked to see if Niall had seen anything but he was too busy balancing the try on the table to notice anything.

"Uhm, Niall. You think you could go in that dresser and grab me a t-shirt when you're done?" I asked. He nodded in response and took a step back from the tray holding his hands out to it as if to halt it before turning away to the dresser.

He tossed me the shirt and took a seat on my bed. "Uhm..Niall?" I laughed sheepishly. "Can you uh..close you eyes or turn around or something..?" I held up the shirt when he gave me a confused look. Recognition showed in his features before his cheeks flushed and he quickly turned his back to me. I couldn't help the soft chuckle that escaped at his adorableness, and quickly pulled the shirt over my head.

"I think you're good nialler." I said reaching for the tray. I set the juice on the table and dragged the tray to my lap. Niall was facing me again when I began eating.

"So how are you feeling?" he asked casually as he reached for a whole cluster of grapes. "I was great until you took all my grapes!" I pouted reaching for the grapes. He pulled then out of reach and looked at me like I asked him to murder newborn puppies.

"what the heck Niall?!" I gaped at him "What?!" he asked with a mouth full of MY grapes.

"Those are my favorite! That's what! Give them back!" I said reaching for them again, only for him to slap my hand away.

"No way! These are good!" he shook his head profusely. I was about to yell at him but someone chuckling at the door made me think twice.

"What are you guys doing?" Zayn asked. I looked at Niall too see his cheeks full of my grapes and scowled at him before I turned back to Zayn with my best puppy dog face. "He took my grapes!" I cried, jutting my lower out for more effect. He looked from me to Niall before sighing.

"Niall give the girl back her-" before he could finish Niall cut him off.

"WHACT! THASH NOCH FAIR!" he yelled though his words were mushed due to his mouth being full of my grapes. He looked at Zayn then glared at me, which I stuck my tongue out in response and plucked what was left of my grapes from his hands.

"Thanks Zayn!" said happily munching on my grapes.

"No problem." he said laughing as Niall stormed out of the room, past Zayn. He shook his head and turned to follow after him after he waved bye to me. Only a couple of seconds after he left he returned, poking his head in my door.

"Oh and by the way, Lou likes you." he said with a wink.

Wait, what?!


Another extremely late upload...sorry :/

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